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A Regional Framework Operation (RFO) in Interreg IIIC programme

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1 Guifré Esquerrà MATEO Project Manager CIDEM – Government of Catalonia Brussels, March 7th 2007

2 A Regional Framework Operation (RFO) in Interreg IIIC programme
What is MATEO? A Regional Framework Operation (RFO) in Interreg IIIC programme The Interreg IIIC Programme promotes cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation The overall objective is to improve the effectiveness of policies and instruments for regional development through large-scale information exchange and sharing of experience Interreg is financed by ERDF, as part of the Structural Funds, and co-financed by national project partners and participants An RFO is a self-supporting mini-programme aimed at executing sub-projects involving entities from the participating regions

3 What is the goal of MATEO?
To stimulate regional innovation by: developing new knowledge-intensive industrial activities stimulating the knowledge-intensiveness of existing ones. How to achieve it? through close cooperation between entities from four European regions: Catalonia (Spain; represented by CIDEM) Noord-Brabant (the Netherlands; represented by the Province of North Brabant, N.V. BOM and Syntens) Lombardy (Italy; represented by Regione Lombardia and supported by CESTEC) South-West Bohemia (Czech Republic; represented by RERA)

4 MATEO’s thematic area’s
Regions In this framework MATEO executes: Catalonia Regional Foresight Studies Diagnosis visits Matching using experts Subprojects Lombardia Noord-Brabant South-West Bohemia Sectors Biotech Advanced materials Phamra & medical technology Renewable energy Aerospace Mechatronics Food Process & production technology Technologies

5 General phasing of MATEO activities
January December 2005 Subproject proposal preparation Regional Foresight Studies Profiling of organisations through diagnosis visits January June 2006 Selection and negotiation of subproject proposals May September 2007 Execution of subprojects September December 2007 Evaluation of results Implemenation of results in regional innovation plans

6 Key MATEO deliverables
8 Regional Foresight Studies 240 diagnoses of individual organisations Interregional database with organisation profiles 5 Brokerage sessions 100 interregional contacts 8-16 Subprojects (SP’s) Participation in definition of Regional Innovation Strategies Intensive interchange on methodologies / best practices 4 Conferences to disseminate success cases Creation and maintenance of Web Portal

7 Subproject preparation - three lines of activity
- thematic experts - ideas database - pre-proposals proposals MATEO deliverables: 100 matches 40 incubator <-> technostarter 40 between technostarters 20 technology transfer 8-16 subprojects Matching activities thematic experts existing regional data questionnaires - targeted mailing - diagnosis forms - IRC database Regional Foresight Studies Profiling through diagnosis visits MATEO deliverables: - 8 regional foresight studies MATEO deliverables: - 240 diagnosis visits Each line of activities follows its own schedule - one should not delay others Each region should aim for maximum synthesis between lines

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