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Presentation on theme: "SUBJECT CHOICES FOR AS AND A LEVEL"— Presentation transcript:


2 Parental Influence Parents are main influence on pupils’ career decisions. 78% of influence comes from parents.

3 Programme for this Evening
1. Choosing AS and A levels for university entry (Ulster University). 2. Subject choices for AS/A level in BHS (JR)

4 Key Dates 29th January : Mock results day
Individual careers guidance interviews. 23rd January : Careers Convention 5th Dec. : consultation with subject teachers. 7th February : subject choice information evening. 25th February : return of subject choice form. 22nd August : GCSE results and advice day.

5 Support for pupils Careers programme once per week since early October. 4 careers talks from choice of 12. Careers convention Individual careers guidance interview Careers teacher attached to each form class. Mock interviews : March/April.

6 Importance of GCSE Results
A growing number of institutions are using the results that children achieve at 16 as a “crude preliminary filter” as competition for higher education places hits unprecedented levels”

7 The Entitlement Framework
Aim: to offer a wide range of courses to all post-primary pupils. Delivered through Area Learning Communities. 25 A level courses on offer in BHS.

8 New Specifications Subject choice booklet.
Subject content may differ from the past.

9 New Subjects Subjects not offered at GCSE level : Health and Social Care*, Moving Image Art, Accounting*, and Politics. * depending on student numbers, some classes may run in Ballyclare Secondary School. Timetabling constraints may preclude students from studying both MIA & Accounting.

10 Choosing Subjects Select 4 subjects at AS level.
Most reduce to 3 at A2 level. GCSE in subject needed for AS level.

11 Choosing subjects Free choice, subject to constraints of timetable.
Possibility of change in August, depending on timetable.

12 Choosing Subjects Less flexibility than in past.
Budget cuts – staffing cuts – limited places Best possible grades – competition for places – entrance criteria may be enhanced.

13 Entry requirements Minimum 11 point average to return to sixth form.
Record of good conduct. Subject entry requirements: At least a B or a 6 at GCSE in subjects chosen for AS level. For new subjects, B or 6 in a related subject – see booklet. See booklet regarding Drama, PE, Modern Languages, Music

14 Science Entry Requirements
To study even ONE science at AS level you need: An A in that science at GCSE. An average point score of 12 or above. If you wish to study >1 science: Entry may also be determined by your rank in the year group based on your average GCSE score. Life & Health Science is NOT an ‘easier’ science option although entry grade is a B.

15 Science Entry Requirements

16 Choosing Subjects Subjects you are good at. Subjects needed for H.E. or career/keep options open. ROI universities : general rather than applied A levels.(accept SSD, MIA, Digital Technology) 25 extra points for Maths or Further Maths.

17 Choosing Subjects At least 2 ‘facilitating subjects’ for Russell Group universities, plus max. of one other (24/165 H.E. Institutions in UK). QUB exception: all A levels accepted. Medicine and Dentistry only 1 Applied AS/A level.

18 Choosing Subjects Subjects which combine well.
Preferred forms of assessment, eg. coursework vs exams. Teaching methods which suited to your learning styles, eg. practical vs theory. A manageable workload, eg. coursework.

19 Which? University
Six things you need to know before making your A level choices: 1. A levels are a lot tougher than GCSEs.

20 6 Guidelines for A level choices
2. Many universities and courses will consider you whatever subjects you choose. 3. Know myth from reality.

21 6 Guidelines for A level choices
4. Certain university courses will be looking for specific A levels. Some examples : Pharmacy : chemistry + 1 from biology, maths and physics. Economics : maths ( sometimes) English : English Literature.

22 6 guidelines for A level choices
5. Taking certain A levels will open up more course options Russell Group list of ‘facilitating subjects’ 6. Some courses and universities have lists of subjects they don’t accept. Examples : Edinburgh, Sheffield, L.S.E.

23 Russell Group Facilitating Subjects
Biology; chemistry; physics. Maths Modern & classical languages English Geography History.

24 Entry Requirements for H.E.
Vary from institution to institution for the same course – booklet gives guidelines. Need to look at both grades and subjects which are desirable or essential.

25 Entry Requirements for H.E.
Look at GCSE requirements as well as A level. A level grades and/or UCAS or CAO tariff points. Entry profiles list other entry requirements. Very competitive situation for many courses

26 Degrees with no Subject Requirements
Law, Criminology & Politics. Accountancy (sometimes Maths). Business-related degrees (sometimes Maths Film Studies. Hotel & Hospitality Management. Psychology (Sciences &/or Geography preferred).

27 Degrees with no Subject Requirements
Social Work, Sociology & Social Policy. Surveying, including Quantity Surveying. Theology. About 50% of graduate careers are open to graduates from any discipline.

28 New UCAS Tariff Points From September 2017 entry.
Lower numbers eg. 56 points for A* not 140. AS points worth 40% (not 50%) of A level. Reformed A levels : AS worth 40%.

29 New UCAS Tariff Points A level Grade Tariff Points A* 56 A 48 B 40 C
32 D 24 E 16 AS level Grade Tariff Points A 20 B 16 C 12 D 10 E 6

30 Subjects for Careers What can I do with a degree in…?
See : careers for which your degree is essential, careers for which your degree is useful; careers which will accept any degree. : careers with subjects

31 Are A levels just for university entry?
No! Also useful for HNCs, HNDs and foundation degrees offered at Colleges of Further and Higher Education (L4 & 5 courses) And Higher Level and Degree Apprenticeships (L4 & 5).

32 Useful Information School careers intranet site for pupils.
Fronter : this presentation. Subject choice booklet – careers information.

33 Useful websites : NI LMI
: all UK H.E. Courses all ROI H.E. and F.E. Courses

34 Higher Ideas Higher Ideas BHS licence : v6c5zzm7
Shows pathways from AS level subjects.

35 NI Skills Barometer Launched in November 2015. Updated annually.
Predicts areas of over- and under-supply in labour market

36 Subjects in Demand in NI
STEM-related subjects will be most in demand. Why? Anticipated growth in ICT, professional services and advanced sectors. Also a wide range of other sectors will need STEM qualifications.

37 More people will be needed with degrees in…
1. Computer science. 2. Civil engineering. 3. Nursing. 4. Electronic & electrical engineering. 5. Physics. 6. Mechanical Engineering. 7. Chemistry. 8. History by period. 9. Mathematics. 10. Marketing

38 More people will be needed with foundation degrees/higher level apprenticeships in…
1. Nursing. 2. Science. 3. Engineering. 4. ICT. 5. Creative Arts. 6. Law & Legal. 7. Medicine & Dentistry. 8. Hospitality & catering. 9. History. 10. Performing Arts.

39 Top 10 Growth Sectors 1. Professional, scientific and technical. 2. Information and Communication. 3.Administration and support services. 4. Health & Social work. 5. Manufacturing. 6. Construction. 7. Restaurants. 8. Arts & entertainment. 9. Finance & insurance. 10. Transport & storage.

40 Graduate Demand ( UU) Engineering: manufacturing, environmental, mechanical electrical, process engineering. Business & professional services: business development, finance, investment, trading, HR & marketing.

41 Graduate Demand ( UU) IT & Technology : software engineering; web development; data analytics; solutions consulting; cyber security. Creative Arts : designers; media professionals; community arts; digital art and design.

42 UK Labour Market Information
Health, Engineering and Hospitality: Top 3 Professions Where Severest Skills Shortages Anticipated. See also ‘High Fliers’ info on top 100 companies’ graduate recruitment.

43 The Graduate Labour Market
For approx. 50% of graduate careers, any degree is acceptable. Employing the person, not the degree: employability skills should be developed. Skills gained through work placements, extra-curricular activities and subjects.

44 Routes Other Than A level
Is sixth form for you? If borderline in terms of points score, need to plan an alternative to BHS now. Alternatives can be competitive too.

45 Alternatives to BHS Another school. Colleges of FE Apprenticeships
Armed forces Employment Information sheet available.

46 Key Messages Be the best at whatever you do!
Core, transferable skills are key. Beware, boom, busts and ‘trends’.

47 Key Messages International business will be key
Languages, markets, selling, interaction skills. Specialism vs generalist. Do not stigmatise courses (computer games, agri-food, and elderly care are examples).

48 Conclusion Importance of good GCSE results.
Importance of good AS level results. Make an informed decision based on thorough research into both Higher Education courses and careers.


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