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The Walter-Klingenbeck-School Staatliche Realschule Taufkirchen Köglweg 104, 82024 Taufkirchen Fon 089 6141900, Fax 089 61419088

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1 The Walter-Klingenbeck-School Staatliche Realschule Taufkirchen Köglweg 104, 82024 Taufkirchen Fon 089 6141900, Fax 089 61419088

2 Taufkirchen l Walter Klingenbeck (1924-1943) l Location: Village situated on the outskirts of Munichs south-east l Population: app. 19.000 inhabitants l Character: Mixture of rural structures and technology centres

3 Location of Taufkirchen

4 Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus One School-system in Germany? Sorry, there are 16 different systems. Here: The Different Schools in Bavaria

5 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Primary School RS General education Rel/Eth, German, English, Maths, History, Geography, Biology, PE, Music & Arts Economics Exam subjects German, English, Maths, Bussiness Studies Branch II Maths and Science Exam subjects German, English, Maths, Physics Branch I Foreigne Languages l Branch III a Social Studies l Branch III b Highschool Diploma Realschule R6 Sports l Branch III b Exam subjects German, English, Maths, French Exam subjects German, English, Maths, Social Studies Exam subjects German, English, Maths, PE

6 Time-Table l Public transport Suburban train (station 5 min.)Bus l Lessons 07.50 13.00 p.m l Two breaks09.20 09.40 a.m. 11.10 11.30 a.m. l Lunch Between 12.15 13.45 p.m. in different groups l Afternoon Lessons14:00- 16:15 p. m.

7 Walter-Klingenbeck-Schule l 877 students in 35 classes l 65 teachers l One 5th form as whole-day-school07:50- 16:00 p. m. l lessons 1160h / week l differenciated lessons (5th class) 4h / week l Clubs (extra, arts, creativity, no marks) 12 h / week l Sports clubs 20h / week l day care (13:00- 16:15 p.m.) 5. – 8. classes

8 Walter-Klingenbeck-School Themes l We respect and tolerate all the people. l We show within and outside the school. l We encourage knowlegde and skills for a successful life. l We like learning with one another – with the help of the others – for each other. l Civilcourage and responsibility l Social learning

9 Day care: Supervision by older students and social workers l Including Lunch l Supervised homework l Spare time activities and sports (creativity) l Mon to Thur : 13.00 – 16.00 p.m.

10 Our Football classes l Students are selected by the Bavarian Football A Team. l Cooperation with MS Taufkirchen and Theodolinden- Gymnasium Munich l Lessons mon, tues, thur from 07.50 bis 16.15 p.m. l 4 PE lessons (theory) + 4 training units / week l 3 additional lessons in History, English, Maths l Special Social competence training by our own social worker, who is responsible for the whole school l Football training after school by their respective clubs l Trainer license by the Bavarian Football A Team.

11 Some Special Activities l Field trips (one week)5. classes l Skiing (one week) 7. classes l Days of orientation 8. classes l School exchange programs(France) Poland l Work placements (one week) 9. classes l School trips (one week) 10. classes l Special Day for information about jobs 9./10. classes l First aid program l Partnership with municipal services Munich l Cooperation local social institutions (AWO)

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