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Reasoning with Uncertainty Piyush Porwal ( ) Rohit Jhunjhunwala ( ) Srivatsa R. ( ) Under the guidance of Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya.

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1 Reasoning with Uncertainty Piyush Porwal (04305814) Rohit Jhunjhunwala (04305803) Srivatsa R. (04305815) Under the guidance of Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya

2 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Outline of Presentation  Reasoning and Predicate Logic  Uncertainty  Non-monotonic Reasoning  Default Reasoning  Dempster – Shafer Theory  Conclusion  Project Proposal

3 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Humans & Reasoning !!!  We take pride in the way we reason !!!  What exactly is reasoning?  A ‘process’ of thinking/arguing ‘logically’. Verifications or Adaptation. New deductions.

4 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Predicate Logic?  Symbolic representation of facts.  Deduction of new facts.  Certainty.

5 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Logic Based Expert Systems  In diagnosis of diseases, where system decides the disease, given the symptoms. What if: No information for given set of symptoms. Facts are not enough. Multiple diseases. A new case in medical history.  In such cases, the reasoning by expert systems using Predicate Logic fails.

6 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Uncertainty  Predicate logic used - only if there is no uncertainty.  But uncertainty is omnipresent.  The sources of uncertainty: Data or Expert Knowledge Knowledge Representation Rules or Inference Process

7 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Uncertainty in Knowledge  Prior Knowledge.  Imprecise representation.  Data derived from defaults/assumptions.  Inconsistency between knowledge from different experts.  “Best Guesses”.

8 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Representation and Reasoning  Knowledge Representation Restricted model of the real system. Limited expressiveness of the representation mechanism.  Rules or Inference Process Conflict Resolution Subsumption Derivation of the result may take very long.

9 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Solution  Intelligence in Reasoning Adaptability.  Capability of adding and retracting beliefs as new information is available. This requires non-monotonic reasoning.

10 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Non-monotonic Reasoning  In a non-monotonic system: We make assumptions about unknown facts. The addition of new facts can reduce the set of logical conclusions. S is a conclusion of D, but is not necessarily a conclusion of D + {new fact}. Humans use non-monotonic reasoning constantly!

11 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Knowledge Base  Conflicting consequences of a set of facts: Rank all the assumptions and use rank to determine which to believe. Tag given (and some other) facts as protected, these cannot be removed or changed.  When a new fact is given: Get the explanation (list of contradicting facts). Maintain consistency.

12 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Probability in Reasoning  Probabilities to determine when contradiction arises. Label each fact with a probability of being true. Change the probabilities of existing facts to reflect new facts.  Use certainty instead of probability to label facts.

13 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Default Reasoning Construction of sensible guesses when some useful information is lacking and no contradictory evidence is present.

14 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty How it does so?  It tries to reason with the given knowledge and generates the most likely result.  Use ‘ Whatever is available '.

15 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty A Classic Example  Birds typically fly  Tweety is a bird. Tweety flies Can Tweety fly???  Birds typically fly  Penguins are birds  Penguins typically do not fly  Tweety is a Penguin. Tweety does not fly.

16 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Nonmonotonic Logic (NML) Bird(x) ^ M fly(x)-> fly(x) Bird(Tweety) penguin(x) -> bird(x) penguin(x) -> ~fly(x) penguin(Tweety) M is known as MODAL operator. Read it as: 'If it is consistent to assume' Can Tweety fly???

17 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty IDEA  If there is no reason to believe otherwise, assume that fly (x) is TRUE.  The default is that everything is normal.  Now we only need to supply additional information for exceptions.

18 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Problem with NML Russian Roulette Example

19 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Would you take the bet ?  A revolver is loaded with 1 bullet (it has 5 empty chambers), and the cylinder is spun.  With these stakes: If correct, the system wins $1. If wrong, the system loses $1.

20 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Another Scenario..  Again the revolver is loaded with exactly 1 bullet and the cylinder is spun.  With these new stakes: If correct, the system wins $1. If wrong, the system loses its life.

21 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty So, where does the problem lie? In these two scenarios the uncertainty is the same, but it is not rational to draw the same conclusion.

22 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Rational Default Reasoning  Assign a degree of belief  Define a acceptance rule if P(S | e) > b then accept the bet.  Here, b will be calculated using the payoff.  A tentative conclusion is an assertion about the desirability of a bet, not a direct assertion about a sentence.

23 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Solution of Russian Roulette  Decision theory gives the answer: Compare the probability of the sentence to the breakeven probability determined by the payoff. b = 1/(1 + 1) = 0.5  P(gun_will_not_fire | 1_bullet_and_spun) > 0.5 b =  The system should ignore a better-than-even probability and refuse to bet.

24 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty What we observed?  Using Default Reasoning, we are able to reach at some conclusion.  It works well under the non-monotonic knowledge base.  Its basic idea is that common-sense reasoning applies regularity assumptions as long as these are not explicitly ruled out.  So, we need to quantify exceptions explicitly.

25 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Dempster Shafer (D-S) Theory  Provides a numerical method to represent and reason about uncertainty.  “Absence of evidence is not an evidence of absence”.  Provides a way to combine evidence from two or more sources and to draw conclusions from them.

26 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Basics  Frame of Discernment - Sample space of DS theory denoted by  Propositions - Subsets of frame of discernment  Probability values are assigned to the propositions.  Basic Probability Assignments - Probability values assigned to the propositions denoted by m.  Focal Elements - Propositions with non-zero probability assignment.  Core – Union of focal elements.

27 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Basic Probability Assignment Properties of BPA: Ex. I am not sure if the coin is fair or biased.

28 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Belief function  Function to express the extent to which we are confident about the occurrence of a proposition.  Bel(A) is the total belief committed to A.

29 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Plausibility  Function to express the extent to which a proposition is credible or plausible.  [Bel(A), Pl(A)] represents the credibility status of A  Pl(A) - Bel(A) represents uncertainty in the occurrence of A

30 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Dempster’s rule of Combination  Allows us to combine Basic Probability Assignment (m) values from two arguments and draw conclusions.  m 1 and m 2 are two independent BPAs.

31 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Example m 1 {H}=0.3m 1 {T}=0m 1 {H,T}=0.7 m 2 {H}=0.5{H}, 0.15{ }, 0{H}, 0.35 m 2 {T}=0.5{ }, 0.15{T}, 0{T}, 0.35 m 2 {H,T}=0{H}, 0{T}, 0{H,T}, 0 (m 1 (+) m 2 )({H}) = (0.15+0.35)/(1-(0.15+0)) = 0.58. (m 1 (+) m 2 )({T}) = (0.35)/(1-(0.15+0)) = 0.42.

32 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages  Uncertainty and ignorance can be expressed.  Dempster’s rule can be used to combine evidences. Disadvantages  Computational complexity of applying Dempster’s rule is high.

33 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Conclusions  Uncertainty is omnipresent.  We can use symbolic and statistical methods like Default Reasoning and Dempster – Shafer theory to handle uncertainty to some extent.  Default Reasoning guarantees a conclusion for the given knowledge base and desired fact. Although for handling exceptions they have to be explicitly quantified.  Dempster – Shafer theory combines evidences from different sources to draw conclusion.

34 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty References  Russell and Norvig (1993), “Artificial Intelligence – A modern approach”. Pearson Education, Inc. Second Edition  Pelletier F.J., and R. Elio (1997). What should default reasoning be, by default? Computational Intelligence 13:165-188  Glenn Shafer(1976), “A mathematical theory of evidence”. Princeton : Princeton University Press.  Carl M. Kadie, "Rational Non-Monotonic Reasoning." in Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Minneapolis, August 1988

35 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Project  We propose to build a Medical Diagnosis System and we will try to use non-monotonic and probabilistic reasoning for the diagnosis.

36 3/16/2019Reasoning under Uncertainty Thank you

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