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Star Students Calendar 3/13-3/17 3/15 – PTO Meeting 7-8:30

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1 Star Students Calendar 3/13-3/17 3/15 – PTO Meeting 7-8:30
Literacy This week we will continue daily practice of our sight words. Please continue to support this at home. Our book of the week is “Underwater” and the sight words are “with & not”. We will be spending the next two weeks with this story as we “travel” as a class to Hawaii. We will be doing a study of Hawaii, the geography, pineapple plantations, tropical fish, and flowers and plants. We will keep our “Wood Shop” open so that the students can continue working with sanding, hammering, and painting. Our “virtual field trip” to a woodshop will be 3/23. We will also continue our journey through the solar system this week by visiting the remaining planets and returning home to Earth. In Writing Workshop students chose writing goals for themselves. This allows students to have ownership of their learning and focus on one skill. This goes along with our new Grammar Unit of Study. Students could choose from: using capitals at the beginning of a sentence, putting spaces between words, using lower case letters, or ending a sentence with proper punctuation. I have attached a photo of our chart. Calendar 3/15 – PTO Meeting 7-8:30 3/22 – Field Trip to Ryerson Forest 3/24 – Kindergarten Luau 3/27-3/31 – Spring Break/ No School 4/8 – PTO Fun Fair 11:00 – 3:00 Birthdays None this week! **Save the date! Mother’s Day Tea 5/12/17** Math This week we will finish work in Module 8. Students will return to Geometry. We will continue our work with 2D and 3D shapes. The 3D shapes we talk about are: cone, cylinder, sphere (ball), and cube. It’s not important that students master these terms, but understand the difference between 2D (flat) shapes and 3D (solid) shapes. Hopefully, we will be able to begin Module 9. This module will introduce the concept of subtraction and stories that represent this. At home, you can tell your children a simple addition or subtraction story and see if they know the difference. Can they tell if you are putting two groups together or starting with a whole group and losing some. Star Students 3/13 Emma 3/14 Josue 3/15 Muhammad 3/16 Nathan 3/17 Jake *Star student will read a book to the class.

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