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4.3 We will learn about art as a form of protest and civil disobedience. We will study a poem and emulate its structure and content by synthesizing our.

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Presentation on theme: "4.3 We will learn about art as a form of protest and civil disobedience. We will study a poem and emulate its structure and content by synthesizing our."— Presentation transcript:

1 4.3 We will learn about art as a form of protest and civil disobedience. We will study a poem and emulate its structure and content by synthesizing our own ideas about social injustices. We will learn about the Holocaust through reading and studying Wiesel’s first hand experience.

2 Graduation Reminders/Info./Questions? Grades/Computer Outage
Housekeeping Graduation Reminders/Info./Questions? Grades/Computer Outage Additional Work to Pursue Grade Concern s Graduation Announcements/Humor Me Protest & Civil Disobedience Literature as a form of protest art “First they came…”. Night | Chapters 2 & 3 Protest Art Banksy The Power of Music REMINDERS: Grades will be up to date by the end of the week; review yours for any errors/missing work and come see me. Pursue additional work now posted on the website if you are concerned about your grade. HOMEWORK: Begin thinking of a topic/theme/area of focus for your piece of protest art.

3 housekeeping Graduation Info./Questions? Finals Schedule
Website: Graduation Info. Rehearsal Friday, 5/26 1 PM at MVHS Graduation, Saturday 5/27 3 PM Tassels & Gowns Finals Schedule 6 more classes! You can do this! You’re almost there. Grades and Missing Work Mock Trial Make-Up’s and Alternatives Mock Trial scores and A Doll’s House extra credit have been posted Make-up Work, Free Writes, and Jury Questionnaires will hit the gradebook ASAP, computers willing Additional work to pursue has been posted An additional assignment will hit the website today Grade Concern s Graduation Announcements/Humor Me

4 To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.
First they came… Read the poem, “First They Came…” Background on Martin Niemoller & “First They Came…” Is this a piece of literary protest? Share modernized version by Lichfield Next, consider what groups you’ve observed the persecution of and by whom. Create your own modernized version of this poem, mimicking its structure, but changing its content to reflect your own views of social injustices. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all. -Elie Wiesel

5 Night | Chapters 2 & 3 Simply follow along as I read chapter 2 aloud to you. Record any questions or thoughts you have regarding the content in your W column of your K-W-L page. For the remainder of class read chapter 3 independently. While you are reading consider the following questions:  What traits help individuals or societies succeed where others fail? To what extent are individuals responsible for their own choices and for the actions of the groups to which they belong?  How does membership in a social structure bring responsibility? Can art and literature be an effective form of protest?

6 Protest: defined Noun: a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something, an organized public demonstration objecting to an official policy or course of action Verb: express an objection to an action or remark, make an emphatic declaration or denial in response to doubt or accusation

7 Banksy and Street art The arc of history bends towards justice. Protest art just speeds things along. Protest art afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted.

8 The power of music Divide a paper into two columns; listen and follow along to the lyrics of two songs. In the left hand column record any power words or phrases that resonate with you or speak to the idea of protest. Now, in the right hand column, work with someone next to you to come up with the main ideas and themes being conveyed by the song.

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