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Notes Points Highlight Key Words/Phrases 2

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1 Notes Points Highlight Key Words/Phrases 2
Name ______________________________________ Period ________ Chapter 6 Notes Points Earned Points Possible Highlight Key Words/Phrases 2 Copy Notes: pictures + color + label 10 Questions: 20 questions + arrows Summary: 4 paragraph(s) 20 Drawings: 4 drawing(s) 8 TOTAL 40 J. Nguyen – Physical Science

2 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Chapter 6 Standard 3c. Students know how to explain the properties of rocks based on the physical and chemical conditions in which they formed

3 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Chapter 6 – Rocks

4 I. 6.1 rocks and the Rock Cycle
J. Nguyen – Physical Science I. 6.1 rocks and the Rock Cycle

5 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
a. What are rocks? Rocks are the materials that make up the solid part of the Earth. Rocks can contain different types of minerals.

6 b. Why are rocks important?
J. Nguyen – Physical Science b. Why are rocks important? Rock is an important natural resource. Used by early humans to make tools such as hammers, spears, knives, and scrapers. Used for centuries to make buildings, roads, and monuments. Certain types of rocks have helped build ancient and modern civilizations. Rock study has helped scientists to discover the history of life on Earth.

7 c. There are three major types of rocks.
J. Nguyen – Physical Science c. There are three major types of rocks. Igneous rock – rock formed when magma cools and hardens Magma is called lava when it is exposed at Earth’s surface. Example: granite

8 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Sedimentary rock – rock formed from sediment deposits compressed or cemented together Sediment is rocks, mineral crystals, and organic matter that have been broken into fragments. When sediments get laid on top each other over and over, they eventually get cemented together and harden and results in sedimentary rock. Example: sandstone

9 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Metamorphic rock – rock formed from certain forces and processes that can change the form of existing rock Processes can include tremendous pressure, extreme heat and chemical changes. Example: gneiss

10 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
D. The rock cycle shows the relationship among the three types of rocks. Any of the three major types of rocks can be changed into another of the three types. The series of changes from one rock type into another rock type is called the rock cycle. Much of the rock in Earth’s continental crust has passed through the rock cycle many times during Earth’s history.

11 The Rock Cycle – color the arrows and fill in the information.
J. Nguyen – Physical Science The Rock Cycle – color the arrows and fill in the information.

12 E. Rocks have several properties.
J. Nguyen – Physical Science E. Rocks have several properties. All rocks have physical and chemical properties that are determined by how and where the rock formed. Bowen’s reaction series is a simplified pattern that explains the order in which minerals form as magma solidifies. Chemical stability of minerals is the measure of a chemical compound’s ability to maintain its original chemical composition rather than change into something else. Physical stability of rocks refers to the zones of weakness that are determined by how and where the rocks form.

13 Write 5 questions for this section. Highlight key words and phrases.
J. Nguyen – Physical Science Write 5 questions for this section. Highlight key words and phrases. Draw a picture.

14 Summary (one paragraph) – page 2
Rocks are ______________________________. Rocks are important because (choose any 2 reasons) _____________ _________________________ and ____________________ _____________________. There are three types of rocks: 1. _________ rock which is rock formed _______________ ______________________, 2. __________ rock which is rock formed ______________________________________, and 3. ___________ rock which is rock formed __________ ____________________________________. The rock cycle is _______________________________________________.

15 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
II. 6.2 igneous rock

16 Felsic rock – contains large proportion of silica
J. Nguyen – Physical Science A. Igneous rocks are placed into one of three families based on chemical composition. Felsic rock – contains large proportion of silica Mafic rock – lower proportion of silica but large amounts of iron and magnesium Intermediate rock – in-between group; lower silica than felsic but higher than mafic

17 b. Magma and Rocks Magma is the parent material for all rocks.
J. Nguyen – Physical Science b. Magma and Rocks Magma is the parent material for all rocks. From the minute it cools and hardens, the resulting igneous rock forms and begins to change.

18 There are two main groups of igneous rocks:
J. Nguyen – Physical Science There are two main groups of igneous rocks: Intrusive igneous rocks – rocks formed from magma that has cooled underneath the Earth’s surface Extrusive igneous rocks – rocks formed from lava cooled at Earth’s surface

19 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
c. Intrusions are formed when magma intrudes into other rock masses. There are different intrusion structures.

20 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Batholiths and stocks Batholiths are the largest group of all intrusions spreading over at least 100km3. Stocks are smaller in size than batholiths. Both form the core of many mountain ranges.

21 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Laccoliths magma flows between rock layers and spreads upward, pushing other rock layers into a dome dome

22 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Sills and Dikes Sills are formed when magma flows between rocks and hardens. Dikes are formed when the magma flows up existing vertical fractures.


24 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
d. Extrusions are igneous rock masses that form on the earth’s surface. Devil’s Tower, Wyoming

25 Write 5 questions for this section. Highlight key words and phrases.
J. Nguyen – Physical Science Write 5 questions for this section. Highlight key words and phrases. Draw a picture.

26 Summary (one paragraph) – page 3
Igneous rocks are placed in three families based on chemical composition: 1. ___________ which are rocks that _________________, 2. __________ which are rocks that __________________ and 3. __________ which are rocks that _____________________. ___________ is the parent material for all rocks. There are two main groups of igneous rocks: 1. ____________ igneous rocks which are __________________________ and 2. ____________ igneous rocks which are __________________________. The three intrusion structures are _________________, _______________ and _________________. Extrusions are _________________________________________

27 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Iii. 6.3 sedimentary rock

28 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
A. Sedimentary rocks are classified based on process in which they are formed and the composition of the rocks.

29 b. There are Two main processes that form Sedimentary rocks.
J. Nguyen – Physical Science b. There are Two main processes that form Sedimentary rocks. Compaction – process in which sediment is squeezed and in which the size of the pore space between sediment grains is reduced by the weight and pressure of overlying layers Cementation – process in which sediments are glued together by minerals that are deposited by water

30 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
c. There are three classes of sedimentary rocks based on their composition. Chemical sedimentary rock – rock formed from minerals that were once dissolved in water When enough minerals evaporate, the remaining minerals can come out of the water. Examples: gypsum & halite

31 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Organic sedimentary rock – rock formed from the remains of living things Examples: coal & limestone

32 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Clastic sedimentary rock – rock formed from rock fragments carried away from their original source; are classified by one of three sizes:

33 Conglomerate – made of fragments ranging from fine mud to boulders
J. Nguyen – Physical Science Conglomerate – made of fragments ranging from fine mud to boulders

34 Sandstone – made of sand-sized grains
J. Nguyen – Physical Science Sandstone – made of sand-sized grains

35 Shale – made of clay-sized particles
J. Nguyen – Physical Science Shale – made of clay-sized particles

36 Write 5 questions for this section. Highlight key words and phrases.
J. Nguyen – Physical Science Write 5 questions for this section. Highlight key words and phrases. Draw a picture.

37 Summary (one paragraph) – page 4
There are two main processes to form sedimentary rocks: 1. _____________ which is __________________________ and 2. _____________ which is ______________________. There are three classes of sedimentary rocks: 1. ________ which is ______________________, 2. ______________ which is ______________________ and 3. _____________ which is ______________________. The three sizes of clastic sedimentary rocks are ___________, ____________ and _______________.

38 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
IV. 6.4 metamorphic rock

39 a. Metamorphic rock has two types of metamorphism (change).
J. Nguyen – Physical Science a. Metamorphic rock has two types of metamorphism (change). Contact metamorphism – type of metamorphism that occurs when small volumes of rock come into contact with magma Regional metamorphism – type of metamorphism that occurs when large areas of Earth’s crust are affected by heat and pressure caused by the movement of the Earth (plates)

40 b. Metamorphic rocks can be classified by their texture in two ways.
J. Nguyen – Physical Science b. Metamorphic rocks can be classified by their texture in two ways. Foliated – texture in which minerals are arranged in planes or bands Examples: slate & schist

41 J. Nguyen – Physical Science
Nonfoliated – texture in which minerals are not arranged in planes or bands Examples: quartzite & marble

42 Write 5 questions for this section.
J. Nguyen – Physical Science Write 5 questions for this section. You should have a total of 20 questions. Highlight key words and phrases. Draw a picture.

43 Summary (one paragraph) – Page 4
J. Nguyen – Physical Science Metamorphic rock has two types of metamorphism (__________): 1. _____________ metamorphism which is ___________________________________ and 2. _____________ metamorphism which is __________________________________________. Metamorphic rocks have two textures: 1.________ which is _______________________________ and an example is ________ and 2. ___________ which is __________________________________ and an example is ____________.

44 Notes Points Highlight Key Words/Phrases 2
Name ______________________________________ Period ________ Chapter 6 Notes Points Earned Points Possible Highlight Key Words/Phrases 2 Copy Notes: pictures + color + label 10 Questions: 20 questions + arrows Summary: 4 paragraph(s) 20 Drawings: 4 drawing(s) 8 TOTAL 40 J. Nguyen – Physical Science

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