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Step by Step Thru the Old Testament

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1 Step by Step Thru the Old Testament
Week 6 Ruth 1 & 2 Samuel Step by Step Thru the Old Testament Discipleship University The heights baptist church Chris Besser

2 Ruth Spring 2018 – Old Testament

3 Purposes? Give an account of the ancestry of David
God is always in control of human events God’s blessing are open to all that believe The rewards are great for those who show kindness Racial and national tolerance Fall Doctrine

4 Kinsmen-Redeemer The kinsman-redeemer’s obligation was to
redeem the land (Lev. 25) redeem the enslaved (Lev. 25) provide an heir (Gen. 38) avenge death (Num. 35) to be a trustee (Num. 5) Manser, Martin H. Dictionary of Bible Themes. 2009 Spring 2018 – Old Testament

5 Hesed Loyal, steadfast, or faithful love based on a promise, agreement, or covenant Sometimes the word is used of God’s covenant-love for His people Sometimes used of relationships on the human level Spring 2018 – Old Testament

6 Hesed “May the Lord show faithful love to you as you have shown to the dead and to me.” – 1:8 “May he be blessed by the Lord, who has not forsaken his kindness to the living or the dead.” – 2:20 May the Lord bless you, my daughter. You have shown more kindness now than before, because you have not pursued younger men, whether rich or poor. – 3:10 Spring 2018 – Old Testament

7 1 & 2 Samuel Outline taken from Charles Dyer
Spring 2018 – Old Testament

8 Abrahamic Covenant Davidic Covenant
A Land A Seed A Blessing Abrahamic Covenant A House A Throne A Kingdom Davidic Covenant Fall Doctrine

9 Preparations for the Monarchy
1 Samuel 1 - 9 Spring 2018 – Old Testament

10 Birth of Samuel (1 Samuel 1)
How did Hannah’s problem affect her relationship with Peninnah? _________________________________________ How did Hannah deal with her problem How was the problem solved? Peninnah taunted Hannah Prayed in the presence of the Lord The shel yad and the shel rosh Tefillin The Lord remembered her and she conceived Page 109 – Step by Step through the Old Testament Spring 2018 – Old Testament

11 The Story of Hannah
Spring 2018 – Old Testament

12 1 Samuel 2:26 3 areas in which Samuel grew
_________________________________________ Stature Favor with the Lord Favor with men The shel yad and the shel rosh Tefillin Page 110 – Step by Step through the Old Testament Spring 2018 – Old Testament

13 Hophni and Phinehas Contrast with the righteousness of Hannah and Samuel “wicked men” (v. 2:12) “had no regard for the Lord” (v. 2:12) “treated the Lord’s offering with contempt” (v. 2:17) Promiscuity with the women that served the tabernacle (v. 2:22) Spring 2018 – Old Testament

14 Israelites vs. Philistines
Philistines mentioned 150 times in Samuel Israelites defeated several times Ark of the Covenant captured, Hophni and Phinehas killed (v. 4:11) The Ark (Lord) vs. Dagon (vv. 5:1-5) The return of the Ark and the sins of Beth Shemesh The house of Abinadab (v. 7:1) Spring 2018 – Old Testament

15 Samuel’s Warning (Chap. 8)
Some reasons Samuel gave against a human king _________________________________________ Forced labor and induction into the army Abduction of sons and daughters as servants Take a tenth of the flocks The shel yad and the shel rosh Tefillin The people would cry but not be heard Spring 2018 – Old Testament

16 The Rise of Saul The Israelites wanted a human king because…
_________________________________________ Samuel’s sons weren’t fit to become judges They wanted to be like the other nations The shel yad and the shel rosh Tefillin Page 112 – Step by Step through the Old Testament Spring 2018 – Old Testament

17 Saul 1 Samuel Spring 2018 – Old Testament

18 The Rise and Fall of Saul
Saul reaffirmed at Gilgal (11:14-15) Ammonites Defeated at Jabesh (11:6-11) Saul offered sacrifices at Gilgal (13:8-10) Samuel’s farewell address and Israel’s repentence (12) “but now your reign will not endure” Publicly Chosen (10:25) Makes a foolish vow (14:24-30) To obey is better than sacrifice New Heart (10:9) Spares the Agog (15:4-9) Signs (10:1-9) Saul Rejected (15:28) Fall Doctrine

19 Further Decline of Saul
Jealous of David (1 Sam. 16 – 31) Sought council from the witch of Endor (1 Sam. 28) Took his own life (1 Sam. 31) Spring 2018 – Old Testament

20 David’s Relationship with Saul
Friendly: Chapters 16 – 17 Unfriendly: Chapters 18:36 Fall Doctrine

21 David’s Prosperity 2 Samuel Spring 2018 – Old Testament

22 Divided Kingdom Capital: Hebron King: David Captain: Joab
BSWB israel Capital: Hebron King: David Captain: Joab Capital: Mahanaim King: Ish-bosheth Captain: Abner Fall Doctrine

23 David’s Sin – A Dividing Line
BSWB ASWB Capital moved to Jerusalem (5) Return of the Ark (6) Davidic Covenant (7) David’s Campaigns (8) Adultery (11) Sin and murder of Amnon (13) Estrangement of Absalom (14) Absalom’s Revolution (15-18) Dyer and Merrill. The Old Testament Explorer. 2001 Fall Doctrine

24 David’s Final Years 2 Samuel Spring 2018 – Old Testament

25 Fall Doctrine

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