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Islam As A Deen.

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1 Islam As A Deen

2 Allah subhanahu-wa-Taala says in the Quran:
Today We have completed your Deen and have completed My bliss نعمت upon you and accepted for you Islam as a deen. The question is: What is Islam? What is Deen?

3 Islam Islam means total submission to Allah Ta’ala .
The one who obeys Allah’s commands is called a Muslim. A Muslim believes that Allah Ta’ala has created not only him, but the entire universe. He is in full control over everything.

4 Everything that happens is what Allah Ta’ala wills
Everything that happens is what Allah Ta’ala wills. He has created mankind and knows what is best for him and what is harmful for him. A Muslim knows that Allah Ta’ala is very kind and has given his commands for his(the Muslims) own benefits.

5 If he obeys Allah’s commands in toto(totality) and pleases Allah, Allah Ta’ala will give him rewards in this world and in the world of eternity(time without end).

6 Fundamental Principles of Islam
Islam is based on five pillars Kalima Tayyeba “La Illaha Illalah Muhammad-ur-Rasool Allah” Translation There is no one worth worshipping but Allah and Muhammad(ﷺ) is this Messenger.

7 Theme This thing should be engraved in our hearts that Allah is the creator of the entire universe. He is the owner and sovereign(independent) ruler. He is the sustainer. He possesses the attributes and qualities as mentioned in His 99 names.

8 Therefore, with all these qualities, no one else is worth worshipping than Allah.
Muhammad(ﷺ) is His Messenger. He has sent the Prophet Mohammad(ﷺ) to teach mankind about Allah and Allah’s commands and to teach mankind the ways how to lead our lives.

9 Salat Allah’s first command after embracing Islam is to offer prayers as taught by our Holy Prophet(ﷺ). Salat is so important that Allah Ta’ala has mentioned it more than 700 times in the Quran .

10 There are number of Ahadees of our Holy Prophet(ﷺ) where he has mentioned the importance of salat.

11 Fasting Fasting for 29/30 days in the month of Ramazan is also a pillar of Islam. As in Salat, fasting is the best exercise not only for the soul but also our body.

12 Zakat Islam develops the character of an individual, but since the individuals make a society, Islam also guides us to develop the society as a whole. In every society there are rich and poor people.

13 Islam creates a brotherhood feeling towards all Muslim.
To take care of all brothers in Islam, it has been made compulsory that the rich people may give a nominal share of only 2.5% of their “savings” to the poor. Once every year this meager معمولی amount, if distributed properly, helps eliminate(remove) poverty from society.

14 Hajj Hajj reminds us of the great scarifices Hazrat Ibrahim(علیہ السلام) gave in obedience of Allah Ta’ala which are summarised below: The super power of his time Nemrood ordered Hazrat Ibrahim(علیہ السلام) to bow down to him and worship him as he was the god. Hazrat Ibrahim(علیہ السلام) refused saying that only Allah was worth worshipping.

15 Namrud flew into a rage(anger) and ordered to ignite (جلانا) a huge fire and throw Hazrat Ibrahim (علیہ السلام) into the fire. Hazrat Ibrahim(علیہ السلام) chose to burn in the fire rather than bow to Namrood. Allah Ta’ala was so pleased that He ordered the fire to cool down for Hazrat Ibrahim(علیہ السلام).

16 After years of prayers his son Hazrat Ismail(علیہ السلام) was born
After years of prayers his son Hazrat Ismail(علیہ السلام) was born. Allah Taala ordered to take him and his (Hazrat Ismail’s)(علیہ السلام) mother to a far off place(Mecca) where there was not a drop of water, nor anything to eat – and leave them there. Leaving them there apparently )it means that)meant certain death. Hazrat Ibrahim(علیہ السلام) risked the life of his beloved son and wife to obey Allah.

17 Allah Ta’ala was so pleased that He ordered that a fountain gushed(ابلنا) near the place the child Hazrat Ismail was sitting. Now even after 4000 years, this zam zam is still flowing. When Hazrat Ismail(علیہ السلام) was around years of age, he(Hazrat Ibrahim علیہ السلام) saw a dream that he was sacrificing his son Ismail. Knowing that dreams of prophets were direct from Allah Ta’ala, he told his dream to Hazrat Ismail(علیہ السلام) who immediately agreed that he be sacrificed to obey Allah Ta’ala.

18 Hazrat Ibrahim(علیہ السلام) tried to slaughter the beloved son with full force – knowing that Allah’s command is first and foremost )leading) and his love for the child is secondary. Allah Ta’ala was so pleased that He ordered Hazrat Jibrael(علیہ السلام) to remove Hazrat Ismail(علیہ السلام) and put in his place a lamb which got slaughtered.

19 Agreeing to burn alive but not to bow down to anyone except Allah, leaving his beloved child and wife in a place where there was nothing to eat or drink just to obey Allah, taking all steps to sacrifice his son to obey Allah, are very great actions that give us a lesson that Allah’s commands are first and foremost.

20 Hajj has been made compulsory to all Muslim who can go for the pilgrimage to Mecca to remind all Muslims to lead a life where they may ensure to place Allah’s commands on top. For all Muslims, sacrifice of lamb, goat, cow or camel has been made compulsory to remind Muslims of the great sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim(علیہ السلام).

21 Deen Deen is the way taught by Allah Ta’ala through our Holy Prophet(ﷺ) how to lead our lives in obedience of Allah. Everything that we do in life, our Prophet(ﷺ) has taught us. Deen is a combination of 5 branches. Each and every branch has to be followed in order to follow complete deen.

22 Aqaid The firm belief that Allah is One(Ahad). He has created everything and He is the All powerful. He has full control of everything. Nothing can happen without the will of Allah. Allah Ta’ala has created angels who perform their chores (jobs) according to Allah’s wish.

23 Allah Ta’ala created mankind and to guide mankind
Allah Ta’ala created mankind and to guide mankind. Allah Ta’ala sent Messengers to guide them towards the right path. Allah Ta’ala has created heaven and hell. Those who lead their lives in obedience of Allah as taught by the Messengers will be sent to heaven and those who disobey shall be sent to Hell – for eternity.

24 Worship Only Allah Ta’ala is worth worshipping. Worship has to be performed only as taught by the Messengers – not adding or subtracting anything according to our whims(as we feel).

25 Dealings The dealings with others, by way of business or any other type should be fair and honest. Commitments made must be fulfilled.

26 Social Life How you live in society, how to dress, how to make your appearance. What to do in case of sorrow(like death in the family) and in case of happiness(like marriages). All these should be in accordance with the guidance of our Holy Prophet(ﷺ).

27 Manners/Politeness Islam teaches us how to behave with others. To be good to everyone. Be respectful to elders and loving to youngers. Our Holy Prophet(ﷺ) said to the effect(مفہوم) that a Muslim is one from whom no one is offended by way of tongue and hand.

28 Forgiveness to others pleases Allah Ta’ala
Forgiveness to others pleases Allah Ta’ala. Our Holy Prophet(ﷺ) said to the effect that I promise a palace in heaven to the one who does not quarrel even if he is wronged by someone. All those five parts or branches have to be followed. If anything is lacking it means we are not fully following the deen.

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