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Chapter 9: Respiration.

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1 Chapter 9: Respiration

2 What you need to know: The summary equation of cellular respiration.
The difference between fermentation and cellular respiration. The role of glycolysis in oxidizing glucose to two molecules of pyruvate. The process that brings pyruvate from the cytosol into the mitochondria and introduces it into the citric acid cycle. How the process of chemiosmosis utilizes the electrons from NADH and FADH2 to produce ATP.

3 Stages of Cellular Respiration
Glycolysis Pyruvate Oxidation + Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Oxidative Phosphorylation (electron transport chain (ETC) & chemiosmosis)

4 Overview of Cellular Respiration

5 Cellular Respiration Stage 1: Glycolysis

6 Glycolysis 6C 3C Breaking down glucose glucose      pyruvate 2x
ancient pathway which harvests energy where energy transfer _______________________________________ transfer energy from organic molecules to ATP still is starting point for ________ cellular respiration but it’s _____________________________ generate only 2 ATP for every 1 glucose occurs in ___________________ glucose      pyruvate 2x 6C 3C Why does it make sense that this happens in the cytosol? Who evolved first? That’s not enough ATP for me!

7 TURN & TALK Why does it make sense EVOLUTIONARILY that Glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm?

8 Evolutionary perspective
Enzymes of glycolysis are “well-conserved” _____________________________ first cells had no organelles __________________________ atmosphere life on Earth first evolved without free oxygen (O2) in atmosphere energy had to be captured from organic molecules in absence of O2 Prokaryotes that evolved glycolysis are ________________ of all modern life ALL cells still utilize glycolysis The enzymes of glycolysis are very similar among all organisms. The genes that code for them are highly conserved. They are a good measure for evolutionary studies. Compare eukaryotes, bacteria & archaea using glycolysis enzymes. Bacteria = 3.5 billion years ago glycolysis in cytosol = doesn’t require a membrane-bound organelle O2 = 2.7 billion years ago photosynthetic bacteria / proto-blue-green algae Eukaryotes = 1.5 billion years ago membrane-bound organelles! Processes that all life/organisms share: Protein synthesis Glycolysis DNA replication You mean we’re related? Do I have to invite them over for the holidays?

9 Glycolysis Overview “sugar splitting”
Believed to be ancient (early prokaryotes - no O2 available) Location: cytosol Reaction: Partially oxidizes glucose (___C) to 2 pyruvates (___C) Consumes: 2 ATP Net Yield: ___________+ ___________ Also makes _________________ (waste) No ________ required

10 Glycolysis Stage 1: Energy Investment Stage
Cell uses ________ to phosphorylate compounds of glucose Stage 2: Energy Payoff Stage Two 3-C compounds oxidized For each glucose molecule: 2 Net _________ produced by substrate-level phosphorylation 2 molecules of NAD+  ______________

11 Substrate-Level Phosphorylation
Generate small amount of ATP Phosphorylation: enzyme transfers a _______________________ to other compounds ADP (_______________) + Pi  ATP P compound


13 Is that all there is? Not a lot of energy…
for 1 billon years+ this is how life on Earth survived no O2 = ___________________________________________ only harvest 3.5% of energy stored in glucose more carbons to strip off = more energy to harvest O2 glucose     pyruvate O2 So why does glycolysis still take place? 6C 2x 3C O2 Hard way to make a living! O2 O2

14 How is NADH recycled to NAD+?
with oxygen aerobic respiration without oxygen anaerobic respiration “fermentation” Another molecule must accept H from NADH pyruvate H2O NAD+ CO2 recycle NADH NADH O2 NADH acetaldehyde acetyl-CoA NADH NAD+ NAD+ lactate lactic acid fermentation which path you use depends on who you are… Krebs cycle ethanol alcohol fermentation

15 Fermentation (anaerobic)
____________, ___________ 1C 3C 2C pyruvate  _______ + CO2 NADH NAD+ back to glycolysis beer, wine, bread _____________, some fungi Count the carbons!! Lactic acid is not a dead end like ethanol. Once you have O2 again, lactate is converted back to pyruvate by the liver and fed to the Kreb’s cycle. pyruvate  ____________ 3C NADH NAD+ back to glycolysis cheese, anaerobic exercise (no O2)

16 Alcohol Fermentation pyruvate  ethanol + CO2 Dead end process
bacteria yeast Alcohol Fermentation recycle NADH 1C 3C 2C pyruvate  ethanol + CO2 NADH NAD+ back to glycolysis Dead end process at ~12% ethanol, kills yeast can’t reverse the reaction Count the carbons!

17 Lactic Acid Fermentation
animals some fungi Lactic Acid Fermentation recycle NADH O2 pyruvate  lactic acid 3C NADH NAD+ back to glycolysis Reversible process once O2 is available, lactate is converted back to pyruvate by the liver Count the carbons!

18 Pyruvate is a branching point
____________ anaerobic respiration mitochondria __________________ aerobic respiration

19 Glycolysis (Summary) 2 NAD+ P ADP 2 NADH + 2H+ 2 ATP (3-C) C3H6O3

20 Stage 2: Pyruvate Oxidation + Citric Acid Cycle [Krebs Cycle]
Cellular Respiration Stage 2: Pyruvate Oxidation + Citric Acid Cycle [Krebs Cycle]

21 Mitochondria — Structure
___________________ membrane energy harvesting organelle smooth ________________ membrane highly __________________ inner membrane Called _____________________ intermembrane space fluid-filled space between membranes _________________ inner fluid-filled space DNA, ribosomes enzymes free in matrix & membrane-bound intermembrane space inner membrane outer matrix cristae mitochondrial DNA What cells would have a lot of mitochondria?

22 Mitochondrion Structure
Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs) (matrix) ETC (inner membrane)

23 Pyruvate Oxidation

24 Pyruvate Oxidation 2 Pyruvate  2 _______________________ (used to make citrate) Produces: 2)______ and 2NADH

25 [ ] Oxidation of pyruvate Pyruvate enters mitochondrial matrix
3 step oxidation process releases 2 CO2 (count the carbons!) reduces 2 NAD  2 NADH (moves e-) produces 2 acetyl CoA Acetyl CoA enters _________________ [ 2x ] pyruvate    acetyl CoA + CO2 3C NAD 2C 1C Where does the CO2 go? Exhale! CO2 is fully oxidized carbon == can’t get any more energy out it CH4 is a fully reduced carbon == good fuel!!!

26 Krebs cycle 1937 | 1953 aka Citric Acid Cycle
in _____________________________ 8 step pathway each catalyzed by specific enzyme step-wise catabolism of 6C citrate molecule Evolved later than glycolysis does that make evolutionary sense? bacteria 3.5 billion years ago (glycolysis) free O2 2.7 billion years ago (photosynthesis) eukaryotes 1.5 billion years ago (aerobic respiration = ________________  mitochondria) Hans Krebs The enzymes of glycolysis are very similar among all organisms. The genes that code for them are highly conserved. They are a good measure for evolutionary studies. Compare eukaryotes, bacteria & archaea using glycolysis enzymes. Bacteria = 3.5 billion years ago glycolysis in cytosol = doesn’t require a membrane-bound organelle O2 = 2.7 billion years ago photosynthetic bacteria / proto-blue-green algae Eukaryotes = 1.5 billion years ago membrane-bound organelles! Processes that all life/organisms share: Protein synthesis Glycolysis DNA replication

27 Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs)
Location: Occurs in mitochondrial matrix Reaction: Acetyl CoA  Citrate  released Net Yield: ___ATP, ___ NADH, ___ FADH2 (electron carrier) ATP produced by ___________________________ CO2

28 Count the carbons! x2 3C 2C 4C 6C 4C 6C 5C 4C 4C 4C
pyruvate 3C 2C acetyl CoA citrate 4C 6C 4C 6C This happens __________ for each glucose molecule oxidation of sugars CO2 A 2 carbon sugar went into the Krebs cycle and was taken apart completely. Two CO2 molecules were produced from that 2 carbon sugar. Glucose has now been fully oxidized! But where’s all the ATP??? x2 5C 4C CO2 4C 4C

29 Count the electron carriers!
pyruvate 3C 2C acetyl CoA NADH NADH citrate 4C 6C 4C 6C reduction of electron carriers This happens twice for each glucose molecule CO2 Everytime the carbons are oxidized, an NAD+ is being reduced. But wait…where’s all the ATP?? NADH x2 5C 4C FADH2 CO2 4C 4C NADH ATP

30 Whassup? So we fully oxidized glucose C6H12O6  CO2
& ended up with _______! What’s the point?

31 What’s so important about electron carriers?
Electron Carriers = ___________ Carriers H+ Krebs cycle produces large quantities of electron carriers NADH FADH2 go to __________ _______________! ADP + Pi ATP What’s so important about electron carriers?

32 Energy accounting of Krebs cycle
2x 4 NAD + 1 FAD 4 NADH + 1 FADH2 pyruvate          CO2 1 ADP 1 ATP 3C 3x 1C ATP Net gain = 2 ATP = 8 NADH + 2 FADH2

33 Value of Krebs cycle? If the yield is only 2 ATP then how was the Krebs cycle an adaptation? value of NADH & FADH2 electron carriers & H carriers reduced molecules move _____________________ to be used in the ___________________________ like $$ in the bank

34 Summary of Citric Acid Cycle

35 REVIEW: TURN & TALK Explain “glycolysis”. Where does it occur? How does it “work”? What is the chemical equation for cellular respiration? Which has more energy available: ADP or ATP? NAD+ or NADH? FAD+ or FADH2? Where does the Citric Acid Cycle occur in the cell?

36 HOMEWORK Watch the video “Cellular Respiration” from Bozeman Science Take detailed notes

37 POGIL: Glycolysis and Krebs Cycle

38 Stage 3: Oxidative Phosphorylation
Cellular Respiration Stage 3: Oxidative Phosphorylation

39 Oxidative Phosphorylation
Electron Transport Chain Chemiosmosis Occurs in inner membrane of mitochondria Produces ATP by oxidative phosphorylation via chemiosmosis H+ ions pumped across inner mitochondrial membrane H+ diffuse through ATP synthase (ADP  ATP)

40 Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
Collection of molecules embedded in inner membrane of mitochondria Tightly bound protein + non-protein components Alternate between reduced/oxidized states as accept/donate e- Does not make ATP directly Ease fall of e- from food to O2 2H+ + ½ O2  H2O

41 As electrons move through the ETC, proton pumps move H+ across inner mitochondrial membrane

42 Chemiosmosis: Energy-Coupling Mechanism
Chemiosmosis = H+ gradient across membrane drives cellular work Proton-motive force: use proton (H+) gradient to perform work ATP synthase: enzyme that makes ATP Use E from proton (H+) gradient – flow of H+ back across membrane

43 Chemiosmosis couples the ETC to ATP synthesis

44 H+ pumped from matrix to intermembrane space
oxidative phosphorylation uses generates chemiosmosis which couples proton gradient ATP uses E to produce called redox reactions H+ pumped from matrix to intermembrane space proton motive force of ETC drives in which H+ e- passed down E levels through ATP synthase to final e- acceptor O2  H2O

45 ATP yield per molecule of glucose at each stage of cellular respiration

46 BioFlix: Cellular Respiration

47 Anaerobic Respiration: generate ATP using other electron acceptors besides O2
Final e- acceptors: sulfate (SO4), nitrate, sulfur (produces H2S) Eg. Obligate anaerobes: can’t survive in O2 Facultative anaerobes: make ATP by aerobic respiration (with O2 present) or switch to fermentation (no O2 available) Eg. human muscle cells

48 Fermentation = glycolysis + regeneration of NAD+

49 Glycolysis Fermentation Respiration
Without O2 O2 present Fermentation Respiration Keep glycolysis going by regenerating NAD+ Occurs in cytosol No oxygen needed Creates ethanol [+ CO2] or lactate 2 ATP (from glycolysis) Release E from breakdown of food with O2 Occurs in mitochondria O2 required (final electron acceptor) Produces CO2, H2O and up to 32 ATP

50 Types of Fermentation Pyruvate  Ethanol + CO2 Ex. bacteria, yeast
Alcohol fermentation Lactic acid fermentation Pyruvate  Ethanol + CO2 Ex. bacteria, yeast Used in brewing, winemaking, baking Pyruvate  Lactate Ex. fungi, bacteria, human muscle cells Used to make cheese, yogurt, acetone, methanol Note: Lactate build-up does NOT causes muscle fatigue and pain (old idea)

51 Various sources of fuel
Carbohydrates, fats and proteins can ALL be used as fuel for cellular respiration Monomers enter glycolysis or citric acid cycle at different points

52 Phosphofructokinase:
Allosteric enzyme that controls rate of glycolysis and citric acid cycle Inhibited by ATP, citrate Stimulated by AMP AMP+ P + P ATP

53 Respiration: Big Picture

54 aerobic cellular respiration
ENERGY aerobic cellular respiration (with O2) anaerobic (without O2) glycolysis (cytosol) mitochondria Fermentation (cytosol) pyruvate oxidation ethanol + CO2 (yeast, some bacteria) citric acid cycle substrate-level phosphorylation lactic acid (animals) ETC oxidative phosphorylation chemiosmosis

55 Glycolysis & Citric Acid Cycle

56 Oxidative Phosphorylation
Electron Transport Chain Chemiosmosis

57 What’s the Difference? Substrate-level phosphorylation
Oxidative phosphorylation Add Pi from one compound to ADP directly Energy comes from the chemical reaction itself “no middle man” Uses: Glycolysis Krebs Cycle Uses a “middle man” = NADH and FADH and the pumping of electrons to generate an electrochemical gradient to make ATP Pi come from a pool of phosphates Uses: ETC + Chemiosmosis


59 Worksheet Practice

60 Quizlet
Play/Review with the flashcards first Then select 1 game to play either alone or with a partner Record your time: ______

61 Bean Brew…an Investigative Case
Close Read ? And ! Highlight key vocab terms Work to complete the questions throughout the investigation (Parts I-II)in your lab groups. Answer in complete sentences in the packets. Use the textbook to refer to the indicated diagrams in ch. 7, 8, and 9. Choose either Part IV or V to complete at home. Due date = Monday Nov. 6

62 “The Mystery of the Seven Deaths”
Read the Case Study and answer the questions. Discuss with someone near you if you aren’t sure! Write your answers in the white space but be sure to use COMPLETE sentences that clearly address the question.

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