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BY DR T SUNEEL KUMAR.  epidermis dermis Sub cutaneous layer hair skin nerves glands Fatty tissue.

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Presentation on theme: "BY DR T SUNEEL KUMAR.  epidermis dermis Sub cutaneous layer hair skin nerves glands Fatty tissue."— Presentation transcript:


2  epidermis dermis Sub cutaneous layer hair skin nerves glands Fatty tissue

3  Don'ts in burns ;  Don't rub.  Don’t puncture the bristles.  Don’t use ice.  Don’t apply butter or ointments like face creams to the burn. This could cause infection  Don’t use fluffy cotton.

4  Dos in burns ;  Exposure the burnt area under the cooling water/running water/kept in water for 10 or 15mts.

5  Don’t remove burned clothing  Don’t immerse large severe burns in cold water.  Check for signs of circulation.  Elevate the burned body part or parts.  Cover the area of burn by use a clean, moist cloth, cloth towels etc.,

6  AIM: To stop/arrested the bleeding.  And raise the hand against the earth gravitational force.  while stop the bleeding used gentle force with out any loosely.

7 pain swelling pain on touch shape changes Loss of function INDICATION

8  Immobilize the area/victim. Stop the bleeding.  If available used splint/locally available things.

9  Compression of tendon(or)break down of tendons.

10 Do not rub the eye Flush the eye with plenty of water Do not use sharp implements to remove Specks in eye


12  Only single person

13 Instead of abdominal thrusts Perform chest thrusts



16 BLEEDING NOSE Make the patient sit on a Chair with head downward. Pinch the nose with fingers and thumb Do not plug the nostrils. Do not put water or any medicine through the nostrils.


18 Do not touch the casualty while victim is still in contact with electricity. Switch off the current at once. Do not attempt first aid until the contact has been broken. Make the air passage clear and clean. Restore breathing Artificial respiration and external cardiac massage, if needed. Call for immediate medical aid. Send the patient to the hospital.




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