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H. Mian, Counsellor Seaquam Secondary Grade 11 Course Planning H. Mian, Counsellor

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Presentation on theme: "H. Mian, Counsellor Seaquam Secondary Grade 11 Course Planning H. Mian, Counsellor"— Presentation transcript:

1 H. Mian, Counsellor
Seaquam Secondary Grade 11 Course Planning H. Mian, Counsellor

2 Overview How Does the New Curriculum Impact Current Gr. 10 Students?
Requirements, Credits and Prerequisites Overview of Graduation Requirements Considerations for Those Planning to Attend Post Secondary Selecting The Appropriate Math Course Second Language – Required or Not Required? Courses – Elective Options Registration and Important Dates

3 How does the ‘new curriculum’ impact my selections?
Students entering grade 11 in 2019 will have the following changes to their program CHANGES includes: removal of all gr. 10 and 11 provincial exams and the addition of a Numeracy Assessment and a Gr. 12 Literacy Assessment (which will be similar in structure to the old Provincial Exams GRAD TRANSITIONS is REPLACED with CAREER-LIFE CONNECTIONS & Capstone

4 New Ministry Assessments
NUMERACY Assessment - Can take in Gr 10, 11 or 12 LITERACY Assessment - Take in Gr 12

5 Requirements, Credits & Pre-requisites
Each course you take and PASS will be assigned 2 numerical values: A) % /your grade B) 4 credits CREDITS are accumulated in order to meet the required number for graduation : minimum 80 (with specific courses being required within this) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: refers to those core courses (and number of credits) that ALL BC students must take in order to meet criteria for Graduation (i.e. an Eng. 12, a Ma 11 etc.) ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: refer to courses required by the Post Secondary Institution might apply to. Each Institution has its own set of admission requirements PROGRAM SPECIFC REQUIREMENTS: within the Post Secondary of your choice, you will note that each PROGRAM will have is own set of specific requirements – ie. Engineering will typically require Physics 12, Ma 12, Chemistry 12 etc. PRE-REQUISITES are courses that are required before you can apply to the ‘next’ level. i.e. to take Pre-Calc 11, a prerequisite is Pre- Calc. 10.

6 Graduation Requirements
A Language Arts Credits A Language Arts Credits A Language Arts Credits ENGLISH SOCIAL STUDIES Social Studies Credits A Social Studies 11 or 12 (Choices on Next Slide) 4 Credits SCIENCE Science Credits A Science Credits MATH A Math Credits A Math 11 ( Pre-C 11/11C, Foundation Math, WP Math) 4 Credits P.E. Active Living Credits Arts Education or ADSTs 10, 11 or Credits F.A. & A.S. Career Life Education Credits Career Life Connections+Capstone (NEW) 4 Credits OTHER ELECTIVES Elective Courses (16 credits must be Gr. 12) 28 Credits 80 Credits

7 Choices for Social Studies
Social Explorations 11 OR You can fulfill this requirement in Grade 12 by taking ONE of the followings: 20th. Century World History (formerly History 12) Law Studies 12 Social Justice 12 Comparative Cultures / World Religions 12 Genocide Studies 12 Philosophy 12 As Electives: Psychology 11/12 & Current Events & World Issues 12 (Board Authorized Courses)

8 Career Life Education Career Life Education is a new graduation requirement for students who have not completed Planning 10. Career Life Education begins the ‘experience & application’ journey. Content includes self-assessment, goal setting, lifelong learning, grad requirements, financial planning, workplace etiquette, local & global labour market trends, essential career & employability skills, post- graduation opportunities, employment standards, workplace safety, and awareness of work experience opportunities.

9 Career Life Connection 12 (NEW)
Career Life Connections & the culmination of a Capstone Project replaces Grad Trans in the new curriculum and is a graded graduation requirement starting 18/19. Content will continue to emphasize the three main themes of Personal Career-Life Development, Connections with Community, and Career Life Planning. Major outcomes: 1) personal plan for post-graduation; 2) a career-life exploration of experiential learning which can include service learning, volunteerism, employment, fieldwork projects, entrepreneurship, and passion projects; 3) design, assemble, and present a capstone project to an audience. This culminating project would demonstrate personal learning and achievement (in and out of school), growth in the core competencies, and a reflection on students’ post-graduation plans.

10 What Courses Should I Take In Gr. 11?

11 Can I make changes to my course selection later on?
As always, we strongly recommend that you research and choose wisely – elective spaces are at a premium (including academic electives) and space is limited. After verification (mid April) no further changes will be considered (other than special individualised cases) Remember – what you select determines the number of spaces we open ; new seats are NOT added in Sept. even if you decide you want or need one. At this point, classes may be full.

12 What do I Need If I want to apply to an ACADEMIC PROGRAM at Post Secondary?*
Depends on WHERE & WHAT PROGRAM you want to apply to. To Keep doors open for many Post Sec. Institutions - For Sciences, Health Sciences, Biological Sciences, Engineering, Applied Sciences (most programs) consider Pre-Calc. 11, Chemistry 11, Physics 11, Bio 11 & 12 For Many (but not all) Business, Computing Sciences – take Pre-Calc. 11 For all other programs (Arts etc.), there is far more flex – Foundations Math11 or Pre-Calc. will do it (but not Workplace Math) On average an admissions GPA around the mid 80% range is preferred in many faculties but it varies by institution and by the program you are applying to (i.e.. Some programs are far more competitive – Business, Engineering, Nursing etc.) Individual program requirements will apply in addition to general entrance requirements Become familiar with those in your grade 11 year to ensure you select the needed courses in gr. 12. Be sure to check what the Second Lang. Requirements are for the schools/programs you may be interested in – it’s not a GRADUATION REQUIREMENT *PLEASE NOTE THE ABOVE ARE GENERAL SUGGESTIONS* For specific admissions requirements in the programs of study you may be interested in, go to ADMISSIONS INFORMATION PAGES (HIGH SCHOOL) online for each school you are interested in. If you need further guidance , contact your counsellor or Ms. Gehiere (our Career Advisor) to book an appt. You may also contact an Admissions Advisor directly at the Post Secondary Institution.

13 ADMISSION ASSESSMENT High Academic Institutions
The assessments of your Personal Profile (next slide) are used in conjunction with your UBC admissions average to determine your overall competitiveness. Here are some examples of overall assessments: A student with an 88% admission average may be admitted over a student with a 90% admission average because they have a higher Personal Profile score. A student with a 92% admission average may be refused if one of their individual course grades (i.e., Math or English) is not as high as the other applicants’ individual course grades with similar admission averages and Personal Profile scores.

Leadership Sense of self & Community Initiatives & Achieving Goals Intellectual Readiness & Expression Problem Solving & Resilience

15 Technical Colleges & Some Universities
E.g. Kwantlen, Langara, Capilano College , BCIT In addition to academic programs, these schools offer Diploma, Certificate, Career, and Trades Programs Entrance requirements for some programs may not be as strict (varies by institution and by program – KPU and BCIT do have some highly academic tech and trades programs) Open admissions means you can upgrade AT the institution if you are missing program requirements No second language required for admission Many offer academic transfer programs to major universities Smaller classes

16 Required Courses (to meet Graduation Requirements) for the Gr. 11 Year
Language Arts: Literary Studies11 / Composition11 / New Media 11 / Composition 11 (ELL Only) Social Explorations 11 or a Social Studies 12 Mathematics 11 (Pre-Calc. 11, Foundations of Math 11 or Workplace Math (satisfies graduation requirements but may not meet Faculty of Science requirements for many post secondary institutions) Science 11(one) : Life Science11 / Chemistry 11 / Physics 11, Earth Science 11 or Science and Technology 11 (satisfies grad program but not science requirement for post-secondary institutions.)

17 Selecting Your MATH Course
Any Math 11 course (Pre-Calculus 11, Foundations of Math 11 or Workplace 11 ) will meet graduation requirements from high school graduation For Sciences/Business Programs at Post Sec: Pre-Calc and 12 For Arts Programs: Pre Calc. 11 or Foundations 11 and for UBC only, Foundations Math 12 also – Prerequisite for theses courses is PRE CALC 10 Workplace Math 11 may NOT meet some post-secondary requirements Workplace Math 11 follows A&W 10 Move from A/W Math 10 to Foundations Math 11: those with Pre-Calc. 9 and a high grade in A/W 10 may request Foundations counsellor consultation and permission required. Move from A/W Math 10 into Pre-Calculus 11: not recommended student MUST complete Pre-Calc 10 and should have taken Math 9 and Math 8 (math 8 and 9 CORE will not meet this requirement as pre-requisite skills for Pre Calc. 10 are not covered in these classes). It is recommended that students wishing to take Pre-Calculus 12 or Calculus 12 have a C+ or better in Pre-Calculus 11 .

18 Numeracy Assessment The assessment will be delivered electronically and will require both computer-based and handwritten responses. Students in Grades 10–12 may write the assessment if they have completed sufficient learning and feel they will be successful. The Graduation Numeracy Assessment is not linked to a specific mathematics course and will be reported on a four-category proficiency scale on your transcript

a second language is an elective – it is not required for graduation from high school a second language MAY be an admissions requirement for some Post Secondary Institutions OR some specific programs.

20 For Example: UBC Vancouver: Lang. 11 is required for admission
UBC Okanagan: Lang. 11 is NOT required for admission SFU: Intro. Lang. 11 or Lang. 11 required KPU: Lang. 11 NOT required for general admission but a Lang. 11 is required for direct entry to the B. Arts UVIC: Lang 11 is NOT required for admission UNBC: Lang. 11 is NOT required for admission NOTE: you may find that your program of study includes a second language elective as part of the degree, so be sure to do your research (i.e. – some non sci. degrees at KPU)

21 Language Options French 10, 11, 12 Intro. Spanish 11, Spanish 11,12
Intro. Japanese 11, Japanese 11, 12

22 Elective Options Full description, see SE Course Catalogue on the SE website
Peer Tutoring 11 (LAC/ESL/Music/PE/Life Skills/Core/Art/Technology) Peer Mentoring – by application only ARTS Education: Wind Ensemble 11 Music 11: Jazz Band (X Block) Music 11: Concert Choir Theatre Production - Stagecraft 11 Theatre Perf - Acting 11 Theatre Company (X block) Film and Television/Video 11 Film Studies Studio Arts 11 Drawing and Painting 11 Studio Arts 11 – Printmaking & Design (graphics) – may require a pre-req; TBD Photo 11 Contemporary Art Studios 12 Yearbook Production 11 SUPPORT PROGRAMS: ELL (second language learners) Composition Strategies for Learning (LAC) ADST: Culinary Arts 11 Baking Arts and Crafts 11 Textile Studies 11; Action Wear Family Studies 12 Tourism 12 Carpentry & Joinery 11 Wood Art Carving 11 Drafting & Design 11 Auto Technology 11 Metal Fabrication & Machining 11 Jewellery Art Metal 11 Engineering and Robotics 11 Robotics 11 Challenge & Drafting for Robotics Graphics 11 Computer Tech. CODING Accounting 11 Marketing 11 Economics 12 Active Living Women's PE 11 Co-Ed PE 11 Superfit 11 Strength and Conditioning Women's Volleyball PE9-12 Co-Ed Basketball

23 Elective Options - Academic Full description, see SE Course Catalogue on the SE website
LANGUAGES: French Language 11 Intro. Span. 11, Spanish 11 Intro. Jap 11, Jap 11 SCIENCES : Life Sciences 11 Chem 11 Physics 11 Earth Sc. 11 OTHER Computer Tech - Coding 11 Accounting 11, Marketing 11 Senior Social Studies Psychology Current Events & World Issues Aboriginal Studies 11/12 IB ELECTIVES (max. 4 permitted fro non-IB Diploma students) TOK (Theory of Knowledge) LANG (Fr. Or Spanish) SCIENCES MUSIC ART EE (extended Essay) SPORTS SCI.

24 Challenge Courses or Honors Courses?
Seaquam does not offer AP courses. Students have the option of taking IB courses in place of these if they choose to (up to 4 for students who are not doing an IB full Diploma) Math Challenge 11 – by teacher recommendation only. No French Challenge at the gr. 11 level Selective: Women’s Volleyball, Robotics Challenge, Peer Mentoring

25 Delta Academies (8 credits/2 courses)
FINE ARTS ACADEMIES Dance Delta Sec. Film Acting S. Delta Sec. Film Production S. Delta Sec. Opera Performance Delta Sec. SPORTS ACADEMIES Hockey Skills South Delta Sec. Hockey – Delta Wild South Delta Sec. Soccer Sands Sec Softball Seaquam Sec. Baseball Sands Sec. Lacrosse ( Girls and Boys) Delta Secondary Golf Seaquam Sec. FARM ROOTS Delta Secondary Applications & Full Info. Are online. Brochures are at the front office. Note – because these are choice programs, there are set fees attached to the programs

26 SD37 Career Programs Check out our District Website for info: Watch the CP Overview Video! Work Experience 12A / 12B (gr 11 & 12) Youth Work in Trades (formerly SSA) ~ Credit for paid work towards a trade (gr 10 to Grad) Youth Train in Trades (formerly ACE IT) ~ Class room/shop training towards a trade (gr 11 & 12)

27 Work Experience Options
Work Experience 12A is an elective course for grade 11 and 12 You will complete some pre-employability assignments (resume, cover letter, interview practice, Worksafe) A 90 hour work experience placement will follow (flexible schedule for start dates – some of you may be able to start in the summer) Students have been placed at the following places (not limited to this list): Science World, Aquarium, Physio Office, Shoppers Drug Mart, Elem. schools, London Drugs, Kumon (tutoring agency), Dentist office, Delta Hospital, Lawyers office, Safeway pharmacy, Engineering office, Northcrest Care Home

28 Career Programs See or eMail Ms. Deol for details!
YOUTH WORK IN TRADES - possible blended program – required courses in school, reg. work hours on alt. days or part days; student is required to arrange own placement (with red seal trades sponsor under guidance of Ms. Deol) Work Experience 12A – may be after school hours, weekends and holidays or by permission, partial day on alt. days – under guidance of Ms. Deol YOUTH TRAIN IN TRADES (YTT) Auto Technician 11 (apply through School Board – see District website for deadlines) – alternate days, in school timetable YOUTH TRAIN IN TRADES (YTT) Cook Training 11 (as above) – alternate days, in school timetable See website for options at other Delta Schools

29 District Career Programs
Youth TRAIN in Trades Youth WORK in Trades Electrician – North Delta (BCIT Satellite Campus) Carpenter – North Delta Auto Service Tech – Seaquam Prof Cook – Seaquam INFO for the followings on Next Slide VCC: Baking & Pastry Art, Auto Refinishing Prep BCIT: Metal Fabrication, Motorcycle Tech Kwantlen: Plumber, Millwright, Welder, Mason/Bricklayer Finishing Trade Institute: Painter Industry Training up to 16 weeks Opportunity to receive $1000 schoilarship See Mrs. Deol for more info

30 District Career programs Info

31 Online Courses Some students may opt to take senior academic or non academic electives online Students may or may not be offered a support block (study block in which to work on these courses) during there regular school day – like studies, this must be approved by admin/counselling. Students will be required to demonstrate their ability to work independently and must have a clear attendance and behaviour record. Students must sign up for a full 8 classes - decisions to remove and add online classes for the 2019/2020 school year will take place in Sept. following a meeting with the counsellor and proof of registration with an online school. Online courses done in the SUMMER of 2019 should be discussed with your counsellor PRIOR to online registration to ensure accurate record keeping. Courses done in the summer do not result in an automatic spare/study or reduced timetable in the gr. 11 school year. Please do not register online with SEAQUAM for a course you intend to complete in the summer.

32 Summer School – Online registration through Delta school district website in early spring
No 4 week summer school at the gr. 10 level; if you fail a required course you will need to take the full 6 week course (or repeat the course in your gr. 11 year) 5 Week – for students who need to repeat a course or who wish to take a NEW course; academic subjects only 3 hour class Morning or Afternoon You will cover a FULL course so expect several hours of homework per evening in addition to class time. Again, completion of a summer course does not result in an automatic study/spare or reduced course load in the gr. 11 year

DL BLOCK REQUIREMENTS MUST be registered in an online course & provide proof of course registration PARENTS MUST confirm supervision responsibility via to counsellor STUDENT MUST provide final mark confirmation STUDY BLOCK REQUIREMENTS MUST be taking minimum of 6 academic courses demonstrate you have significant outside commitments explain, in writing, the rationale for the request. signed parental support will have solid attendance and no prior discipline concerns student MUST APPLY FOR and receive approval from the Administration Applications are on the Seaquam/ for students / counselling website - you cannot self select this so please ensure you pick a full 8 courses that you are committed to in the event that your Study Application is declined.

34 External Credits Students may earn credits toward graduation through training programs outside of school: Dance (Royal Academy of Dance) Music (Royal Conservatory of Music) Sports (Provincial or National team level) Lifesaving (Bronze Cross, NLS, Instructor) Cadets (National Defense Cadet Certification) Coaching (Level 1-2, First Aid, hours) Official (Theory, evaluation, hours) Driver Ed. (ICBC accredited program) First Aid (WCB level II and III) Students MUST PROVIDE documentation as proof of credit

35 Upcoming Important Dates CHECK updates on SE calendar
Parent Night FEB 12 – 6:30 pm Course Selection Opens FEB 13 Course Selection Closes MAR 3 Courses MAY be cancelled MAR 11-15 Registration Opens Again APR 2 Registration Closes APR 9 Term End March 9th (NOW is the time to be seeing teachers to check what must get done if you are at risk) Second Report Card March 15th (online) Spring Break March 18th – 29th.

36 A Few Reminders Contact Ms. Gehiere in the Career Centre for:
Volunteering & Scholarships info For specific direction re. Post Secondary Exploration / Options / programs Contact Ms. Matthews or Mr. Wong for IB Program related questions For general inquiries you may begin with your counsellor

37 IB Courses See Mr. Wong / Ms. Matthews Room 2114
Math (Rqd) Music (E) Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) (Rqd) Theory of Knowledge (TOK) (Rqd) French, Japanese , Spanish (1 Rqd, others E) English – . (Required) History OR Pyschology - 1 is Rqd; other could be E Psychology (E) Art (E) Extended Essay (Rqd) Science (1 Rqd, others E) (Chemistry, Bio., Physics or Sports Ex. & Health Sci)

38 What do I register for in IB?
All IB Diploma students take six subjects across the disciplines in a manner that assures both breadth and depth of study.  Learning how to learn and how to evaluate information critically in a global world is an important part of the IB Diploma Programme.  Personal growth alongside academic growth is another.  Flexibility of choice allows students to follow their interests while the structure of the diploma safeguards the breadth of study.  Please consult with the IB Coordinator or Counsellor regarding your course selection choices.

39 What does a typical IB timetable look like. See Mr. Wong / Ms
What does a typical IB timetable look like? See Mr. Wong / Ms. Matthews Room 2114 Extended Essay & CAS done within here and there but not a spec. block (sometimes in other classes, sometimes in additional meetings) TOK – one block GROUP 1: IB English GROUP 2: IB Lang. GROUP 3: IB Hist. or Psych. GROUP 4: IB Sci. GROUP 5: IB Ma. GROUP 6 : IB Elec. (anything from IB list ) ELECTIVE OF YOUR CHOICE FROM IB or Reg.

40 Getting your SS 11 credit See Mr. Wong / Ms. Matthews Room 2114
IB History (2 yrs) - will provide you with a SS 11 credit and will qualify for Dogwood AND IB Diploma Psychology 11 meets group 3 req. BUT not he SS 11 req. for Dogwood; would qualify for IB Diploma but NOT Dogwood Could take SS/Civics 11 in summer if desired (or online)

41 IB Credits – how are they different. See Mr. Wong / Ms
IB Credits – how are they different? See Mr. Wong / Ms. Matthews Room 2114 For every IB course you do, there is typically a ‘regular’ Seaquam course to match it You will earn 4 credits for the IB course, and 4 credits because the IB course is also recognized as covering the ‘regular’ course as well Yes – you get 8 credits per IB course (per yr) For any IB course you score highly in (5 or higher – approx. 86% or more), you will ALSO be awarded ADVANCED credit at a post secondary institution (so credit for the equivalent first year university

42 What if I want some IB but don’t want the Diploma. See Mr. Wong / Ms
What if I want some IB but don’t want the Diploma? See Mr. Wong / Ms. Matthews Room 2114 You can take up to 4 IB classes You must make a full year commitment – no drops through the year You must make a formal APPLICATION – see - look for the form “IB Diploma COURSE application form” It is recommended that you select from only the HL courses (SL courses will not give you any advanced credit) All HL courses run 2 years

International Baccalaureate (IB) Program See Mr. Wong / Ms. Matthews Room 2114 The IB Diploma is an international pre-university qualification and is recognized by universities and governments throughout the world.  An international education does not replace a national one, but refocuses it and adds to it.  IB Program Questions? For any IB Program questions, please contact the IB/DP Coordinators – Ms. Matthews or Mr. Wong at SEE SEAQUAM IB WEBSITE FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION INFO. AND DEADLINES. 

44 Any Questions??

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