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MEHRAN UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY JAMSHORO SINDH Presented by:- Muhammad Bilal Roll No. 16CRP49 Submitted To:- Sir Ubedullah Soomro.

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Presentation on theme: "MEHRAN UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY JAMSHORO SINDH Presented by:- Muhammad Bilal Roll No. 16CRP49 Submitted To:- Sir Ubedullah Soomro."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEHRAN UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY JAMSHORO SINDH Presented by:- Muhammad Bilal Roll No. 16CRP49 Submitted To:- Sir Ubedullah Soomro


3  Introduction  History  Types  Formation  Where are they…? CONTENT




7 HOW BLACK HOLES FORM  Black holes form when massive stars which has 8 times the mass of sun dies  The energy released by those stars in few seconds is equal to the energy released by sun in an year

8 WHERE ARE THEY…?  There are uncountable black holes in the universe  Black holes are in between each of the galaxies. There are millions to billions black holes in space


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