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Isolated Tissue Cell or tissue culture in vitro Primary culture Secondary culture Sub-culture Cell Line Sub-culture Immortalization Successive sub-cultureSingle.

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Presentation on theme: "Isolated Tissue Cell or tissue culture in vitro Primary culture Secondary culture Sub-culture Cell Line Sub-culture Immortalization Successive sub-cultureSingle."— Presentation transcript:


2 Isolated Tissue Cell or tissue culture in vitro Primary culture Secondary culture Sub-culture Cell Line Sub-culture Immortalization Successive sub-cultureSingle cell isolation Cloned cell line Senescence Transformed cell line Loss of control of cell growth Cell Strain

3 Revive frozen cell population Isolated from tissue Maintain in culture (aseptic cinditions) Sub-culture (passaging) Cryopreservation Typical cell culture flask ‘Mr Frosty’ Used to freeze cells

4 DOUBLING TIME : Time taken by cells to double the population. CELL LINE : When the primary culture is first sub-cultured or passaged. CELL STRAIN : When a particular type of cell lineage is selected, characterized and cloned it is called a cell strain. PASSAGE NUMBER : The number of times a culture has been sub-cultured.

5 Primary cultures Derived directly from animal tissue, embryo or adult. Cultured either as tissue explants or single cells. Initially heterogeneous – containing various types of cells. Finite life span in vitro. Retain differentiated phenotype. Mainly anchorage dependant. Exhibit contact inhibition. Types of cell cultured

6 Secondary cultures Derived from a primary cell culture. Isolated by selection or cloning. Becoming a more homogeneous cell population that is contains a specific cell type. Finite life span in vitro. Retain differentiated phenotype. Mainly anchorage dependant. Exhibit contact inhibition.

7 Types of cell cultured Continuous cultures Derived from a primary or secondary culture Immortalised: Spontaneously By transformation Serially propagated in culture showing an increased growth rate Homogeneous cell population Loss of anchorage dependency and contact inhibition Infinite life span in vitro Differentiated phenotype: Retained to some degree in cancer derived cell lines Very little retained with transformed cell lines Genetically unstable

8 NEED TO PASSAGE CELLS:-  To maintain cells in culture.  To increase cell number for experiments/storage Check confluency of cells Remove spent medium Wash with PBS Resuspend in serum containing media Incubate with trypsin/EDTA Transfer to culture flask 70-80% confluence 100% confluence Checking confluency of cells

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