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Lessons from FDA and DIAS Workshop and applicability to WGCV

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1 Lessons from FDA and DIAS Workshop and applicability to WGCV
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Lessons from FDA and DIAS Workshop and applicability to WGCV WGCV Plenary 13th April 2018 Sao Paolo, Brazil

2 MEA GUI Flexible, agile platform;
Can handle various forms/formats of datasets, EO, in-situ, etc.; Agnostic to data level, type, pixel size, geometric projections, etc.; Designed by an EO user for EO users! Proposal: Investigate for collaborative action/task with WGISS on CEOS Data Cubes and CEOS Test Sites Data Access in support to LPV supersites; Other similar systems – WELD?

3 Datacube = blah, blah, blah (literally)
A plethora of datacube presented from govt, private, govt&private; Potential run away train - understand need for harmonisation/interoperability and quality indicators; How do we proactively provide guidance? What do we have now that can be put on the table (with qualifiers) to provide a first pass uncertainty for SR? Quality indicators: quantitative (uncertainties, completeness of metadata), description/qualitative; Need for terminology definition of datacube, clarification of terms such as traceability/provenance (used inter-changeably);

4 Real users Uganda: flood, drought indicators;
what are the triggers/threshold before announcement made and what accuracy required, what are the implications if mistakes are made?; Reverse engineer that to the uncertainties required to increase probability of correct announcement; Provide tangible link between a real world problem and uncertainty for CEOS management sell.

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