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Progressive Era ( ) Who were they?

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Presentation on theme: "Progressive Era ( ) Who were they?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Progressive Era (1890-1920) Who were they?
Urban Middle-Class: writers, teachers, scholars Many were women

2 Progressive Era (1890-1920) Goals:
Social Welfare: to relieve urban problems Ex.) YMCA, settlement houses, Illinois Factory Act 1893 to prohibit child labor and decrease women’s hours Moral improvement: to improve moral conditions Ex.) Prohibition and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, more aggressive Anti-Saloon League. Angered immigrant workers who depend on saloons for cheap meals, a place to cash checks, and rooms for weddings, union and political meetings. Economic Reform: Many critiqued the abuses of Capitalism, but do not go so far as supporting Socialism. “Muckraker” journalists like Upton Sinclair tried to expose the abuses of Capitalism AND support Socialism, but he was the exception. Fostering efficiency: Ex.) Scientific Management: The idea was meant to make factories more efficient and reduce work load, but many factory owners use this as a way to squeeze even more work out of employees

3 Progressive Era Which goal is presented in this image?
What is the main idea/purpose of this document?

4 Progressive Era What is the main idea/purpose of this document?

5 Progressive Era Which goal is presented in this image?
What is the main idea/purpose of this document?

6 Progressive Era ( ) Political Reform: Seek ways to reduce the power/influence of Political Bosses; put greater power in the hands of the people. Australian Ballot: Initiative: the people petition to create a bill originated by the people rather than congress Referendum: voters accept or reject the initiative by referendum (a vote) Recall: Enabled voters to remove public officials by forcing them to face another election. Seventeenth Amendment (1913): The public votes for Senators not the Legislatures, reducing the power of political “bosses”

7 Progressive Era (1890-1920) Women’s Suffrage: 3 Part Strategy
Convince Congress to grant women the right to vote- FAILED Court Cases to test the 14th Amendment: FAILED Pushed for National Constitutional Amendment- FAILED

8 Progressive Era (1890-1920) Women’s Suffrage:
Frustration Causes Split 1914: National American Woman Suffrage Association Moderate Led by Carrie Chapman Catt National Women’s Party Radical/Militant Led by Lucy Burns and Alice Paul 1919- Women become essential to war effort and Congress finally passes the 19th Amendment

9 Women’s Suffrage What is the main idea/purpose of this document?

10 Women’s Suffrage What is the main idea/purpose of this document?

11 Progressive Era ( ) Little improvement in civil rights for black Americans.

12 Progressive Era ( ) Was the goal of the Progressive Movement to clean up, or to fundamentally change society? Use evidence from class notes to answer the question

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