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World Religions Global History and Geography – 9

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1 World Religions Global History and Geography – 9
Sachem North High School Dr. Afxendiou

2 Animistic Religion Animism – belief that there are spirits in nature
Ex. Shintoism in Japan KAMI – spirits in nature

3 Hinduism Hindu symbol represents the sacred sound Om believed to contain the secrets of the universe Brahma: The Creator Shiva: The Destroyer Vishnu: The Protector

4 Hinduism No known founder Practiced mostly in India
Believe that every soul is trapped in a cycle of birth, death and then rebirth. Every Hindu wants to escape from this cycle of reincarnation Karma - the value of a soul's good and bad deeds Dharma - living or acting in the right way; affects karma Moksha – is the ultimate goal of all Hindus. It is the escape from the cycle of reincarnation, it is the ultimate liberation of the soul

5 Hindu Gods There is only one ultimate God, Brahman, but shows itself in many forms The gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, for example, are different aspects of Brahman: Brahma reflects God's divine work of creating the universe Vishnu reflects God's work in keeping the universe in existence Shiva reflects God's work in destroying it

6 Buddhism The Wheel of Life – 8 spokes represent the points of the Eightfold Path, a vital part of the Buddha’s teaching.

7 Buddhism 1. Life is full of pain and suffering
Founded by a Hindu prince, Siddhartha Gautama in India Focuses on each individual seeking to attain enlightenment – achieving Nirvana Nirvana means freedom from all worries and troubles Key beliefs and values are contained in "The Four Noble Truths“ 1. Life is full of pain and suffering 2. Suffering is caused by attachment to worldly things 3. Suffering can end by eliminating worldly desires 4. Worldly desires are eliminated by following the Eightfold Path

8 Chinese Religions Confucianism-the five relationships
Taoism (Daoism)-the “Tao” (“Dao”) or “Way” Yin (female principles) and yang (male principles) – responsible for all creation.

9 Confucianism Founded by Confucius, a Chinese philosopher
Key belief is the Five Relationships: 1. Ruler to Subject 2. Father to Son 3. Husband to Wife 4. Older Brother to Younger Brother 5. Older Friend to Younger Friend These relationships created an unequal society Analects-book of Confucius’ teachings written by his students

10 Western Religions or People of the Book
Christianity Judaism Islam

11 Christianity Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ
Originated in Palestine It is based on Judaism Believe that Jesus was the son of God who came and died for people’s sins and then rose so that all people could be saved Believe in one God (monotheistic) who created the universe and all things in it Follow the Ten Commandments which guide behavior Largest religion

12 Islam Second most followed religion
Founded by Muhammad in Arabia but spread throughout the world Muhammad is believed to be the final messenger through whom Allah revealed the faith to the world There had been earlier messengers, among them Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Qur’an is the Islamic holy book "Islam" is an Arabic word which means surrendering oneself to the will of God Holiest places are the cities of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem, all in the Middle East

13 Islam Muslims must follow the Five Pillars

14 The Kaaba in Mecca visited during the Hajj

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