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SUBSTITUTION Grade 8th /Unit 3

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1 SUBSTITUTION Grade 8th /Unit 3
Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION Topic Question: What were the challenges that Louisiana faced after the Louisiana Purchase? Standard 2 Key Events, Ideas and People GLE Analyze causes and effects of major events and evaluate their impact on the growth and development of Louisiana. Featured Source: 91go9x/?utm_campaign =share&utm_medium=c opy&rc=ex0share Featured Tech Tools: Device the access to the internet Description of Formative Performance Task: You will review as a class the challenges that citizens faced following the Louisiana Purchase by watching a classroom Prezi. There will also be a brief overview of the Purchase with some positive aspects to help you understand the overall topic. Steps: Watch a Prezi on the Promethean Board covering challenges after the Louisiana Purchase. As a class, discuss the issues that the citizens faced while becoming new Americans. Take key notes answering the target questions to be turned in as an exit ticket. Teacher Name: Marion Bordelon School: FK White Middle Address: Special Considerations: Information could be presented a Power Point as well. Assessment:

2 AUGMENTATION Grade 8th /Unit 3 Formative Performance Task 2
Topic: What were the challenges that Louisiana faced after the Louisiana Purchase? Standard 2 Key Events, Ideas and People GLE Analyze causes and effects of major events and evaluate their impact on the growth and development of Louisiana. Featured Source: Google Classroom purchase-and-territorial- period open?id=1BHSuW9_vpeA mTUL2-pPuuiYvO0zPHIyIe- OiZRqfl-s Featured Tech Tools: Laptop I-Pads Description of Formative Performance Task: You will read the article which will describe the challenges that were faced after the Louisiana Purchase. Steps: Separate into groups by random draw. One person in the group will need to pick up an I-pad from the charging station. Log into your google drive and open the Louisiana Purchase slide activity. Access the given source on your iPad. 5. You will find the challenges that citizens faced following the Louisiana Purchase. You will need to address only the specific assigned topic that your group has received. You should cover all information which you find relevant. One of the following topics will be assigned. - Government - Language - Ethnic Groups - Slavery / Free People of Color Once your group has decided on the topic’s relevant information, you are to enter your response on the slide in the slide that corresponds to your group number. Teacher Name: Marion Bordelon School: FK White Middle Address: Special Considerations: Assessment:

3 REDEFINITION 8th Grade /Unit 3
Summative Performance Task 1 REDEFINITION Topic: What were the challenges that Louisiana faced after the Louisiana Purchase? Standard 2 Key Events, Ideas and People GLE Analyze causes and effects of major events and evaluate their impact on the growth and development of Louisiana. Featured Source: Students notes org/entry/louisiana- purchase-and-territorial- period Featured Tech Tools: I-pad Description of Formative Performance Task: You will be asked to write an essay about the challenges that Louisiana faced after the Louisiana Purchase from the information your group has already gathered. Once the essay is written you will narrate and capture as vocal recording using the i-pad. Steps: Your group will construct a well written essay that will be recorded on the i-pad. Each student will have to have a speaking part in the recording to receive credit. Students need to make sure they only record the information relevant to their assigned topic. - Government - Language - Ethnic Groups - Slavery / Free People of Color 4. Students will then be able to play their recording for the class. Teacher Name: Marion Bordelon School: FK White Middle Address: Special Considerations: Assessment:

4 MODIFICATION 8th Grade/Unit 3
Summative Performance Task 1 MODIFICATION Topic: What were the challenges that Louisiana faced after the Louisiana Purchase? Standard 2 Key Events, Ideas and People GLE Analyze causes and effects of major events and evaluate their impact on the growth and development of Louisiana. Description of Formative Performance Task: The class is asked to create a documentary video answering the question of what challenges Louisiana faced following the Louisiana Purchase. Teams of students will take on different subtopics and collaborate to create one final product.   Featured Source: Clips Featured Tech Tools: I-Pad Steps: One person per group will need to get one I-pad. Use the CLIPS app to create your video critiquing another group’s recorded essay. 3. At the end of class you will have to be prepared to share your video. Teacher Name: Marion Bordelon School: FK White Middle Address: Special Considerations: Assessment:

5 IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet
Teacher: Marion Bordelon Louisiana Social Studies Standard (include description): Analyze causes and effects of major events and evaluate their impact on the growth and development of Louisiana. Question from “Content and Claims” :What were the challenges that Louisiana faced after the Louisiana Purchase? Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology The class is asked to create a documentary video answering the question of what challenges Louisiana faced following the Louisiana Purchase. Teams of students will take on different subtopics and collaborate to create one final product.   I-Pad . You will be asked to write an essay about the challenges that Louisiana faced after the Louisiana Purchase from the information your group has already gathered. Once the essay is written you will narrate and capture as vocal recording using the i-pad. I-pad You will… read an article which will describe the challenges that were faced after the Louisiana Purchase Laptop I-Pads You will review as a class the challenges that citizens faced following the Louisiana Purchase by watching a classroom Prezi. There will also be a brief overview of the Purchase with some positive aspects. Prezi Device the access to the internet REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.

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