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organism plant classification fungus kingdom protist moneran animal

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Presentation on theme: "organism plant classification fungus kingdom protist moneran animal"— Presentation transcript:

1 organism plant classification fungus kingdom protist moneran animal
Organisms 1A Organisms 5A classification fungus Organisms 2A Organisms 6A kingdom protist Organisms 3A Organisms 7A moneran animal Organisms 4A Organisms 8A

2 Grouping things using a set of rules.
The kingdom in which organisms: are many-celled make their own food reproduce by seeds or spores ex: grass, tree A living thing. Organisms 5B Organisms 1B The kingdom in which organisms: are usually many-celled absorb food from other organisms ex: yeast, mold, mushroom Grouping things using a set of rules. Organisms 6B Organisms 2B The kingdom in which organisms: are usually one-celled can make their own food or feed on other organisms ex: amoeba, algae The largest group into which living things can be classified. Organisms 7B Organisms 3B The kingdom in which organisms: are one-celled can make their own feed on other organisms ex: bacteria The kingdom in which organisms: are many-celled feed on other organisms reproduce by eggs or live birth ex: horse, human, spider Organisms 8B Organisms 4B

3 vertebrate fish mammals birds amphibians invertebrate vascular
Organisms 9A Organisms 13A mammals birds Organisms 10A Organisms 14A amphibians invertebrate Organisms 11A Organisms 15A vascular reptiles Organisms 16A Organisms 12A

4 Vertebrates that live their entire lives in water.
Animals with a backbone. Organisms 13B Organisms 9B Vertebrates with feathers. Vertebrates that have hair and produce milk for their young. Organisms 14B Organisms 10B Vertebrates that have moist skin and no scales. Their body undergoes metamorphosis. Animals that do not have a backbone. Organisms 15B Organisms 11B Plants that have tubes. Vertebrates that have dry, scaly skin. Organisms 16B Organisms 12B

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