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Published byEdwin Gowell Modified over 10 years ago
Flag Football/ Powder Puff 2012 Intramurals DateTimeHome VisitorCourt Monday6:00pm Mel Kipers Best Available vs. PisantsPractice Field September 17th6:00pm Dipping in Dipintos vs. Shefters ListPractice Field 6:30pm Monstars vs. Brian Strong TeamPractice Field 6:30pm Live Action! vs. Show Me Your TD'sPractice Field 7:00pm The Cl@n vs. DragonsPractice Field 7:00pm Sqor vs. Eric Lindblad TeamPractice Field 7:30pm The Big T's vs. The Killer CranstonsPractice Field 7:30pm Raiders vs. The B. Latte CrewPractice Field Wednesday6:00pm Caitlin Dwyer vs. Gangnam StylePractice Field September 19th6:00pm The Dirty B vs. The Big BombasPractice Field 6:30pm Meg vs. The Bayview BabesPractice Field 6:30pm David Block vs. Beacon BrosPractice Field 7:00pm We Love TD's vs. Los Pollos HermanosPractice Field
Flag Football/ Powder Puff 2012 Intramurals DateTimeHome VisitorCourt Sunday1:00pm Shefters List vs. Mel Kipers Best AvailableFootball Stadium September 23rd1:00pm Pisants vs. Brian Strong TeamFootball Stadium 1:30pm Dipping in Dipintos vs. Show Me Your TD'sFootball Stadium 1:30pm Monstars vs. DragonsFootball Stadium 2:00pm Live Action! vs. Eric Lindblad TeamFootball Stadium 2:00pm The Cl@n vs. The Killer CranstonsFootball Stadium 2:30pm Sqor vs. The B. Latte CrewFootball Stadium 2:30pm The Big T's vs. Beacon BrosFootball Stadium 3:00pm Raiders vs. Los Pollos HermanosFootball Stadium 3:00pm David Block vs. We Love TD'sFootball Stadium Monday6:00pm The Big Bombas vs. GullfriendsPractice Field September 24th6:00pm Gangnam Style vs. The Bayview BabesPractice Field 6:30pm The Dirty B vs. MegPractice Field 6:30pm Mel Kipers Best Available vs. Brian Strong TeamPractice Field 7:00pm Shefters List vs. Show Me Your TD'sPractice Field
Flag Football/ Powder Puff 2012 Intramurals DateTimeHome VisitorCourt Wednesday6:00pm Pisants vs. DragonsPractice Field September 26 th 6:00pm Dipping in Dipintos vs. Eric Lindblad TeamPractice Field 6:30pm Monstars vs. The Killer CranstonsPractice Field 6:30pm Live Action! vs. The B. Latte CrewPractice Field 7:00pm The Cl@n vs. Beacon BrosPractice Field 7:00pm Sqor vs. Los Pollos HermanosPractice Field 7:30pm The Big T's vs. We Love TD'sPractice Field 7:30pm Raiders vs. David BlockPractice Field Sunday4:30pm Show Me Your TD's vs. Mel Kipers Best AvailableFootball Stadium September 30 th 4:30pm Brian Strong Team vs. DragonsFootball Stadium 5:00pm Shefters List vs. Eric Lindblad TeamFootball Stadium 5:00pm Pisants vs. The Killer CranstonsFootball Stadium 5:30pm Dipping in Dipintos vs. The B. Latte CrewFootball Stadium 5:30pm Monstars vs. Beacon BrosFootball Stadium 6:00pm Live Action! vs. Los Pollos HermanosFootball Stadium 6:00pm The Cl@n vs. We Love TD'sFootball Stadium 6:30pm Sqor vs. David BlockFootball Stadium 6:30pm The Big T's vs. RaidersFootball Stadium
Flag Football/ Powder Puff 2012 Intramurals DateTimeHome VisitorCourt Monday6:00pm Mel Kipers Best Available vs. DragonsPractice Field October 1 st 6:00pm Show Me Your TD's vs. Eric Lindblad TeamPractice Field 6:30pm Brian Strong Team vs. The Killer CranstonsPractice Field 6:30pm Shefters List vs. The B. Latte CrewPractice Field 7:00pm Pisants vs. Beacon BrosPractice Field 7:00pm Dipping in Dipintos vs. Los Pollos HermanosPractice Field 7:30pm Monstars vs. We Love TD'sPractice Field 7:30pm Live Action! vs. David BlockPractice Field Wednesday6:00pm GullFriends vs. The Bayview BabesNorth Field October 3 rd 6:00pm The Big Bombas vs. MegNorth Field 6:30pm Gangnam Style vs. The Dirty BNorth Field 6:30pm The Cl@n vs. RaidersNorth Field 7:00pm Sqor vs. The Big T'sNorth Field
Flag Football/ Powder Puff 2012 Intramurals DateTimeHome VisitorCourt Wednesday6:00pm Dragons vs. Beacon BrosNorth Field October 10 th 6:00pm Show Me Your TD's vs. Los Pollos HermanosNorth Field 6:30pm Brian Strong Team vs. We Love TD'sNorth Field 6:30pm Shefters List vs. David BlockNorth Field 7:00pm Pisants vs. RaidersNorth Field 7:00pm Dipping in Dipintos vs. The Big T'sNorth Field 7:30pm Monstars vs. SqorNorth Field 7:30pm Live Action! vs. The Cl@nNorth Field Sunday1:00pm Eric Lindblad Team vs. Mel Kipers Best Available Football Stadium October 14 th 1:00pm Dragons vs. The Killer Cranstons Football Stadium 1:30pm Show Me Your TD's vs. The B. Latte Crew Football Stadium 1:30pm Brian Strong Team vs. Beacon Bros Football Stadium 2:00pm Shefters List vs. Los Pollos Hermanos Football Stadium 2:00pm Pisants vs. We Love TD's Football Stadium 2:30pm Dipping in Dipintos vs. David Block Football Stadium 2:30pm Monstars vs. Raiders Football Stadium 3:00pm Live Action! vs. The Big T's Football Stadium 3:00pm The Cl@n vs. Sqor Football Stadium
Flag Football/ Powder Puff 2012 Intramurals DateTimeHome VisitorCourt Monday6:00pm Meg vs. GullFriendsNorth Field October 15 th 6:00pm The Bayview Babes vs. The Dirty BNorth Field 6:30pm The Big Bombas vs. Gangnam StyleNorth Field 6:30pm Mel Kipers Best Available vs. The Killer CranstonsNorth Field 7:00pm Eric Lindblad Team vs. The B. Latte CrewNorth Field Wednesday6:00pm Mel Kipers Best Available vs. DragonsNorth Field October 17 th 6:00pm Show Me Your TD's vs. Eric Lindblad TeamNorth Field 6:30pm Brian Strong Team vs. The Killer CranstonsNorth Field 6:30pm Shefters List vs. The B. Latte CrewNorth Field 7:00pm Pisants vs. Beacon BrosNorth Field 7:00pm Dipping in Dipintos vs. Los Pollos HermanosNorth Field 7:30pm Monstars vs. We Love TD'sNorth Field 7:30pm Live Action! vs. David BlockNorth Field
Powder Puff/Flag Football Intramurals DateTimeGameHome VisitorCourt Sunday2:30pm Game 1 Gangnam Style vs. Dirty BNorth Field October 21st2:30pm Game 2 Meg vs. GullfriendsNorth Field 3:00pm Game 3 The Big Bombas vs. Winner of Game 1North Field 3:00pm Game 4 Bayview Babes vs. Winner of Game 2North Field 3:30pm Game 5 Winner of Game 3 vs. Winner of Game 4North Field Monday 8:00pmGame 1 Shefters List vs. Eric LindbladNorth Field October 22nd 8:00pmGame 2 Pisants vs. DragonsNorth Field 8:30pmGame 3 The Cl@n vs. Winner of Game 2North Field 8:30pmGame 4 The Big Tsvs.Winner of Game 1North Field 9:00pmGame 5 Live Actionvs.MonstarsNorth Field 9:00pmGame 6Los Pollos Hermanosvs.B. Latte Crew North Field
Powder Puff/Flag Football Intramurals DateTimeGameHome VisitorCourt Wednesday6:00pm Game 7 Winner of Game 3 vs. Winner of Game 6North Field October 24 th 6:00pm Game 8 Winner of Game 4 vs. Winner of Game 5North Field CHAMPIONSHIP6:30pm Game 9 Winner of Game 7 vs. Winner of Game 8North Field
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