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If it IS Broke, Why NOT Fix It?

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Presentation on theme: "If it IS Broke, Why NOT Fix It?"— Presentation transcript:

1 If it IS Broke, Why NOT Fix It?
Using ACT to Treat Intimate Partner Violence Erika Lawrence, Ph.D. Director of Translational Science The Family Institute, Northwestern University

2 Existing Theories and (Lack of) Effectiveness
Existing theories guiding treatments Feminist/patriarchal theory: Duluth model Social learning theory: Cognitive-Behavior treatment Hundreds of peer-reviewed studies and meta-analyses 5% improvement at best Limitations Target reasons for initial violence not violence maintenance Narrowly focused on 1-2 contributors Attempt to change thoughts and feelings in order to change behavior (Didactic and confrontational) Example of how incorporated into brochure Add biz card ex.

3 The New Intervention: ACTV
Developed from 20+ years of basic biobehavioral research on development of violence Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Developed for mental health problems (Hayes, Stroshal, & Wilson, 1999) Success with substance abuse, smoking, other behavioral problems (e.g., Gifford et al., 2004; Wilson & Byrd, 2004) First time ACT applied to externalizing problem First treatment to focus on function rather than content of thoughts and emotions to reduce violence Example of how incorporated into brochure Add biz card ex.

4 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Avoidance vs. Acceptance Avoiding internal experiences Contact with Present Moment Thoughts of past or future dominate Cognitive (De)Fusion Believing/dominated by unhelpful thoughts Values Unclear values, living for avoidance Psychological (In) Flexibility Start with psych flex then to two processes How different from CBT Self-as-Context Attachment to unhelpful self-concepts Committed Action Persistent inaction, impulsivity or avoidance (Hayes et al., 2006)

5 The New Intervention: ACTV
Cognitive Fusion Cognitive Defusion Being “hooked” by thoughts, rules and beliefs and letting them determine what you do in your life, even when they are not helpful in terms of moving you in the direction of your values and goals Stepping back from the thoughts, emotions, memories and body sensations that pose as barriers and noticing them as thoughts, emotions, memories, and body sensations that need not determine what you do Experiential Avoidance Emotional Acceptance Escaping from, avoiding, or trying to control one’s own experience such as thoughts, emotions, memories, and body sensations Being willing to have whatever thoughts, emotions, memories, and body sensations show up when moving in a valued direction To accomplish this goal in the new intervention, here are 2 of the processes we target in the new intervention: how participants respond their thoughts (known as cognitive fusion vs. cognitive defusion) and how participants respond to their emotional, environmental and physiological experiences (known as experiential avoidance vs. acceptance). Dozens of component studies on the effects of cognitive defusion27-29, acceptance30-32, and values33 indicate a variety of therapeutically desirable results34,35. Further, interventions emphasizing these processes show impressive outcomes across a broad range of problems. Indeed, these interventions were recently designated as “empirically supported,” the highest designation a behavioral intervention can achieve. In sum, the new intervention is based on a CBS approach, an approach that has demonstrated efficacy with other harmful behaviors. This is the first intervention in which this approach has been adapted to reduce IPV.

6 Applying the ACT Model to Violence
Emotion Dysregulation Stimulus Interpersonal conflict (2) Emotions, thoughts, urges, bodily sensations Using the theory underlying ACT as a guide, I adapted a clinical model to aggression Hypothesized to facilitate a practical advantage in conceptualizing and treating aggression Model includes processes linked to intervention mechanisms (3) Psychological or Physical Aggression (4) Escape or relief from aversive emotional arousal

7 Achieving Change through Value-Based Behavior (ACTV)
1 Multiple Contributions to Violence Maintenance 2 ACT Processes: Awareness, Values 3-4 Barriers to Change: Substance Use; Mood, Anxiety & Stress Management 5-8 ACT: Emotion (Dys)regulation, Experiential Avoidance , Emotional Acceptance 9 10-13 ACT Processes: Cognitive Fusion to Cognitive De-Fusion 14 15 16 Psychologically, Physically and Sexually Aggressive Behaviors 17-21 Practicing Behavioral Skills: Communication & Conflict Resolution Skills 22 23-24 Barriers to Change: Effective Parenting; Employment & Financial Stress  How intervention is set up Now link ACT linked to violence Point out how applied – build up to certain skills Contextualize act skills in other domains Show how EA in this slide We do a lot of other sessions, cover other things Next I’m going to tell you about an efficacy study I did. Not all 24 sessions, just ACT processes sessions

8 Achieving Change through Value-Based Behavior (ACTV)
1 Multiple Contributions to Violence Maintenance 2 ACT Processes: Awareness, Values 3-4 Comorbid Phenomena: Substance Use; Mood, Anxiety & Stress Management 5-8 ACT: Emotion (Dys)regulation, Experiential Avoidance vs. Acceptance 9 10-13 ACT Processes: Cognitive Fusion vs. Cognitive De-Fusion 14 15 16 Psychologically, Physically and Sexually Aggressive Behaviors 17-21 Practicing Behavioral Skills: Communication & Conflict Resolution Skills 22 23-24 Contextual Factors: Effective Parenting; Employment & Financial Stress  How intervention is set up Now link ACT linked to violence Point out how applied – build up to certain skills Contextualize act skills in other domains Show how EA in this slide We do a lot of other sessions, cover other things Next I’m going to tell you about an efficacy study I did. Not all 24 sessions, just ACT processes sessions

9 Feasibility Testing Can DOC employees learn the concepts and techniques? Can these concepts and techniques be adapted to address IPV? Can this population learn the new concepts and techniques? Example of how incorporated into brochure Add biz card ex.

10 Feasibility Testing Findings (qualitative data from facilitators and participants): Participation and retention rates were higher in ACTV than TAU Group facilitators able to learn the new conceptual model and employ the new techniques within the context of IPV Participants were able to learn the new skills and implement them in their own lives when taught in the context of IPV Qualitative data extremely positive Example of how incorporated into brochure Add biz card ex.

11 Two Randomized Controlled Trials
Efficacy Study Testing the ACT processes as applied to intimate partner violence Feasibility and pilot studies with the Department of Corrections Effectiveness Study Testing the full intervention through the Department of Corrections Example of how incorporated into brochure Add biz card ex.

12 Efficacy: Do ACT Skills Reduce Aggression?
Community volunteers in relationships (N = 101) Criteria: 2 or more acts of physical aggression in 6 mos. Random assignment: per group 12 sessions of ACT or support/discussion control group Self-report questionnaires Example of how incorporated into brochure Add biz card ex.

13 Do ACT Skills Reduce Psychological Aggression?
Post Intercept: b = 1.15, SE = .68, t(97) = 7.43, p < .01 6 Mos. Intercept: b = 2.05, SE = .71, t(97) = 8.33, p < .01 Slopes: b = 2.21, SE = .74, t(97) = 3.59, p < .05 ACT MDEAS, 28 items

14 Do ACT Skills Reduce Physical Aggression?
Post Intercept: b = 1.45, SE = .59, t(97) = 7.11, p < .01 6 Mos. Intercept: b = 2.21, SE = .65, t(97) = 8.19, p < .01 Slopes: b = 2.35, SE = .89, t(97) = 6.22, p < .05 Control ACT Community couples CTS2, 12 items

15 Do ACT Skills Account for Group Differences in Aggression?
ACT or Control Study 1 establishes the feasility of thes ideas Operates the way we expecgecd it ot operate Next steps: go after all 24 sessions and apply iot to a much more severe sample Partial Mediation in Psychological Aggression Direct Effect: γ = , SE = .004, t(99) = -2.19, p < .05 With mediator: Z = 1.98, SE = .005, p = .08 Partial Mediation for Physical Aggression Direct Effect: γ = , SE = .006, t(99) = -3.39, p < .05 With mediator: Z = 1.67, SE = .005, p = .08

16 Two Randomized Controlled Trials
Efficacy Study Testing the ACT processes as applied to intimate partner violence Feasibility and pilot studies with the Department of Corrections Effectiveness Study Testing the full intervention through the Department of Corrections Example of how incorporated into brochure Add biz card ex.

17 Achieving Change through Value-Based Behavior (ACTV)
1 Multiple Contributions to Violence Maintenance 2 ACT Processes: Awareness, Values 3-4 Barriers to Change: Substance Use; Mood, Anxiety & Stress Management 5-8 ACT: Emotion (Dys)regulation, Experiential Avoidance , Emotional Acceptance 9 10-13 ACT Processes: Cognitive Fusion to Cognitive De-Fusion 14 15 16 Psychologically, Physically and Sexually Aggressive Behaviors 17-21 Practicing Behavioral Skills: Communication & Conflict Resolution Skills 22 23-24 Barriers to Change: Effective Parenting; Employment & Financial Stress  How intervention is set up Now link ACT linked to violence Point out how applied – build up to certain skills Contextualize act skills in other domains Show how EA in this slide We do a lot of other sessions, cover other things Next I’m going to tell you about an efficacy study I did. Not all 24 sessions, just ACT processes sessions

18 Recidivism One Year Post-Treatment
Violent offenses only Most re-offend within 3 months

19 Summary ACTV significantly reduces recidivism compared to standard treatment First IPV intervention to: Focus on function rather than content of thoughts/emotions Target reasons why violence continues rather than why some men become violent initially Conducted in collaboration with state policy makers or DOC Iowa became the 1st state to disseminate a statewide, court-mandated, empirically supported intervention for IPV Example of how incorporated into brochure Add biz card ex.

20 What Are We Doing Now? Adaptations Replicate and extend
IA, MN, MO, AZ, IL, NY Bogota, Colombia (Spanish language versions) Longer-term follow-up, level of risk Test change mechanisms; indirect outcomes for victims, relationships, children Educate stakeholders PEW Institute recognized for cost effectiveness and (actual) effectiveness APA awarded Distinguished Contribution to Family Psychology Disseminating across the U.S. Adaptations Piloting BREAK - for adolescents in juvenile detention Piloting CERB – for college students who engaged in sexual misconduct Example of how incorporated into brochure Add biz card ex.

21 Thank you! Questions? “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” - Theodore Roosevelt

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