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Drill What lines are coplanar with line AB?

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Presentation on theme: "Drill What lines are coplanar with line AB?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drill What lines are coplanar with line AB?
Where do planes ABC and AEF intersect? H G E F D C A B

2 1.3 Segments, Rays, Parallel Lines and Planes

3 Segments: Are parts of lines, they have two endpoints, and are named by using the two endpoints.

4 Rays: is a “half-line”. It has one endpoint and extends infinitely in one direction.
To name a ray you put the endpoint first then the second point based on the direction of the ray. With a ray on top of the two letters.

5 Opposite Rays: share the same endpoint and go in opposite directions.

6 Parallel Lines: are lines that are in the same plane and do not intersect.

7 Parallel Planes: Two planes that never intersect.
Skew Lines: Lines that do not intersect but are not parallel, because they are in different planes.

8 Homework Page #’s 20 – 21 #’s 1 – 30

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