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Welcome to EPP Math 3rd and 4th grade Curriculum Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to EPP Math 3rd and 4th grade Curriculum Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to EPP Math 3rd and 4th grade Curriculum Night!
School Year Mrs. Kate Turner

Miami University: Middle Childhood Education Ashland University: Gifted and Talented Education OSU: STEM Program Previous experience with gifted and talented students: Gahanna – Gifted 7th Grade Math: Algebra I Folsom, California – Accelerated 6th grade math class Leadership class Westerville – Self-contained Superior Cognitive 5th Grandview Heights – Gifted Intervention Specialist WORTHINGTON PROGRAM Karrie and Mary


4 Reasonableness and Estimation Mental Math – Number Sense
EPP BIG IDEAS Growth Mindset Cooperative Learning Reasonableness and Estimation Mental Math – Number Sense Justifying Answers Perseverance

5 3rd and 4th Grade EPP CURRICULUM
What EPP looks like: Mental Math Small group instruction Extension Activities Class discussions Problem Solving Projects Games

First Trimester: In Class: 3rd grade Modules 1-5 Homeroom Work: Multiplication Second Trimester 3rd grade Modules 6-10 Third Trimester 3rd grade Modules 11-12 Pre-Testing will be utilized to pinpoint individual and class concepts for instruction.

7 3rd Grade EPP Aestheometry Pentominoes - Transformations Logo Regular Polyhedra - Shapetastic Probability CML (Continental Mathematics League) Pi Day Picture Books Amy and Megan

8 3EPP - 3rd Major Critical Areas
Multiplication and Division 2D Shapes Area of Rectangles Fractions Place value Nancy M

First Trimester: Homeroom/weekly work: 4th grade benchmark review In class and Homework: 5th Grade: Modules 1-3 Second Trimester : Homeroom/weekly work: ST Math and First in Math In class and Homework: 5th Grade: Modules 4-8 Third Trimester In class and Homework: 5th Grade: Modules 10-12 Pre-Testing will be utilized to pinpoint individual and class concepts for instruction.

10 4EPP – 5th grade Critical Areas
Fraction Operations Long Division Volume 2D Figures Coordinate Plane Nancy M

11 4th Grade EPP Units: Tessellations Minecraft Bridges Geoboards Logo
Probability CML Picture Books Kathy and Sharon

12 4th Grade Encounters of the EPP Kind
November 29, :30 PM WEC March 26, :30 PM WEC Kathy and Sharon

13 Homework : Shared Google Doc – Updated Weekly
Homework schedule may change due to formative assessments and schedule changes. Students should be bringing home their EPP book every night for homework Time Limit: No more than 30 minutes please!

14 You may have to print the pdf to see this section.
Grades 3rd Grade - Mastery Grading th Grade - 4,3,2, 1 Above grade-level standards – don’t quite match report card. Be sure to look in the comments for specific percentage grade and additional information regarding your child. You may have to print the pdf to see this section.

15 OAGC Ohio Association of Gifted Children Parent Day Sunday, October 14 Register in advance

16 Destination Imagination

17 Worthington Science Day
Invention Convention Science Fair Dawn

18 SWEPP: Supporting Worthington’s Enrichment Placement Program

19 Mark Calendars: SWEPP Meetings OAGC Parent Day 10/14 Encounters 11/29 and 3/26 Check in periodically: EPP folders and weekly schedule Infinite Campus after assessments Look Forward to information about: Worthington Science Day Conferences – online sign-up Contact Mrs. Turner: Questions regarding homework, tests, behavior Opportunities to share for our students Contribute: Join SWEPP, attend meetings, and volunteer Advise a Destination Imagination Team Join OAGC Dawn

20 Thank you for coming this evening.

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