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1071 Battle of Manzikert heralds influx of

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1 1071 Battle of Manzikert heralds influx of
Turks into Asia Minor 27th November 1095 Pope Urban II (p ) preaches the First Crusade at Clermont Spring 1096 “Peasants’ Crusade” travels to Constantinople Sept/Oct 1096 Peasants’ Crusade massacred by Saljuqs of Rum

2 End 1097 “Official” crusading armies reach
Constantinople, are shipped across Bosphorus 1109 Crusaders complete conquest of much of Levantine coast, with states set up based at Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli and Jerusalem

3 1105 Kitab al-Jihad (Book of the Holy War)
dictated in public by ‘Ali ibn Tahir al-Sulami ( ) 1144 ‘Imad al-Din Zangi takes Edessa 1146 Zangi murdered by slave Reign of Nur al-Din Jami‘ al-Nuri, Hama, Syria (bt ); Great Mosque, Aleppo (restored by Nur al-Din, )

4 1148 Crusaders fail to take Damascus
1154 Nur al-Din takes Damascus Jan 1169 Shirkuh becomes Fatimid vizier Reign of Salah al-Din Yusuf (Saladin) 1171 Death of Fatimid caliph al-‘Adid. Saladin abolishes Fatimid caliphate 1174 Death of Nur al-Din

5 1174-86 Saladin takes control of Syria
1187 Saladin destroys crusaders’ field army Saladin takes most of coast including Jerusalem

6 1189-92 Richard I and Saladin fight each other
to a standstill Sept 1192 Peace agreement made. Richard leaves Levant 3rd March 1193 Death of Saladin Levant ruled by Saladin’s family until ousted by Mamluks, who sweep crusaders off coast by 1291

7 1140s Almoravid Empire: Revolts in some
Muslim cities against Almoravids, with rulers being ejected

8 1121-30 “Reign” of Ibn Tumart as mahdi
of the muwahhidun (Almohads = “unitarians”). Almohad position is mix of Sunni, Shi‘ite, Traditionalist and Mu‘tazilite elements ‘Abd al-Mu’min reigns as Almohad caliph ‘Abd al-Mu’min takes N. Africa from Almoravids, incl. Marrakesh

9 1147-48 ‘Abd al-Mu’min takes south-west
Spain 1160 ‘Abd al-Mu’min takes Ifriqiya 1170s ‘Abd al-Mu’min’s successors take south-east Spain Mosque of Hasan, Rabat, Morocco (bt. 1199)

10 1212 Almohads defeated at Las Navas de Tolosa
1269 Marinids take Marrakesh, complete conquest of N. Africa 1275 All but Granada in Christian hands 1492 Christians take Granada mudejars (mudajjan = “permitted to remain”/“put to use”)

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