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Educational Enquiry (6 credits)

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1 Educational Enquiry (6 credits)
University of Bath Department of Education Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies Educational Enquiry (6 credits) Having completed the Curriculum Studies and Understanding Learners and Learning units, you need to take an Educational Enquiry unit to complete the Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies.

2 What is the assignment about?
An Educational Enquiry unit requires you to investigate an educational issue of your choice which links with the themes you explored in your Curriculum Studies and Understanding Learners and Learning unit assignments. Ideally, it should bring together areas of curriculum, learning and assessment in thinking about your practice. The assignment will provide you with an opportunity to reflect on your learning from the previous units and explore implications for your professional practice. We would like this to include your work in supporting refugee children in your school. You will be expected to extend your reading beyond the literature you used for the assignments.

3 How do I study for the Educational Enquiry?
There is no formal contact time assigned for this unit but your work will be supervised by a University tutor and will involve a workload of approximately 100 hours to gather source material, to undertake reading and to write the 3,000 word assignment. You will have six-months to complete the assignment.

4 How do I work with my tutor?
You will develop the structure of your enquiry yourself and work on it independently. You will be supported by your tutor to agree the focus of your enquiry and how you will go about it. Then it will be up to you to contact your tutor when you need advice. As with the previous units, you are strongly advised to submit a draft assignment at least six weeks before the final deadline. Your tutor can then give you feedback in time to make changes to the final version.

5 timeline Mid-August 2018 – submission of draft ULL assignment End-August 2018 – feedback from tutor Mid-September 2018 – briefing session and individual tutorials to discuss proposed area for EE assignment End-September 2018 – submission of final ULL assignment Start-October 2018 – Educational Enquiry unit starts Mid-December 2018 – tutorials to review progress Mid-February 2019 – submission of draft EE assignment End-March 2019 – submission of final EE assignment

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