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Nine weeks project #2.

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Presentation on theme: "Nine weeks project #2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nine weeks project #2

2 Option #1 A poster The direction are the same as last nine weeks:
Half sheets of poster board Ten facts One picture All hand-written

3 The choices for the poster:
The difference in an element, compound, and mixture How to balance a chemical equation The periodic table of elements The layers of the atmosphere Chemical reactions

4 Rubric for the poster: Follow the directions-100
Do not follow the directions-80

5 Option #2 a demonstration
Science show and tell, basically. Can not do a demonstration someone else has already done in your class.

6 Rubric for the demonstration
Know what you are doing? 100 Know what you are doing and everyone participates? 105 Do not know what you are doing? 80

7 The fine print This project is due on or before December 4.
If you turn it in within the first three weeks, you get three PBIS points. If you do not turn in a project, you lose all labs until progress report time.

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