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Junior Family Night Presenters: Ann Matthews, Guidance

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1 Junior Family Night Presenters: Ann Matthews, Guidance
Debra Tate, Occupational Specialist Tim DeGilio and Adrianna Parker, 2012 Graduates

2 Goals To understand: Graduation Requirements
What juniors should be doing in high school to prepare for college applications Who to contact for questions and how to solve problems

3 Goal of PCHS is to have students graduate college ready
Academically Coursework is to prepare for college/career. Goal is to learn not just earn credits Choose electives wisely- PCHS/CTC Emotionally Manage deadlines Learn how to improve relationships with teachers and friends Logistically How to pursue future plans and pay for them

4 Contact Information Debra Tate, Occupational Specialist College/Career plans/SAT & ACT registration/Military ext 3117 Ann Matthews, Junior Counselor Schedule/Graduation requirements, personal/academic concerns ext 3113 Parents: Appointments highly suggested Students: Compete a form in Student Services Office

5 Additional Contacts Charity Waters, Social Worker, ext 3119
Community resources/attendance concerns Maryann Cosenza, Data Entry, ext 3110 Community service hours Penny Ortolano, Guidance Registrar ext 3112 Transcripts, insurance discount verification Mary Tabri, Guidance Secretary ext 3137 FOCUS login information, contact during maternity leave

6 Online Resources Facebook Page: “Port Charlotte High School: Class of 2014” to receive guidance and college updates Listserve: s occasionally released about upcoming events and valuable info. Mrs. Matthews so she can retrieve your address and add you to the listserve Guidance Website Go to Click on Guidance Department and Click on Junior Website(currently says senior website) and Career Information Center website Direct link is

7 Maternity Leave To contact guidance, call Mary Tabri, ext 3137
If you leave a message, include the nature of your call so the appropriate person can help you Refrain from ing Mrs. Matthews during this time Approximate leave of absense: September and October

8 Schedule Changes Due Monday, August 13th
Complete a form in the Student Services Office. Clearly state which class you would like to drop AND add. Many classes are full, so please give multiple options Guidance is not allowed to do teacher or period changes Almost all courses are year-long so any change needs to be requested now

9 Schedule Suggestions As rigorous as you can handle, however make sure it is appropriate for your level Complete at least two credits of a foreign language, if pursuing 4-year university or Bright Futures Scholarship Take college level coursework if motivated and eligible

10 College Level Coursework
Advanced Placement High school course taught at the college level Material is taught all year with the hopes of passing the national AP test in May Must pass AP test in order to earn college credit. Course is still very valuable to have even if you do not pass the test College credit is transferable to most national colleges Eligibility: Highly motivated student, teacher/counselor recommendation, FCAT scores and GPA. Entire package is reviewed Dual Credit College course taught at PCHS through Edison College credit is earned if you pass the class College credit is typically transferable to all Florida public schools. Private and out-of-state schools may or may not accept credit Begins your college GPA!!! Must meet Edison’s requirements: 3.0 unweighted GPA(must maintain throughout the year) SAT/ACT/PERT qualifying score

11 Graduation Requirements
24 credits 4 English 4 Math(Must include Algebra 1 and Geometry) 3 Science 3 Social Studies(World, American, Gov/Econ) 1 HOPE 1 Fine Art 8 electives Pass Reading FCAT 2.0 unweighted GPA- “C” average

12 Graduation Requirements
Misconceptions Foreign language is NOT required to graduate but it is required for Bright Futures and to enter most 4-year universities(2 credits of same language) Community service hours are NOT required for graduation but are required for the Bright Futures Scholarship

13 Graduation Diploma Awards (cum laude, etc)
Honors those who were successful in advanced coursework or who have a minimum 3.5 GPA. D’s and F’s must be made up through Florida Virtual School. Silver Cord-150 hours of community service. 50 must be done senior year. Some suggested volunteer sites located on Guidance website

14 FCAT FCAT Reading For juniors who did not pass in 10th grade or new juniors to the State of Florida Offered twice per year(October and April) A concordant SAT or ACT score can substitute the FCAT graduation requirement.

15 Common Q & A Steps if your child is struggling in a class
1. Check your FOCUS account to view the gradebook. Your account matches the teacher’s gradebook 2. Contact the teacher, preferably via addresses found on school website. Same format used for all staff. 3. If tutoring is needed, attend FREE tutoring Mon/Wed in room A100. Tues/Thurs in B111 4. If necessary, contact Mrs. Matthews to set up a parent-teacher conference. Meetings occur at 6:45am

16 Common Q & A Steps if you are not satisfied with the teacher/student relationship If you are unsuccessful improving the situation on your own, see Mrs. Matthews to discuss your concerns Conference will be suggested. Goals/interventions will be developed An immediate teacher change is never the first step

17 Common Q & A How do I go about signing up for credit retrieval?
Florida Virtual School(FLVS)-pace is 9-18 weeks/semester. Free and done only at home. Highest grade available is an “A”. Must keep up with the pace or you will be dropped. Go to and complete registration process. Make sure you sign up for the correct class AND semester. Mrs. Matthews will receive notification to approve you. Then you wait for an FLVS instructor to call you when a space is available. Waitlists are common. Ed Options(Night School)- Details TBA. After school. Highest grade one can earn is a “C.”

18 Common Q&A How do I find out my GPA and class rank?
Log on to your focus account Click on Course History Here you can view your GPA, rank and transcript You can also use focus to view your current grades, absences, discipline record and to your teachers

19 SAT/ACT Registration Required to apply for a 4 year university
You should take at least one of each Once in January/February Another in May/June September if necessary SAT: ACT: On Free/Reduced Lunch? You get 2 SAT & 2 ACT fee waivers. See Mrs. Tate in the CIC to request the waiver

20 Bright Futures Scholarship
Visit for a complete listing of requirements 3 different scholarships, each with different criteria Your Bright Futures GPA is NOT your weighted GPA. It only calculates your academic classes. Students will learn what their academic GPA is during the week of Sept 7 The two main scholarships(Academic and Medallion) only look at academic classes and foreign language. The Gold Seal will calculate three credits in a vocational program Florida schools only Eligibility requirements are becoming increasingly more difficult Community Service Hours now required(Ranging from hrs). Forms can be found in Student Services or on guidance website Juniors will visit CIC during the week of Sept 12-17

21 How and when do I apply for scholarships?

22 Important Dates Month of September: Register with Ms. Tate for the PSAT which is held on Oct 17 Juniors visit CIC to review eligibility for Bright Futures Scholarship September pm: College Night in PCHS Gym November- Register for an SAT/ACT Spring-Visit at least 4 colleges Additional opportunities Junior Leadership Charlotte. See Mrs. Tate or Mrs. Matthews American Legion Boys and Girls State Program-see Mrs. Tate in January

23 2012 Graduates Adrianna Parker Tim DeGilio

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