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Emma Antobam-Ntekudzi Reference & Instruction Librarian

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Presentation on theme: "Emma Antobam-Ntekudzi Reference & Instruction Librarian"— Presentation transcript:

1 Encouraging Student Engagement in the Library Classroom w/Poll Everywhere
Emma Antobam-Ntekudzi Reference & Instruction Librarian Bronx Community College

2 Abstract Library one-shot sessions are the only time most students will receive formal IL instruction. Librarians are faced with limited class time to provide guidance to students and teach research concepts. It is important to make sure student learning outcomes are met but it is just as imperative to keep students engaged and involved in the lesson. Poll Everywhere is an interactive tool that allows librarians to involve student participation and input during the instruction session. It helps promote active learning and provides many ways to do so. Librarians can use Poll Everywhere to create a lesson plan, incorporate it into an established lesson, begin a class discussion, or revolve a lesson around one of its many polling options.

3 Web based audience response system (ARS); provides live polling
Company created in 2007 by first year MIT student and two co-creators; worked for a consulting firm 2008: Product launch; Presenters must use PC or laptop only to design and manage polls; Audience responds via mobile device, Twitter & company website 2010: Mobile Messenger & PE partnership 2012: Mobile app launched; Presenters now manage polls using any device (except kindle fire) 2013: Images feature and poll added 2015: Embedding capabilities 2016: Self-paced surveys & ranking polls 2017: Audience participation dashboard redesigned Beginning to Now…

4 About Versions – free & premium Higher Ed plans K-12
Business & non-profit 5 basic response types; 23 polling varieties Audience responds via text or web Insert active & inactive slide into PowerPoint, Google Slides; embed into blogs or webpages Polls nationally & internationally Distance learning programs Online only classes Ability to customizing, reports, register participants, LMS synching Download response history, screenshot About

5 Examples

6 Example: Word Cloud Poll
For: Library instruction class Purpose: Encouraged students to identify and visualize terms related to the class topic. These terms were used in a keyword search exercise.

7 Example: Cluster Wall Poll
For: Library instruction class Purpose: After a demonstration students were asked to recall the sources OneSearch provides. A OneSearch Q&A session took place afterwards.

8 Example: Rank Order Poll
For: Library instruction class. Purpose: Poll used as introduction to a presentation about the research process.

9 Example: Multiple Choice Poll
For: Library instruction class Purpose: Taken after demonstration on library’s website and circulation policies.

10 Example: Multiple Choice Poll
For: Library instruction class Purpose: Used as an icebreaker.

11 How to Create a Poll

12 Go to www. polleverywhere
Go to and sign up to create a presenter account.

13 In the presenter dashboard, click on CREATE to develop a new poll.

14 Poll Everywhere provides 23 varieties of five basic response types:
multiple choice open ended rank order clickable image discussion Choose your poll type.

15 After choosing a polling type, input all information
After choosing a polling type, input all information. Multiple Choice polls allow text and image uploads. Input text or images here. Click on CREATE to generate the poll.

16 Activate the poll to allow participants to answer
Activate the poll to allow participants to answer. Students can respond via text or web. Click here to activate and deactivate your poll.

17 Presenters can clear results to use the poll for other classes.
Click here to clear poll results.

18 Potential uses for Instruction Librarians
Database navigation Keyword identification News activity Tabloids vs. Broadsheets Image polling social media memes Scholarly vs. Popular Sources Geographical/Cultural activity Pair with a teaching method (flipped classroom) or separate activity Discussion on any topic Prompted by the librarian Prompted by students Low stakes assessment (pre, post and during the lesson) Gather questions from students anonymously Break the classroom formality Provide feedback immediately Gauge a sense of “where students are” in the lesson

19 Benefits Students play an active role
Engage those who are reluctant to speak Ask open-ended questions Gather feedback from students Keep track of student responses during a lesson Create an informal environment; may help reduce library anxiety among some students

20 Others Using Poll Everywhere
Georgia Chamber of Commerce Webinars Conferences School classrooms College classrooms Meetings Others Using Poll Everywhere


22 References Poll Everywhere Revamps the Audience Interaction Palette. (2017). Wireless News, Wireless News, March 2, Gubbiyappa, K., Barua, A., Das, B., Vasudeva Murthy, C., & Baloch, H. (2016). Effectiveness of flipped classroom with Poll Everywhere as a teaching-learning method for pharmacy students. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 48(Suppl 1), S41-S46. Bates, Celeste C., Huber, Rachael, & McClure, Erin. (2016). Stay Connected: Using Technology to Enhance Professional Learning Communities. Reading Teacher, 70(1), Hargadon, Steve. (2008). Web 2.0 smackdown: And the winners are ...(Cool TOOLS). School Library Journal, 54(10), 23. Lynch, B. (2008, March 1). Startup Poll Everywhere conducts polls through cell phones. Retrieved June 7, 2018, from Boston Business Journal website: mass-high- tech/2008/05/startup-poll-everywhere-conducts-polls.html Byrne, R. (2012, September 1). Poll Everywhere Offers New Mobile Presenter Tools [Blog post]. Retrieved from Free Technology for Teachers written by Richard Byrne website: mobile.html#.WxmU8IpKjb2

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