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SSHRC Institutional Grant University

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1 SSHRC Institutional Grant Programs @Trent University
October 2018

2 SSHRC Institutional Grant (SIG)
SSHRC provides annual block grants to help eligible Canadian postsecondary institutions fund, through their own merit review processes, small-scale research and research-related activities by their faculty in the social sciences and humanities SIG funds are intended to help Canadian postsecondary institutions strengthen research excellence in the social sciences and humanities Value of grant is based on SSHRC performance in external competitions Trent must apply annually for the SIG and report on the use of funds

3 SSHRC Talent, Insight, Connections
SSHRC Explore (Talent, Insight) up to $7000 SSHRC Exchange International Travel (Connections) up to $1500 SSHRC Exchange Knowledge Mobilization (Connections) up to $3000

4 SSHRC Explore Grant - Purpose
Modest funding to develop a research project or pilot program Small scale experimentation and innovation Enable the hiring of students to participate in research and contribute to their own professional development Training must incorporate dimensions of the Guidelines for Effective Research Training

5 SHSRC Explore Grant - Eligibility
A full-time academic staff member with professional or academic librarian rank Postdoctoral Fellows or Limited Term Appointments provided they maintain their affiliation for the duration of the award Adjunct Professors where Trent University is their only academic appointment Not currently holding an external SSHRC award

6 SSHRC Explore Grants – Allowable Expenses
Research Personnel (RA’s/technical staff) Professional/secretarial services Actual costs of use of specialized equipment Research related travel (field work, meetings with research team, travel to libraries) Supplies not normally provided to research by the University (should not exceed 10% of award)

7 SSHRC Explore Grants – Ineligible Expenses
Conference travel Purchase of research equipment Equipment servicing Publication page charges Visiting professors or lectureships Start-up funding Costs of research leading to a degree including support for research conducted by graduate students in partial fulfilment of degree requirements unless such research is part of the faculty member’s ongoing research program

8 SSHRC Explore Grants – Review Criteria
Demonstrated Need for Funding Innovation and Experimentation Student and HQP Training Budget and Feasibility Future Funding Plans Appeals

9 SSHRC Explore Grant –Conditions of Awards
Value = maximum of $7,000 Tenable for 18 months Competitions May 1st and December 1st May only hold one award at a time and larger projects may not be simultaneously funded by several small grants Must be used for the approved project without variances Requires a final report which will be posted on the Trent website SSHRC must be acknowledged Click to add footer

10 SSHRC Exchange Grant – International Conference Travel - Purpose
The purpose of this program is to enable scholars to present a paper in international meetings of major scholarly significance and therefore contribute to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the social sciences and humanities. The conference must take place outside Canada.

11 SSHRC Exchange Grant – International Conference Travel -Eligibility
A full-time academic staff member with professional or academic librarian rank; Post-Doctoral Fellows or Limited Term Appointments, provided they maintain their affiliation for the duration of the grant period; an Adjunct Professors, where Trent University is their only academic appointment (Adjunct professors who hold academic rank at another Canadian institution are not eligible) In addition, the applicant must be taking an active role in the conference, normally through the presentation of a scholarly paper. Applicants acting as a chair of a session or not presenting a paper are not considered eligible for funding

12 SSHRC Exchange Grant – International Conference Travel – Review Criteria
Priority is given to: Invited presentations such as "keynote address" at a major or annual conference; Papers selected by an academic panel at a major or annual conference; Regular presentations at a major or annual conference Applicants awaiting confirmation of participation from the conference organizers, at the time of application, can indicate this on their application forms. Funding may be awarded pending confirmation of their role in the conference

13 SSHRC Exchange Grant – International Conference Travel – Eligible Expenses
Airline transportation, plus reasonable ground transportation to and from airports; Registration fee; and Subsistence costs (maximum of four days) The maximum award available for any conference will be limited to $1,500.00

14 SSHRC Exchange Grant – International Conference Travel – Conditions of Award
Value = maximum of $1,500 Tenable for 12 months Competitions May 1st and December 1st Applicants may not apply more than once in any academic year Retroactive applications will not be considered Requires a final report which will be posted on the Trent website SSHRC must be acknowledged

15 SSHRC Exchange Knowledge Mobilization - Purpose
to support the organization of small-scale knowledge mobilization activities, such as workshops and seminars, in order to encourage collaboration and the dissemination of research results both within and beyond the academic community.

16 SSHRC Exchange Knowledge Mobilization -Eligibility
A full-time academic staff member with professional or academic librarian rank Postdoctoral Fellows or Limited Term Appointments provided they maintain their affiliation for the duration of the award Adjunct Professors where Trent University is their only academic appointment

17 SSHRC Exchange Knowledge Mobilization- Review Criteria
Seed funding to organize a workshop or research meeting which will assist future SSHRC Grant applications; Support for workshops, visiting speakers or conferences connected with an applicant's externally funded research program; A small amount of funding to organize an event which will support research capacity. Priority for these grants will be given to: Knowledge mobilization activities that engage with an interdisciplinary audience in local, national, and international communities; Activities that allow for the development of meaningful relationships and network building that, in the future, will lead to collaboration; and Activities that distribute research knowledge to non-academic communities in an inclusive, accessible manner.

18 SSHRC Exchange Knowledge Mobilization- Ineligible Activities
Research activities (e.g. literature reviews, field work, data collection, interviews, etc.); Development of stand-alone volumes; Annual general meetings or any other activity directly related to an associations business meetings; Book launches or similar report dissemination; Receptions for association members; and Any activities normally paid for by an association's operating fees Honoraria for guest lecturers.

19 SSHRC Exchange Knowledge Mobilization- conditions of Awards
Value = maximum of $3,000 Tenable for 12 months Competitions May 1st and December 1st May only hold one award at a time and larger projects may not be simultaneously funded by several small grants Must be used for the approved project without variances Requires a final report which will be posted on the Trent website SSHRC must be acknowledged

20 Contacts: SSHRC Mentor: David Sheinin
Faculty A-L: Leah Kindree Faculty M-Z: Karen Johnson SIG Program: Cathy Gates

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