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Connecting the Pieces between Home and School

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting the Pieces between Home and School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting the Pieces between Home and School
ParentConnection Connecting the Pieces between Home and School

2 How do parents connect…
Parents must first sign up for an account by filling out a ParentConnection approval form. Forms available from JUSD website or any district school The completed form must be taken to any school site their children attend and verified by a school employee Only one form per family Each parent will get own account After verification, forms are sent to Technology office where account is set up. Parent is ed PIN and password to indicated address

3 What do they see… From JUSD Homepage Online Resources ParentConnection

4 ParentConnection Home Page

5 Please make a selection…
Parents Choose: News Demographics Contacts Schedule Attendance Assignments Requests Marks Transcript GPA Testing Activities

6 News

7 Demographics & Contacts
Allow parents to verify information that is in School System

8 Schedule Allows parents to see current schedule

9 Attendance Allows parents to see a summary of attendance as well as period details!

10 Assignments Parents can view all assignments if teachers are using GradeBook, and they choose to publish various aspects (Current Grade/Class Average/Scores etc). GradeBook sharing is adjusted at the teachers discretion. Parents can toggle between current assignments or All Assignments.

11 Course Requests Course requests for the current year are shown.
If parents log into the next school year, they’ll see course requests for that.

12 Marks After first grading period is posted, parents have the ability to see all report card marks.

13 Transcript Parents have the ability to toggle between Current School Transcript Records or All Transcript Records. (NOTE: Only 7-12 will show as no Academic History is currently entered into the Student System for K-6)

14 GPA Overall GPA (All Schools) As well as current School GPA records are available.

15 Testing Screen defaults to current year
All Testing Records are available Can be ordered by Test

16 Activities If sites are using the Activities module to track student involvement and participation in activities, they would appear in this screen.


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