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Welcome to Open House!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Open House!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Open House!

2 Art Mrs. Titus B111

3 Art Grade: (based on points) Creating Responding Presenting Connecting Participation

4 PowerSchool Grade: I will sometimes frontload upcoming grades including anticipated due dates. I enter grades usually once a week. If it is blank; it either has not been collected or graded yet missing- it means the assignment was not turned in with the class. I will check in with the student- it could be a “no name” or in the student’s folder. Ex- means excused and it does not affect the grade.

5 Please check PowerSchool. I usually update grades once a week
Please check PowerSchool. I usually update grades once a week. If you have any questions or concerns on a grade please contact me. is probably the most efficient way to contact me. I will respond to within 24 hours during the school week.

6 Please use my website to find helpful resources:

7 You may want to bookmark your child’s different teachers’ sites on your computer or Smartphone. On my site you will find: assignment descriptions and images as well as videos and links as additional resources.

8 6th grade unit 1:

9 6th grade unit 2:

10 6th grade unit 3:

11 Sample Projects: 6th grade

12 2D unit 1: non-objective art

13 2D unit 2: abstract

14 2D unit 3: realism

15 Sample Projects: 2D

16 3D unit 1: low relief and in the round

17 3D unit 2: form and function

18 3D unit 3: installation

19 Sample Projects: 3D

20 Thank you for coming to Open House!

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