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Localized Delaunay Refinement for Volumes

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1 Localized Delaunay Refinement for Volumes
Tamal K Dey and Andrew G Slatton The Ohio State University

2 Problem Input: Volume O bounded by smooth 2-manifold ∂O
Output: Tetrahedral mesh approximates O Constraints: Use a localized framework

3 Restricted Delaunay Del S|M: Collection of Delaunay simplices t where Vt intersects M

4 Limitations Traditional refinement maintains Delaunay triangulation in memory This does not scale well Causes memory thrashing May be aborted by OS

5 Our Contribution A simple algorithm that avoids the scaling issues of the Delaunay triangulation Avoids memory thrashing Topological and geometric guarantees Guarantee of termination Potentially parallelizable

6 Basic Approach Divide sample in octree and refine each node individually [DLS10] Applying to volumes [DLS10] and [ORY05] New challenges

7 Difficulties: Consistency
Without some additional processing, meshes will not fit consistently across boundaries Addressed in [DLS10]

8 Difficulties: Termination
Arbitrarily close insertions Addressed in [DLS10]

9 New Difficulties Sample points must lie in bounded domain
Not a problem in [DLS10] Outside vs inside

10 New Difficulties All vertices of restricted triangles must lie on ∂O
May lead to arbitrarily dense refinement

11 Algorithm Parameters: λ κ Sizing Sample density Approximation quality
Points per node

12 Algorithm: Overview Add octree root to processing queue
Process node at head of queue May split into new nodes or re-enqueue some existing nodes Repeat this step until queue is empty

13 Node Processing Split Do when |P| > κ, where P = P ∩ 
Divide P among children of 

14 Node Processing Refine
Do while |P| ≤ κ Initialize node  with Del(R) = Del(P U N) When a node  is not being refined, keep only P and UpϵPTp

15 Refinement Criteria Restricted triangle size, rf < λ
Vertices of restricted triangles lie on ∂O Topological disk Voronoi edge intersects at most once Tetrahedron size, rt < λ Radius-edge ratio, ratio < 2

16 Point Insertion Strategy is similar to that in [DLS10]
Termination Key difference: We may delete some points after an insertion Topological guarantees Does not prevent termination

17 Reprocessing Re-enqueue ’ if  ≠ ’ inserts new point q in P’ or N’
Necessary for consistency

18 Output Output UpϵPTp Union of all UpϵPTp over all nodes  in octree

19 Termination Theorem 1: The algorithm terminates.
Use a packing argument to prove this

20 Termination Each refinement criterion implies some LB
(C1)→d’ss ≥ min{dss,λ} and d’sv ≥ min{dsv,λ} (C2)→d’ss ≥ min{dss,dsv/2,dvv/2} and d’sv ≥ min{dsv,λ} (C3)→d’ss ≥ min{dss,λ∂O} and d’sv ≥ min{dsv,λ} (C4)→d’ss ≥ min{dss,λ*} and d’sv ≥ min{dsv,λ} (C5)→d’sv ≥ min{dsv,λ} and d’vv ≥ min{dvv,λ}. (C6)→d’sv,d’vv ≥ min{2dss,dsv,dvv} or d’ss ≥ min{dss,dsv,dvv}. Apply results from [CDRR07], [BO05], [Dey06], [AB99]

21 Topology & Geometry Theorem 2: T=UpTp is subcomplex of Del P|O
∂T is a 2-manifold without boundary Output is no more then λ distance from O For small λ: T is isotopic to O Hausdorff distance O(λ2)

22 Results

23 Results

24 Results

25 Closing Remarks Key observations Shortcomings Future work
Localized beats non-localized We are faster than CGAL Shortcomings Slivers Future work Sliver elimination Piecewise-smooth complexes

26 Thank You!

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