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B Day History... Continue work on colonial regions info

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1 B Day History... Continue work on colonial regions info
12/19/18 B Day History... Continue work on colonial regions info Hi! Welcome to class!

2 1 Generalization about life in the colonies
Agenda: Colonies, continued Grab your spiral! Glue in the basics. Work on your from Monday. 3 TRENDS about life in the colonies 2 ways regions probably depended on one another (interdependence) 1 Generalization about life in the colonies

3 1 Generalization about life in the colonies
3 TRENDS about life in the colonies 2 ways regions probably depended on one another (interdependence) 1 Generalization about life in the colonies Debrief from Monday…what worked? What didn’t? how can we apply that going forward? Intro RAFT idea and let them get started…small groups for quiz debrief after makeups!

4 Migration Social   Physical factors Cultural factors Regional Identities Economic Relationships Perspectives Interactions Motivation Political

5 The Situation: The British Empire is facing another threat from our long standing enemy, the French. In order to prepare for the possibility of war, Parliament must understand the extent of Britain’s available assets in the American colonies and anticipate possible challenges in preparing for defense of various colonial regions.

6 The Situation, ctd: As a staff member in the Ministry for Colonial Affairs, you are tasked to create an executive report for Parliament. Your report must explain how the empire might marshal their North American assets (including, but not limited to, the geographic, economic and social/cultural characteristics of each colonial region) to fight the French and their native allies in the Americas. You are to provide Parliament with suggestions regarding how to best utilize the colonies’ available assets and address potential challenges.

7 Guiding Questions: How might the geography and climate of the region be used as an asset during the war? How might they be a challenge? How might the economic characteristics of the region be used as an asset during the war? How might they be a challenge? How might the political structure of the region be used as an asset during the war? How might they be a challenge? How might the social and cultural characteristics of the region be used as an asset during the war? How might they be a challenge? How might the colonists’ motivation for moving to the colonies impact their willingness and ability to defend the crown? What’s the claim? Sum it all up! How should the king best use the assets & overcome the challenges?

8 Social characteristics
Rubric Element Goal Social characteristics Includes correct, detailed social characteristics which may act as assets and/or challenges for the region  in case of war Political characteristics Includes correct, detailed political characteristics which may act as assets and/or challenges for the region  in case of war Economic Characteristics Includes correct, detailed economic characteristics which may act as assets and/or challenges for the region  in case of war Geographic & Climate Characteristics Includes correct, detailed geographic/climate information which may act as an asset and/or challenge for the region  in case of war Motivations for Moving to colonies & Willingness to Defend the Crown Includes correct, detailed information about  motivations or a willingness to defend the Crown which may act as assets and/or challenges for the region  in the case of war Claim & Support Product includes a clearly defensible claim regarding the readiness of the American colonial region should a war with the French occur. Claim is supported by  insightful, well-reasoned judgments regarding the colonial region’s assets and challenges in the case of war.

9 FOCUS Do you have any math/science to do? (Retakes? Corrections?)
Check your health/PE Schoology to make sure you aren’t missing stuff! World Language practice/homework READ! Acalympics?

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