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Mental Health Information for Ministers and Lay Leaders

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1 Mental Health Information for Ministers and Lay Leaders
Revs. Barbara F. Meyers & Tandi Rogers

2 Agenda Introduction Mental Health and the Faith Leader’s Role
Mental Disorders and the Faith Leader’s Role Suicide Families Religiosity Resources

3 Mental Health and Mental Disorder
Productive activities Fulfilling relationships with other people Ability to cope with change and adversity Mental Disorder Alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior Causing distress and/or impaired functioning

4 Points on a Continuum Mental Health Mental Disorder
People move back and forth Everyone experiences emotional distress at times

5 Introduction Our pews are filled with people suffering from mental health problems. My Story “Public Witness”

6 Dimensions to Recovery
BODY MIND PLAY RELATIONSHIPS WORK ENVIRONMENT SPIRIT Not necessarily elimination of all symptoms What’s missing?

7 Dimensions to Recovery
BODY MIND PLAY RELATIONSHIPS WORK ENVIRONMENT SPIRIT Where the religious community has a primary role Where the religious congregation can play an important role?

8 The Faith Leader’s Role
People heal in relationship! Calm Presence Love, Acceptance Hope Visits Encouragement in recovery Spiritual practices No cruelty in church Confrontation if in denial or disruptive Sermons/classes on mental health Referrals Handling emergencies

9 Categories of Mental Disorder
Purpose: Understand what people going through, not for arm-chair diagnosis CATEGORY CHARACTERISTICS Anxiety Apprehension, palpitations, shortness of breath. Obsessive- Compulsive Presence of obsessions (persistent unwanted thoughts) and/or compulsions (repetitive behaviors the person feels must be followed) Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders in which exposure to a traumatic event causes psychological distress Depression A disturbance of mood – low Bipolar Alternating low and high moods

10 Categories of Mental Disorder
Purpose: Understand what people going through, not for arm-chair diagnosis CATEGORY CHARACTERISTICS Schizophrenia and Psychotic Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or behavior Neuro-Developmental Onset is typically in a child’s developmental period Personality An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior, pervasive since adolescence and leads to distress or impairment. Substance-Related Result from taking a substance

11 Anxiety, OCD and Trauma Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Prolonged excessive worry Panic Attack Sudden intense anxiety or terror Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Recurrent obsessions and compulsions Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms after a traumatic event

12 Anxiety, OCD and Trauma: Suggestions for the Faith Leader
Calm presence in a quiet place Mention: Effective treatment exists Consumer coping strategies VA Hospitals for PTSD Encourage: Continuing in therapy WRAP group Religious dimension?

13 Coping Strategies for Consumers
Professional / Peer Help Personal Care Stress Management Emotional Self Awareness Life Enrichment Spirituality See page 26 in the Handout

14 WRAP: Wellness Recovery Action Plan
Self-designed evidence-based plan for staying well and empowerment Components: Daily maintenance tool box Triggers, and early warning signs When things are breaking down Crisis Plan, Advance Directive

15 WRAP: Wellness Recovery Action Plan
Many local WRAP groups nationwide Websites: Books, DVDs, Articles Classes: online and via correspondence Find facilitators

16 Depression Symptoms: Depressed mood most of the day
Diminished pleasure Significant weight loss or gain Insomnia or hypersomnia Fatigue Feelings of worthlessness Can’t concentrate Thoughts of death

17 Bipolar Disorder Alternating: between depression and mania
Symptoms of mania: Inflated self-esteem Decreased need for sleep More talkative, flight of ideas, thoughts are racing Distractibility Involvement in high-risk pleasurable activities

18 Depression and Bipolar Disorder: Suggestions for the Faith Leader
Love and acceptance: Calm presence If suicidal: Get immediate attention Encourage: Professional therapy Peer support group Share coping strategies WRAP group For bipolar, suggest keeping a timeline of mood swings If disruptive: Set boundaries for behavior Religious dimension?

19 Psychotic Disorders Schizophrenia Schizoaffective Disorder =
Schizophrenia + [Depression or Bipolar] Symptoms Delusions Hallucinations – usually hearing voices Disorganized speech – derailment or incoherence Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior

20 Psychotic Disorders Suggestions for the Faith Leader
Learn: How to communicate effectively Suggest: Keep from being isolated WRAP Group Family education Find an “angel” Take Care with Meditation Religious component? If disruptive: Set boundaries

21 Communication Guidelines
Show Compassion Guidelines to communicate effectively How to make positive requests How to express negative feelings Giving Praise What to Avoid See page 28 in the Handout

22 Neuro-Developmental Onset is in a child’s developmental period
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) A persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity- impulsivity Conduct Disorder A persistent pattern of behavior in which the rights of others or societal rules are violated. Autism Spectrum Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Can influence development of mental disorders in later life.

23 Neuro-Developmental Suggestions for the Faith Leader
Make a Commitment: Welcome all children Train: The congregation and RE teachers Book: Welcoming Children with Special Needs Support the family They may experience helplessness, denial, anger, guilt, resentment, grief or shame. Encourage: Accurate diagnosis, informed decision-making, and effective treatment

24 Personality Disorders
Maladaptive pattern of inner experience and behavior pervasive since adolescence Borderline Instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and marked impulsivity. Black and white thinking: all good / all bad Narcissistic Inflated sense of self-importance Histrionic Must be the center of attention

25 Personality Disorders Suggestions for the Faith Leader
Realize: You can’t change their personality; it isn’t your fault This person is suffering The behavior may be a result of child abuse They may not share your view of reality Support: Their efforts in trying to change. Encourage therapy. Their family Learn: How to set boundaries Book: Stop Walking on Eggshells Ensure: Person not in leadership

26 Co-Occurring Disorder Substance Disorder + Mental Disorder
Tolerance: need more and more Withdrawal symptoms Repeated attempts to quit Compulsive pattern of use Neglect major life roles Hazardous use Continued substance use despite problems

27 Co-Occurring Disorders Suggestions for the Faith Leader
Screening for both substance abuse and mental illness 12-step or other peer support programs Encourage: Treatment program that treats both abuse and illness WRAP group Don’t be an enabler Confront person and/or family Set Boundaries: If disruptive

28 Suicide: The Warning Signs
Preoccupation with death or suicide Making final arrangements, giving away possessions Sudden loss of interest in something important Alcohol and/or drug abuse Deep depression Recently experienced loss Sudden upturn in energy following a depression

29 Suicide Suggestions for the Faith Leader
Required: Professional mental health care If a suicide plan has been made: The person needs to be in the hospital Questions: to judge intent Intervention possible? Plan made? Given away treasured possessions? Realize: Suicides sometimes impulsive After suicide: suggest family support group

30 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Premier mental health organization 1000+ Chapters in US Advocacy Education Family-to-Family Education Peer-to-Peer Education Informative web site Includes information for faith communities: FaithNet NAMI

31 NAMI Family-to-Family Class

32 Families Suggestions for the Congregation
Catastrophic stage Comfort and empathy Suggest NAMI family education Coping stage Help them deal with strong feelings Advocacy stage Cheer them on Share coping strategies for families

33 Coping Strategies for Families
See page 27 in the Handout Professional / peer help Learn about mental health and mental illness Communicate with your loved one Help your loved one live with the illness Have a life of your own

34 Religion/ Spirituality & Mental Illness
Some psychotic symptoms can resemble spiritual experiences Common in human history The prophets and patriarchs of most religious traditions saw visions and heard voices When helpful to the person and the church, they are experiences of the holy and need to be respected and honored.

35 Religion/ Spirituality & Mental Illness Suggestions for the Faith Leader
Distinguish: Mental illness from spiritual awakening Experience described as mystical, as near death, as a revelation of a universal religious truth, as finding who he or she really is? Curiosity about the experience? Determine: The religious meaning to the person Refer: To a therapist who will respect the healing nature of the spiritual transformation

36 Pastoral Care for People with Mental Disorders
Part of a team: With professionals Education: Encouraged for all parties Referrals: Develop a referral list Make referrals when: serious mood, psychotic or anxiety disorders suicidal General rule: Counsel 3 times, then refer out

37 Congregational Needs Education about Mental Health
Ministers and Lay Leaders RE Teachers Pastoral Care givers Referral list of therapists, support groups and community programs Covenant of Right Relations How we treat each other in this congregation Disruptive Behavior Policy What constitutes unacceptable behavior Consequences Procedures

38 Some Web Resources Web Site Content Pathways to Promise FaithNet NAMI
Mental Health Information for Faith Leaders Interfaith technical assistance and resource center which offers liturgical and educational materials, program models, and networking information FaithNet NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness Faith Resources Facilitates the development of a supportive environment for those with mental illness and their families; educates faith leaders; encourages faith community advocacy Mental Health Ministries Interfaith outreach to provide compassionate care to those affected by mental illness. Mental Health Recovery Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) A system that a person can use for monitoring and responding to symptoms of his or her mental disorder to achieve the highest possible levels of wellness.

39 Handouts Mental Health Information for Ministers Handout
Brief descriptions, suggestions and resources Handout More details and resources Coping Strategies for Consumers Coping Strategies for Families Example covenant of right relations and disruptive behavioral policy

40 Contact: Rev. Barbara F. Meyers
Mental Health Community Minister Mission Peak UU Congregation, Fremont, CA Phone: com_minister Website:

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