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Global South African’s

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1 Global South African’s
Brand South Africa Global South African’s

2 Contents About Brand South Africa Nation Brand Performance
Nation Brand Advocay

3 Managing South Africa’s Nation Brand reputation
Department of Communications Board of Trustees Chief Executive Marketing & Comms Marketing Communications Research Stakeholder Relations Global Markets Finance Corporate Survives Governance & Legal Brand South Africa was established in 2002 as the official agency appointed to manage the reputation of the Nation Brand Direct reporting to Department of Communications through a Board of Trustees. Responsible for building South Africa’s reputation in order to improve the country’s global competiveness Creating a positive and compelling image for SA domestically and within the international community

4 Areas of Focus for Brand South Africa
Proactive and Coordinated Reputation Management of the Nation Brand Reputation Management Proactive and Coordinated Communication of the Nation Brand Communication Proactive and Coordinated Marketing of the Nation Brand Marketing

5 Global Trends… some not so positive
The concept of a nation is changing Globalisation is no longer embraced Polarisation and populism Age of Terror Western countries are less relevant 4th industrial revolution and digitalisation Cultural Diplomacy Soft Power Polirisation Terror Digitilisation

6 Investment & immigration
Process Investment & immigration Exports Tourism Governance Culture and Heritage People Investment Potential and attractiveness to outsiders A Nation Brand is the sum of people’s perceptions of a country across six core areas. Level of satisfaction with country’s products and services Governance plays a critical role in shaping the reputation of the Nation Brand Potential attractiveness and economical contribution Skills and openness Competency fair governance, human rights, international contribution Brand South Africa uses Simon Anholt’s definition of nation branding as defined in Anholt-Gfk Roper: A Nation Brand is the sum of people’s perceptions of a country across six core areas Critical substantiation must be made between ‘brand’ and ‘branding’. The ‘brand’ is everything the Nation stands for; it is the creation of the identity that will encompass what people know about the Nation. Whilst ‘branding’ is the marketing thereof i.e. logo, slogan, colour scheme etc Commercial and cultural products and sporting prowess 2019/04/06

7 About the Nation Brand Nation Branding is the practice of highlighting, encouraging, reinforcing, communicating and aligning a nation’s attributes in order to present the nation in a way that helps it reach defined strategic goals. Competition for share of voice in a crowded market place for: Inward investment Trade Exports Tourism 2019/04/06

8 Nation Brand Performance
Domestic Perceptions Domestic Perceptions Research Brand South Africa uses an eclectic approach in understanding the performance of the Nation Brand. Research analysis and engagements with stakeholders are critical processes used to assess the performance of the Nation Brand and to develop strategies to address challenges. Nation Brand Reputation Roper GfK. Nation Brand Index Roper GfK. City Brands Index Brand SA –Fieldwork Global Competitiveness World Economic Forum – Global Competitiveness Index IMD – Competitiveness Yearbook Mo Ibrahim Index on African Governance World Bank Doing Business Index… Investor Perceptions Brand SA International Investor Perceptions Research Media Reputation Media Reputation and Analysis Brand SA – Country Office and Media Analysis

9 Investment & Immigration
Nation Brand Index Exports Tourism Governance Culture People Investment & Immigration 38/50 37 39 38 36 32 South Africa Nation 2017 rank Germany 1 France 2 United Kingdom 3 Canada 4 Japan 5 United States 6 Italy 7 Switzerland 8 Australia 9 Sweden 10 2019/04/06

10 Nation Brand Performance – Global Governance
A Nation Brand’s contribution to global governance has a direct bearing on international perceptions. Global Governance Contribution Peaceful internally negotiated political settlement Active role in transforming OAU to AU & contribution to Peace & Security on the African continent Served 2 terms as non-permanent member of the UN Security Council Champion of New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Plays an active role in the G20 Member of BRICS 2019/04/06

11 Global governance contribution to humanity
South Africa ranks 47/163 in the Good Country Index This research that highlights how countries can co-operate and collaborate without losing competitive advantage. Countries that help other countries work together in new and innovative ways that nobody has dreamed of before. Countries that guide the way to a better future for all of us.  South Africa in the Good Country Index 2017 Over-all ranking 47/163 Science & Technology 25/163 Culture 65/163 International Peace & Security 2/163 World Order Planet & Climate 150/163 Prosperity & Equity 114/163 Health & Wellbeing 56/163 2019/04/06

12 The National Development Plan is aligned to the Constitution of SA
The highest law of the land, it is widely regarded as the most progressive Constitution in the world, with a Bill of Rights second to none… The National Development Plan, or NDP, is a plan to unite South Africans, unleash the energies of its citizens, grow an inclusive economy, build capabilities, and enhance the capability of the state and leaders working together to solve complex problems 2019/04/06

13 Snapshot of key performance indicators
Nation Brand Performance: Political Governance Snapshot of key performance indicators Governance Indicators WEF – Institutions = 61/137 (2017) WEF – Financial Market Development = 44/137 (2017) IMD – Government Efficiency = 40/60 (2016) Open Budget Index = 2/115 (2017) World Press Freedom Index = 39/180 (2016) Climatescope renewable energy country competitiveness index = 6/71 2019/04/06

14 The Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance 2017
Nation Brand Performance: Political Governance The Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance 2017 Participation & Human Rights 4th An annual assessment of quality of governance in every African country South Africa ranks 6th out of 54 countries overall Governance Scores in the Top 10 in all four categories Human Development 8th Safety & Rule of Law 7th Sustainable Economic Opportunity 4th Source: Mo Ibrahim Foundation, 2017 IIAG, Index Report 2019/04/06

15 Open Budget Index 2017 In an open democratic society such as South Africa, accountability and transparency play a tremendously important role in shaping perceptions of the governance capability and ethical standard according to which public affairs are managed. As the Open Budget Survey (OBS) report indicates. ‘At the core of the relationship between citizens and the state are decisions about how public resources are raised and spent. The budget is where the most important questions about the role of government are asked and answered.’ Significantly South Africa ranks 2/115 making the country the second most transparent system after New Zealand, and leading Sweden and Norway that rank at 3rd and 4th respectively. 2019/04/06

16 SA ranks 6/71 emerging markets measured by Climatescope 2017
South Africa attracted a total of $6.10bn worth of investment in the renewable sector between 2010 and 2016. South Africa’s investment in renewable energy, relative to GDP (for 2016) stands at 5.9% This makes the country the fourth largest recipient of FDI in this sector among emerging markets. Of all global private sector investors in the renewable sector Old Mutual is the leader. It invested, during the period of 2010 to 2016, a total of $2.31bn. 2019/04/06

17 WEF Global Competitiveness Report 2017/18
Nation Brand Performance: Corporate Governance WEF Global Competitiveness Report 2017/18 SA indicated a drastic drop by 14 positions in the overall ranking from 47 in 2016 to 61 in 2017, however South Africa still remains one of the most competitive countries in sub-Saharan Africa. 12 competitiveness pillars: Institutions Labor market efficiency Infrastructure Financial market development Macroeconomic environment Technological readiness Health and primary education Market size Higher education and training Business sophistication Goods and market efficiency Innovation Challenges Institutions (76/137), Macro-economic environment (82/137), Higher Education & Training (85/137), Goods & Market Efficiency (54/137), Financial Market Development (44/137), Technological Readiness (54/137), Business Sophistication (37/137) and lastly Innovation (39/137). Strengths Health and Primary Education, Labour Market efficiency, and Infrastructure continue to improve, while the Market Size remained the same as the previous period. 2019/04/06

18 World Bank Doing Business Index 2017
Nation Brand Performance: Corporate Governance World Bank Doing Business Index 2017 SA ranks 74th out of 190 economies 10 topics: Starting a business Protecting investors Dealing with construction permits Paying taxes Getting electricity Trading across borders Registering property Enforcing contracts Getting credit Resolving insolvency Strengths: Protecting investors (22/190), paying taxes (51/190), resolving insolvency (50/190), Getting credit (62/190) Improvements: Resolving insolvency (51 to 50/190) Challenges: Starting a Business (131), Registering Property (105), Trading across Borders (139), Getting Electricity (111), Enforcing Contracts (113), Dealing with construction permits (99) Source: World Bank (2016): Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All 2019/04/06

19 AT Kearney FDI Confidence Index 2017 - Future Outlook for South Africa
Challenges: Governance Exchange rate volatility Decreased trust in political leaders The unemployment rate of 26.5% Opportunities: To capitalise on its improving economy and regional role. GDP growth is expected to reach 0.8% in 2017 and double to 1.6% in 2018. With renewed improvements in infrastructure and education, investors view the country poised to lead one of the world’s next major manufacturing hubs with a primary source of global population growth in the coming decades. 2019/04/06

20 INVEST SA Basic Information
Investment attraction remains a key priority for government, hence the establishment of Invest SA One Stop Shop across all provinces. The one stop shop is a focal point of contact in government for all investors to coordinate and facilitate the relevant government departments involved in regulatory, registration, permits and licensing. This is done to ensure simplified administrative procedures by removing bottlenecks faced by investors in establishing and running businesses. It will assist in the reduction of the silo mentality, turnaround times , red tape and improve service delivery. 2019/04/06

21 Encouraging Nation Brand Advocacy, pride and patriotism

22 Play Your Part Programme
Play Your Part is a nationwide movement created to inspire, empower and celebrate active citizenship in South Africa. Its objective is to lift the spirit of our nation by inspiring all South Africans to contribute to positive change, become involved and start doing – because a nation of people who care deeply for one another and the environment in which they live is good for everyone. Play Your Part is aimed at all South Africans – from corporates to individuals, NGOs to government, churches to schools, young to not so young. It aims to encourage South Africans to use some of their time, money, skills or goods to contribute to a better future for all. There are numerous opportunities, big and small, for each and every South African to make a positive difference in the communities in which they live and operate. Play Your Part encourages them to act on these opportunities.

23 Play Your Part Ambassador Programme
Brand South Africa has recruited Play Your Part (PYP) Ambassadors who are ordinary South Africans, currently playing their part as active citizens in their various respective communities. Once recruited into the PYP programme, Brand South Africa partners with these partners on collaborative initiatives. About Our Ambassador: Sandiso is an entrepreneur who employs innovative business models and has founded Born To Succeed that helps to curb the Youth unemployment rate in South Africa, through education mentorship and forming Private Sector Alliances Playing Her Part: Identifies young woman from peri urban rural areas, who have passed grade 12, are unemployed and thus imparts skills to them in order to assist them to gain necessary skills to secure meaningful employment. Sandiso Sibisi About Our Ambassador: Thobile is an example of aligning passion with purpose. Founder Dental Marathon that seeks to provide dental health care to underprivileged communities. His goal is to open 15 Dental Marathon to provide free dental health care whilst providing free practical training to students in the dentistry industry. Playing His Part: Thobile takes oral care to underprivileged communities through his mobile van Dental Marathon Clinics Thobile Mushwana

24 Constitutional Awareness
As part of its contribution to Outcome 14 of the National Development Plan, Brand South Africa has developed a stakeholder and marketing campaign to build Constitutional Awareness amongst South Africans. The campaign is was aimed at creating awareness of the Constitution amongst South Africans and to foster Constitutional Values. Key pillars from the constitution were selected to guide the communication for the campaign United in our Diversity Human dignity, equality and freedom Freedom of Religion, belief and opinion Freedom of Expression Freedom of Trade, occupation and profession Non-racialism and non-sexism Everyone has the right to freedom and Education

25 Building Nation Brand advocacy amongst South Africans living abroad
Brand South Africa understands the importance of maintaining a relationship with South Africans living abroad The Global South Africans programme is designed to build Nation Brand Advocacy and leverage South Africa expats to promote the country Through the GSA programme Brand South Africa holds engagements with expats with the aim to build a relationship and Nation Brand Advocacy amongst specific individuals


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