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Presentation on theme: "1960’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 1960’s

2 Election of 1960 JFK and LBJ - Democratic Richard Nixon - Republican
Televised debates Extremely close but the Camelot family wins!!!

3 Domestic Record Defense and space spending
Lacked votes in Congress for major change Not an environmentalist

4 Civil Rights CORE and their “freedom rides” University of Mississippi
Birmingham incident March on Washington

5 March on Washington

6 Politics Abroad Atlantic Community Massive military build-up
Peace Corp Bay of Pigs Berlin Wall

7 How about a game of nuclear chicken?
Cuban Missile Crisis Naval blockade SU continued to send ships with weapons Krushchev blinks first Hot Line Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

8 Vietnam More weapons and “advisors”
Helped with a coup to overthrow Diem Kennedy’s next course of action? We’ll never know

9 Parade turned ugly! November 22, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald Jack Ruby
Warren Investigation Oswald acted alone

10 The Great Society Reduced Income taxes Civil Rights Act of 1964
War on Poverty Employment Opportunity Commission

11 Election of 1964 Democrat - Johnson
Republican - Goldwater (extreme conservative) Johnson appeared more moderate and won

12 Warren Court One black justice, Thurgood Marshall (1962)
Major decisions (Yellow 976)

13 Voting Rights Act of 1965 Freedom Summer (1964)
harassed MFDP to challenge democratic convention Compromise with two at large seats Law signed August 1965

14 Violent Protests LA (Watts Riot) Ghetto outbreaks throughout North
Detroit Why now? Focus change Nature of the inner city

15 Black Power Malcolm X Black Panthers Separate yourselves
Armed self-defense Black Panthers

16 Other Power Native Americans - Red Power
Declaration of Purposes Mexican Americans - Brown Power Cesar Chavez Women - NOW Freedom trash cans New vocab

17 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
July 1964 Air strikes President is given authority to “take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against U.S. and to prevent future aggression”

18 Operation Rolling Thunder
Sustained ineffective bombing of N. Vietnam Johnson committed 485,000 American combat troops by end of 1967

19 Opposition Began on college campuses TV coverage fueled opposition
Hawks v. Doves (Hawks always in the majority)

20 Tet Offensive January 1968 Sudden Vietcong attack
Military victory but diplomatic loss Johnson’s own party questioned him

21 Election of 1968 Kennedy shot and V.P. Hubert Humprey gained democratic nomination Nixon - Republican American Independent Party War wasn’t an Issue Nixon a minority President

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