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2nd Grade Coffee Talk Attendance Being in school everyday is a priority! As soon as the 8:35 bell rings, our day begins. If a student comes.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd Grade Coffee Talk Attendance Being in school everyday is a priority! As soon as the 8:35 bell rings, our day begins. If a student comes."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd Grade Coffee Talk 1 2013-2014

2 Attendance Being in school everyday is a priority! As soon as the 8:35 bell rings, our day begins. If a student comes in after 8:35, they must report to the office for a tardy pass. Make sure your child is present and in school on time so they are not left out of any activities. If your child is absent, please make sure to send a note the following school day. Please try to schedule appointments after school. 2

3 School Security Students are to report to their designated area beginning at 8:05 After the 8:35 bell rings, all school doors will be locked except for the main school entrance. All visitors must report to the main office to get a pass. Your child’s safety is our priority! 3

4 SAT for Parents What should you know about the SAT? 4

5 What is the SAT? STANDARD ACHIEVEMENT TEST SAT is a test given to students in Kindergarten through Second grade to assess their knowledge in Reading and Mathematics. Multiple choice questions 2 days of testing (one reading session & one math session) 5

6 The Week of: April 7 th – 11th 6 When is the SAT?

7 How to prepare your child for the SAT’s Make sure your child completes their SAT Math and Reading Home Learning packets daily. Make sure they work on it independently. Your job is to review and check it. Remind your child to go back in the story and underline where they found the answer. Make sure your child works out the problem in Math. 7

8 What to do on test days? Make sure your child: Arrives to school on time Gets a good night’s sleep Eats a healthy breakfast Be positive and encourage your child to do their best! 8

9 How can technology help in Reading and Math? Make sure your child: Read for a minimum of 30 minutes daily 3Ticket to Read sessions per week Explore THINK CENTRAL to strengthen weak skills. Computer lab opens from 8:00am – 8:30 am Mon.- Fri. Students will be supervised by a teacher at all times 9

10 Test Taking Strategies Make sure to carefully read each question (Reread if necessary) Do not spend too much time on any one question (If the question is too difficult, skip it and come back to it later) Eliminate the answers that you know are wrong, then select the best answer 10

11 More Test Taking Strategies Do NOT leave ANY questions unanswered (They will be marked wrong) Go back and look for the answer In math make sure to show ALL your work (Do NOT do the work in your head) If finished before time is up, go back and check each answer Fill in the answer bubble completely. Do NOT leave any stray marks. 11

12 Any Questions? 12

13 13 Thank you for coming!

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