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Every Day Matters Attendance Team Conference
September 6, 2018
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Attendance Project Team
Welcome Kelly Callahan Co-Chair, Mission: Graduate Attendance Project Team
Thank You to Our Conference Planning Team!
Teri Wimborne Laurel Wyckoff Kelly Callahan Patsy Nelson Evelyn Bonilla Angelo Gonzales Kathy Gall Maria Molina Marvin Johnson Emily Padilla Daphne Strader Anne Tafoya Teri Wimborne Renata Witte
#EveryDayMatters18 MissionGraduateNM @MissionGraduate
Join Us on Social Media #EveryDayMatters18 @MissionGraduate MissionGraduateNM
Conference Objectives
Welcome! Conference Objectives By the end of today’s conference, each participating school/district team will: Develop a robust, data driven plan for the 2018/2019 school year Have a better understanding of to use data on a regular basis Understand the different tactics for and difference between tiers one and two.
Overview of Day Laying the Groundwork Break-Out session 1
About Mission: Graduate Painting a Picture of District Data Break-Out session 1 Six options Guided Team time Lunch Student Voice Break out Session 2 Guided Team Time Family Voice and Close
Success and Fail Forward Walls
Post your successes AND your fail forwards!
Mission: Graduate Angelo Gonzales, Ph.D. Chief Strategy Officer,
United Way of Central New Mexico
About Mission: Graduate
Mission: Graduate is a cradle-to-career education partnership serving Central New Mexico.
Our Big Goal 60,000 New Central NM Graduates with
College Degrees and Certificates by 2020
Prepared for College, Career, & Life
Our Work School Attendance & Engagement Teacher Support College & Career Readiness Adult Transitions to College Prepared for College, Career, & Life
Our Theory of Change Mission: Graduate works by:
Identifying effective educational practices; Leveraging and aligning existing resources to replicate and spread impactful practices; and Collaborating across organizational boundaries to help every student succeed.
Welcoming Remarks Raquel Reedy Superintendent
Albuquerque Public Schools Co-Chair Mission: Graduate Vision Council
Painting the Picture of District Data
Angelo Gonzales, Ph.D. Chief Strategy Officer, United Way of Central New Mexico
Attendance: <85-90% school attendance
Why Attendance? Attendance is one of three key predictors of falling off track to graduation. Attendance: <85-90% school attendance Behavior: “unsatisfactory” behavior mark in at least one class Course Performance: A final grade of “F” in Math and/or English or Credit-Bearing HS Course Source: Robert Balfanz, “Building a Grad Nation: The Role of Learning Beyond the Classroom,” Presentation to the C.S. Mott Foundation, September 2011.
Truancy and Chronic Absence
Habitual truancy: 10 or more unexcused absences in a given school year Chronic absence: missing 10% or more of school days for any reason
Chronic Absence is Research-Based
Less likely to: Build good attendance habits Read by third grade Stay in school Graduate from high school Excused Absences Chronic Absence + Unexcused Absences + Suspensions
ADA versus Chronic Absence
Average Daily Attendance and Chronic Absence Average Daily Attendance (percentage of students present on the average day) % Chronic Absence (percentage of students who missed 10% or more of school days)
Three Views of Attendance Data
Habitual Truancy Chronic Absence: 10% Threshold Chronic Absence: 15-Day Threshold
Habitual Truancy District Total: 19.7%
APS Change in Habitual Truancy
Truancy Rate Truancy Rate Percent Change District 18.6% 17.4% -1.2% Elementary 14.3% 14.0% -0.3% Middle 19.0% 16.2% -2.9% High 23.4% 21.7% -1.7%
Chronic Absence: 10% Threshold
APS has started tracking chronic absence. In APS, 51 out of 138 schools (37%) decreased their school’s chronic absence rate from the school year to The highest reduction was in an elementary school at 6.5%.
Chronic Absence: 10% Threshold
Chronic Absence by Time Period Chronic Absence by Gender
Chronic Absence: 10% Threshold
Chronic Absence by Grade Level Chronic Absence by Race & Ethnicity
Chronic Absence: 10% Threshold
Chronic Absence by Zip Code
Chronic Absence: 15-Day Threshold
Source: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights Dataset, 2015
Chronic Absence: 15-Day Threshold
Source: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights Dataset, 2015
What are you looking to learn about at this conference?
Team Table Talk What are you looking to learn about at this conference?
Integration and Alignment
90 Day Plans School Structures and Systems Goal Teams, Professional Learning Communities, Councils/Committees Early Warning System Family Engagement Efforts/Plan Events Parent Teacher Conferences Services/Programs/Supports Staff roles and functions - all staff have a role Volunteerism Community Partnerships - all partnerships should at least carry the message that every day and every class matter Communications (to staff, students, families and community)
Team Assignment Take the next five minutes to look at the program agenda and determine which break-out sessions each of your team members will go to. Remember that you will debrief your session to your teammates after the session.
Break-Out Session #1
Break Out #1 Room Assignments
Workshop Room Grounding in the 3-Tier Structure Acoma/Zuni From Talk to Action - Using Data to Increase Attendance Tesuque Go Team! Essentials of Successful Attendance Teams Apache Meeting in the Middle: How to Implement Strong Tier 2 Strategies and Supports Banquet Room Celebrating Success – The Importance of Small Wins Isleta/Jemez Working SMART: How Leaders can Align Attendance with School Goals, Structures, and Functions Taos
Debrief Breakout Session #1
Team Assignment Debrief Breakout Session #1 Briefly share tools and techniques that you heard about with the rest of your team members.
Guided Team Time
Focus on Tier 2 Goals Teri Wimborne
Universal Intervention
Focus on Tier 2 Goals High Cost Individualized Intervention Low Cost Universal Intervention
How to Set a Gutsy Goal
Definition* A GOAL is a desired future level of achievement for an indicator or performance measure (i.e., chronic absence). Long-term Goal: What do we realistically hope to accomplish in the next 3+ years? Medium-term Goal: What do we realistically hope to accomplish in the next months? Short-term Goal: What do we realistically hope to accomplish in the next week, month, or several months? *Drawn from Results-Based Accountability
M:G Goal, Tracking Progress
60,000 New Central NM Graduates with College Degrees and Certificates by 2020
Setting the Goal: Why 60,000 Degrees?
253,387 ÷ 506,775 = 50% 253, ,977 = 60,410 new degrees from increasing attainment rate Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey 2010, 5-Year Estimates. The data represent the four counties in Central NM.
In Other Words… 50% target Mission: Graduate’s goal is tied to a degree attainment rate target of 50% by 2020. Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey 2012, 5-Year Estimates.
Getting to Gutsy: Why 60,000 and Not 50%?
What’s with in our control? How can we inspire the community to want to stretch themselves to achieve the goal? Will it drive the kind of change we’d like to see in our community? Is it achievable? Can we measure it?
Setting a Tier 2 Goal Starts with Understanding WHO is absent
Combatting Chronic Absence Through School Attendance Teams 4/21/2016 Setting a Tier 2 Goal Starts with Understanding WHO is absent Chronic Absence by Gender % SATISFACTORY Attendance (missing less than 5% of school days) % AT-RISK Attendance (missing % of school days) Pretty typical % MODERATE Chronic Absence (missing % of school days) % SEVERE Chronic Absence (missing 20% or more of school days) BOYS (592 STUDENTS) GIRLS (645 STUDENTS) Head 2 Toe 2016
Understanding WHO is absent
Chronic Absence by Grade Level % SATISFACTORY Attendance (missing less than 5% of school days) % AT-RISK Attendance (missing % of school days) % MODERATE Chronic Absence (missing % of school days) % SEVERE Chronic Absence (missing 20% or more of school days) GRADE 9 (367 STUDENTS) GRADE 10 (329 STUDENTS) GRADE 11 (285 STUDENTS) GRADE 12 (256 STUDENTS)
Two Observations from the Example
Boys have a higher chronic absence rate than girls (30% vs. 20%) 9th graders have the highest chronic absence rate compared to the other grades in the school (30% vs. 24%, 25%, and 20%).
Questions to Consider What does the historical chronic absence rate look like for these subgroups? Can you break down your data even further to understand which boys (and girls) are most absent – combining gender with race/ethnicity, grade level, special education status, ELL status, tribal affiliation, etc? Where do you have the greatest opportunity to effect change…in the short term? Medium term? Long term? How will you frame your goal – in terms of percentages or people? How might you craft a goal that motivates people to action?
Examples Goal 1 (Long Term): Close the gender gap and reduce overall chronic absence rates for both boys and girls to 12% by the end of next school year. Goal 2 (Medium Term): Identify 18 chronically absent 9th grade students at the end of the first quarter and help them achieve satisfactory attendance by the end of the fourth quarter. Note: Moving 18 ninth graders from chronically absent to satisfactory attendance would result in a 5 percentage point decrease in the overall chronic absence rate in this example. Goal 3 (Short Term): Achieve an overall 9th grade chronic absence rate for the first quarter of 10% or less.
Team Assignment Set your Tier 2 goals and develop some strategies that will help you to achieve them
Student Voice Facilitated by: Laurel Wyckoff
Education Outreach Manager, New Mexico PBS and Chair, Mission: Graduate High School Graduation Network
Breakout Session #2
Breakout #2 Room Assignments
Workshop Room Taking the Lead – The Role of Administrators in Attendance Work Isleta/Jemez Who You Gonna Call? Successful School/Resource Partnerships Acoma/Zuni Planning Attendance Strategies Across The Tiers: Developing an Outreach and Intervention Plan APS - Angela Crespin/Tony Watkins Banquet Room Other Districts – Dr. Megan Dunn Davison Taos Student Panel on Attendance – Facilitated by Selena Hardy Apache Building Results Focused Partnerships for Attendance Tesuque
Guided Team Time
Debrief Breakout Session #2
Team Assignment Debrief Breakout Session #2
Guided Team Time Creating Your Plan For The Year
Team Assignment Work together to plan out your 2018/2019 school year meeting dates and activities
Family Voice Video
Closing & Evaluation & Door Prizes!
Thank you for attending!
Tell Us How We Did
Thank You Again to Our Sponsors!
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