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Home Energy Saving Tips 2006

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1 Home Energy Saving Tips 2006
Free, cheap, and easy ideas to help you save $$$$ on your heating and cooling bills

2 Energy is used differently in every room and by every person in your home. Check out the tips that follow for the ones that will make the most impact on your energy savings.

3 The Attic… A major player in your home’s energy efficiency.
Check the fit of your attic access door or pull-down stairs. Weather-strip and insulate the door where you can. Insulate the attic space. Insulation can be added as loose fill or from rolls. High efficiency building code standards show "R" value recommendations of R-30 in ceilings, R-16 in walls, and R-19 over crawl spaces. The "R" value is a measure of how well insulation traps heat. Ventilate the attic space. Homes built long ago may have little ventilation or original vents may have been blocked by later construction. Vents are needed both high and low in the attic space to promote good circulation for proper ventilation. If you're having a new roof installed, consider adding a ridge vent in the process.

4 The Bathroom… The hot water and humidity of bathrooms can present a challenge.
Turn off faucets tightly and fix leaky faucets promptly. A leak of one drop per second wastes more than 250 gallons of water a month, and the energy used to heat it. Take shorter showers and install water-saving shower heads. Turn off the water faucet while shaving or brushing your teeth. Clean particles from aerator screens and showerhead jets annually. Unscrew from faucet or shower arm, and remove particles from screen or nozzles. If possible, disassemble to clean. Soak in bleach solution if needed. Set your water heater thermostat at or below 120° F to avoid risk of scalding. You can purchase dishwashers with pre-heaters that work well with lower water temperatures.

5 The Bedroom… Part of a good night’s sleep depends on a comfortable bedroom.
Use draft guards at the bottom of any doors that open into unconditioned areas. Use ceiling fans for cooling. Close heating vents or radiators in rooms you don't use. However, if you have a heat pump system, leave all doors and vents open to ensure proper airflow. Lower your thermostat at night and using more blankets in winter. However, if you have a heat pump system, you'll save more on energy costs if you keep the thermostat on a comfortable setting day and night.

6 The Family Room… The family room is a favorite hang-out
The Family Room… The family room is a favorite hang-out. It’s also a place where you can save energy. Use fans instead of air conditioning for cooling whenever you can. Put on more layers of clothing to keep warm. You can take off a sweater when you're active, then put it back on when you're not. Keep your fireplace damper closed when there's no fire in the fireplace. If you have glass fireplace doors, keep them closed as well.

7 Turn off television sets, stereos and other electric appliances whenever you're not using them.
Improve efficiency in winter by using ceiling fans set on reverse to re-circulate heat that would otherwise build up near the ceiling. Use draft guards at the bottom of doors that open into unconditioned areas. Keep radiators or vents clear of  furniture or drapes. If the vent is located inconveniently, install a deflector and direct the hot or cold air right where you want it. They're inexpensive and easy to install.

8 The Kitchen… While everyday things like cooking, washing dishes and keeping foods cold aren't large consumers of energy, they do add up. Before you buy kitchen appliances, always look for EnergyGuide labels to compare energy efficiency and yearly operating costs with other appliances in the same category. Remember, an appliance with a superior efficiency rating will usually cost more initially, but it will save on operating costs over the lifetime of the appliance.

9 Grime from cooking, smoking and dust can make a light bulb dirty, reducing the light it gives off. Inspect and clean bulbs regularly. Use stove exhaust fans that vent to the outdoors as little as possible during the winter to limit sending heated air outdoors. Run your garbage disposal with cold water.

10 Washing Dishes... Studies show electric dishwashers use
less hot water than washing and rinsing dishes by hand. When you purchase a dishwasher, look for one with a short or light cycle. They require fewer fills and less hot water. Some dishwashers use up to 40 percent less hot water per load, and others allow you to reduce the temperature settings on your water heater. Both can save you money. Check the condition of your dishwasher filter screen and clean or replace it when necessary. Save more energy by air drying your dishes and only running full loads.

11 Cooking... Don't open the oven door to check on food any more than necessary. Twenty-five percent of the heat escapes each time you do. Turn off the oven about 15 to 20 minutes before the end of the cooking time. The left-over heat will finish the job. Avoid cooking during the hottest parts of a summer's day. Cook outdoors when you can. Cook in oven-safe glass or ceramic pans when you can. They allow you to set your oven temperature twenty-five degrees lower than the recipe calls for. Keep pots and pans covered and use the right size pot or pan for the size of your stove's burner. Use properly fitted lids to hold the heat in.

12 When boiling a liquid, only put in the pot what you will use
When boiling a liquid, only put in the pot what you will use. Start with a high heat setting. When boiling starts, turn the heat down and allow foods to simmer until fully cooked. Begin a self-cleaning cycle while your oven is still hot from cooking. Do summer cooking in the evening so your home stays more comfortable during the day. Cook several dishes in the oven at the same time. Prepare double recipes when you can and freeze for future use. Re-heat with microwave.  Keep the door closed when broiling in a gas stove to keep in high temperatures. The gas flames will consume smoke and grease.

13 Your Refrigerator... Partially thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator before cooking them. In many cases, thawing foods lets you cut cooking times by a third. Don't place your refrigerator next to your stove or other sources of heat. And allow adequate wall and cabinet clearance. Giving a refrigerator or freezer "room to breath" will let it operate more efficiently and prevent premature burnout. Store the most perishable items in the coldest part of your refrigerator (usually the back or top shelf), so you can set the temperature slightly higher.

14 Twice a year -- more often if you have long-haired pets -- unplug your refrigerator and vacuum the coils in the back or underneath. Dirt and dust on the coils greatly reduces efficiency. Allow hot foods to cool before putting them in the refrigerator. Make sure you don't over-crowd shelves or block the circulation of air inside. Wipe any moisture off containers before putting them in the refrigerator, and keep foods in the refrigerator covered. Moisture will otherwise build up rapidly and you'll use more energy to remove it.

15 Be sure your refrigerator door closes tightly and the gasket is in good condition. Check it by closing the door on a piece of paper. If you can easily pull the paper out when the door is closed, you need a new gasket. If you have a magnetic gasket, put a flashlight inside pointed at various areas of the gasket and close the door. If you can see light, you need a new gasket.

16 The Laundry Room… Washers and dryers can be big energy users--not to mention the water heating involved. Before you buy a washer, dryer or water heater, look for EnergyGuide labels to compare energy efficiency and yearly operating costs with other appliances in the same category. Remember that a more energy efficient appliance will usually cost more, but you'll get that money back and more from savings on operating costs.

17 Washing Clothes… Wash full loads only. Use the maximum washing time
only for heavily soiled clothes. Washing longer than necessary wastes energy and wears out clothes. Vary the size of garments in a load so water can circulate freely. Use warm or cold water for washing and always use cold water to rinse.

18 Drying Clothes… In summer, run the dryer at night so its warmth isn't released during the heat of the day. Clear the lint screen after each load for quick drying. Check and clean your dryer exhaust vent periodically. Remove lint after each load. If your clothes dryer has an automatic cycle, use it. Drying more than needed wastes energy and wears out clothes. Check the outside vent lid monthly to make sure it opens and closes freely. If it doesn't close tightly, replace it with one that does to keep outside air from leaking in. Dry loads of clothing back to back, using the leftover heat. This reduces overall drying time and lowers energy costs.

19 The Living Room… Common sense can be a good guide to energy savings in more formal rooms
Move furniture away from heating and cooling registers or radiators. Blocking or restricting air flow makes heating and air conditioning systems work harder. Consider using solid-state dimmers with your incandescent lights. When you finish using a reading or work light, you can dim it for general room illumination. Choose light-colored, translucent lamp shades. Many lampshades, while decorative, can actually reduce light or send it somewhere you don't need it. Install thermal shades or shutters on windows. They close tightly and are one of the most effective ways to stop heat loss through your windows.

20 Heating & Cooling… You use more energy in your home for heating and cooling than anything else. Here are some basic tips that can help you stay comfortable and lower energy costs: Ducts can be a particularly energy expensive problem. Check them out. Keep heating and air conditioning filters clean. It's difficult to force air through dirty filters. It takes more energy and can raise your energy bills. Keep your thermostat set on 78° in summer and 66° in winter. For every degree you raise or lower the setting, you can see a difference of up to 3% in energy costs.

21 If you have a furnace, you can save money by lowering your thermostat 5° before you go to bed at night. When no one is home, set it back to 55° degrees. The more often you can set back the temperature for 8 hours or longer, the more energy and money you'll save. If you have a heat pump, do not set your thermostat back during heating season. Just find a comfortable setting and leave it there. Lowering the setting on a heat pump system will cause the backup heat to come on when it's raised in the morning. Backup heat uses a lot more energy than the normal heat mode, meaning you'll waste more energy than you may have saved during the night.

22 Protect your thermostat from drafts so your heating system turns on only when you need extra warmth.
Replace your old thermostat with a newer clock model. These new devices can be set to automatically lower temperature at bedtime and raise them again in the morning. If you have a heat pump, select an automatic setback thermostat specifically designed to work with heat pump systems. Schedule annual maintenance check-ups for your heating and cooling systems. By keeping your system in optimal working condition, you'll not only reduce energy costs, but extend your system's service life.

23 Trim or remove grass, weeds, leaves, etc
Trim or remove grass, weeds, leaves, etc. from around the outdoor unit of your heating or cooling system. When airflow is blocked, it puts a strain on the system and lowers efficiency. Shade room air conditioners from direct sun to reduce their workload. Clean the filters once a month and replace them as necessary to promote energy efficiency. Lower the setting when you go out to reduce operating costs.

24 Ducts… Improperly designed or installed duct systems can decrease comfort, jeopardize indoor air quality, and increase operating costs. Even small holes or loose seals in ductwork can account for as much as 30% in lost energy. Some common ductwork problems include uninsulated ducts through attics or vented crawlspace areas, ducts with holes or ducts that are disconnected or crushed. You may also find some ducts that lead nowhere, or duct joints that leak air through unsealed joints. Some home systems are not equipped with return ducts and the imbalance in air pressure can substantially increase costs of operation.

25 There's a lot more to duct repair work than slapping on some duct tape, though. It's delicate, precise work best left to your heating and cooling professional.  The easiest way to keep your duct system in check is simply to have your heating and cooling contractor give it a thorough inspection as part of your heating and cooling system's annual checkup.

26 Lighting… Even though lighting is easy to see, it's sometimes not easy to remember that using it wisely can add up to a lot of energy-savings. Use low wattage light bulbs in halls and other places where no close-up tasks occur. Turn off incandescent lights when you're not using them. Light only the specific area where you are working and plan tasks needing good lighting for daylight hours when light is free. Put your outside security lights on a timer or photoelectric switch so they won't remain on during daylight. And use high efficiency bulbs to get the most from your dollar.

27 Use today's energy efficient bulbs. They come in many sizes and styles
Use today's energy efficient bulbs. They come in many sizes and styles. Switch to fluorescent lights where you can. They produce four times the light per watt as ordinary bulbs and, even though fluorescent tubes cost more than incandescent bulbs, they last longer. Fluorescent bulbs can take more energy to turn on when you first flip the switch, but the energy savings outweigh the initial extra energy use--especially when used in areas where lights are on for many hours per day. Consider using compact fluorescent bulbs in lamps and other lighting fixtures. Using fluorescent bulbs in hard-wired lighting fixtures, typically kitchens and bathrooms, can also save energy.

28 Water Heating… Before you buy a water heater, look for EnergyGuide labels to compare energy efficiency and yearly operating costs with other appliances in the same category. Get significant savings by lowering the water temperature setting on your water heater. In an average home, 120°degrees is sufficient. Turn off your water heater when you'll be away from home for a vacation or for any extended period. Insulate your water heater if it's in an unconditioned space. You can buy an inexpensive insulation kit at most home improvement stores -- or you can do it yourself with backed roll insulation and duct tape. Gas water heaters should be insulated carefully. Check the manufacturer's recommendations.

29 Insulate the first 3 to 6 feet of cold and hot water pipes near your water heater. Insulating all your hot water pipes is only necessary where pipes are located in a crawl space or attic. Keep foam insulation at least 6 inches from the vent of a gas water heater. Turn your gas water heater control valve to "pilot" when you're away from home for a week or more.

30 Drain sediment from the tank twice a year
Drain sediment from the tank twice a year. A rumbling or crackling sound is a sure sign of sediment build-up. If it hasn't been done regularly, you may need to flush the tank. First, shut off incoming water and drain water from tank. Then allow a few gallons of cold water to refill the tank and drain again. Repeat until drain water runs  clear. If you have a gas water heater, make sure to turn off the gas valve beforehand.

31 Energy Saving Outside Your Home…
When it comes to using energy wisely, don't forget the outside of your home. Take this test: If a playing card fits the crevice of an outside door or window, you need more weather stripping. Caulk and weather-strip to stop air leaks around windows, doors, exhaust fans and any other place where wires or pipes pass through walls. Replace any caulk that has cracks or is no longer soft.

32 You can install storm and/or replacement windows, but they are often not the best use of your energy improvement dollars because of their high cost and long payback. A low-cost alternative that will provide similar performance is 6-mil plastic, which you can use to "make" storm windows. Be sure to stretch it as tightly as you can. If you use these homemade storm windows on the inside of your regular windows and attach them carefully, they can last through several seasons. You can also find homemade kits at home improvement stores.

33 Keep out winter air by covering your window air conditioners tightly on the inside with thick plastic or special air conditioner covers. Weather-strip around the units to block drafts. Cover bare ground beneath your home with a vapor barrier to keep moisture from getting into your home. Polyethylene sheets work well. Since a third of your air conditioner's energy is spent removing moisture, vapor barriers can make a noticeable dent in your energy bills. If you have a crawl space, open your foundation vents each spring and close them each fall. Planning to replace your roof? Consider roofing materials with reflective coatings and/or choose light-colored roofing to greatly reduce heat absorption.

34 Landscaping… Carefully plan your landscaping to help to
reduce your energy costs and increase indoor comfort. Plant deciduous trees like oak, maple, gum, ash and dogwood. They lose their leaves in the winter, letting the sun through to warm your home. In summer, their leaves shade your home. Plant shade trees to the south, since that side gets the most sun. Evergreens are effective for blocking wind. Plant them in a staggered or double line to the northwest of your home. A line of evergreens can reduce heat loss and winter fuel bills by up to twenty percent. Smaller foundation plants can minimize the loss of cool air away from the house in summer and, in winter, provide additional wind protection.

35 2006 Home Energy Saving Tips
Virginia Cooperative Extension Newport News Unit Prepared by Johanna Hahn Sr. Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Sciences Program November 1, 2005

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