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Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health

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1 Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health
October Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health

2 Objective: SWBAT Thur, Oct. 1 Goal:
Definitions: Character Trait – Patterns in a person’s behavior when he or she acts on his or her values frequently. Journal: It takes a village to raise a child. What does this mean? (one paragraph) P/R/S: -ia (s) - conditions Class work: Create a test on chapter 21 5 T/F 5 fill in the blanks 5 multiple choice 5 matching Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Objective: SWBAT Review concepts learned – infectious diseases

3 Objective: SWBAT Fri, Oct. 2 Goal:
Definitions: Goals – a specific aim that reflects a set of values. Journal: NONE: (place today’s agenda below Oct 1 which is on the back side of page 11) P/R/S: (P) ex- (out, off, from, beyond) Class work: Create a test on chapter 21-Complete 5 T/F 5 fill in the blanks 5 multiple choice 5 matching Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Objective: SWBAT Review concepts learned – infectious diseases

4 Mon, Oct. 5 Objective: SWBAT Goal:
Definitions: Blood Alcohol Level – a way to measure the level of alcohol in a person’s body. Journal: Do you think the drinking age of 21 is reasonable? Explain (one paragraph) P/R/S: (P) auto- (self) Class work: 13.1 Section Review – turn in today otherwise you will receive a zero (0) Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Objective: SWBAT Understand the effects of intoxication Name two diseases caused by long-term alcohol abuse.

5 Tues, Oct. 6 Objective: SWBAT Goal: Definitions:
Short-Term Goals – a goal that can be accomplished in a few months or less. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Operat (work) (R) Class work: Coat of Arms Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Objective: SWBAT affirm their values. understand other people and their differences and similarities in their value structure.

6 Wed, Oct. 7 Objective: SWBAT Goal: Definitions:
Long-Term Goals: a goal which can be accomplished in one or more years Journal: NONE P/R/S: -ism (S) – condition of being Class work: Coat of Arms Finish 13.2 SR Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal Shield – if not finished Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Objective: SWBAT affirm their values. understand other people and their differences and similarities in their value structure.

7 Do/DUE Now Thur, Oct. 8 Pull out your Coat of Arms
Pull out your Score Sheet Complete your planner page Complete your journal entry – remember to highlight the statements Journals will be collected tomorrow We will begin presentations immediately after attendance.

8 Thur, Oct. 8 Objective: SWBAT Goal: Definitions:
Intermediate Goals: a goal which can be accomplished in a few month to one year. Journal: Goals – see next slide P/R/S: carp (R) - wrist Class work: Presentation of Coat of Arms Agenda – should be done every day!! Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Objective: SWBAT affirm their values. understand other people and their differences and similarities in their value structure.

9 Thur, Oct. 8 Journal Identify at least 3 short-term goals you have for yourself (include at least one educational goal). Identify at least 3 intermediate goals you have for yourself (include at least one educational goal). Identify at least 3 long-term goals you have for yourself (include at least one educational goal).

10 Do/DUE Now Fri, Oct. 9 Hand your journal to Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak
Get a book for Silent Sustained Reading

11 Fri, Oct. 9 Objective: SWBAT Goal: Definitions:
Social support: deriving positive feeling from sharing life situations with others . Journal: Collected – to be graded thru page 14 P/R/S: (S) –osis (abnormal condition of) Class work: SSR “In the News” Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: SWBAT Identify main points, connect main points and draw conclusions based on a series of information.

12 9 Journal Mon, Oct. 12 (Copy, Number #9, page #15)
Complete Table of Contents Highlight all journal statement/questions Place the number of the journal at the top center of the page Place the date in the upper right corner. Place the page number in the bottom right corner. 15 Mon, Oct. 12

13 Mon, Oct. 12 Goal: Objective: SWBAT Definitions:
Decision-Making Model – a series of steps that helps a person make a responsible decision. Journal: Journal Directions Annotate “Think Critically About Information and Services” P/R/S: -or (S) one which Class work: “Think Critically about Information and Services: Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: SWBAT Examine how the skills of accessing information and analyzing influences contribute to person’s ability to choose healthy behaviors

14 Tues, Oct. 13 Goal: Objective: SWBAT Definitions:
Smart Goals: is a best practice framework for setting goals. Journal: Copy 7 Health Skills (page 17) “Master the Skill of Goal Setting”18 P/R/S: (R) tom: cutting Class work: Complete yesterday’s work Annotate “Master the Skill of Goal Setting” Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Objective: SWBAT (In groups) Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates/explains a skill, using a SMART goal.

15 10 Journal Tues, Oct. 13 7 Health Skills Core Concepts
1 – Accessing Information 2 – Self Management 3 – Analyzing influences 4 – Interpersonal Communications 5 – Goal Setting 6 – Decision-Making 7 – Advocacy 17 Tues, Oct. 13

16 Directions for Group Project
Complete your journal. Pick one intermediate/long-term goal from your journal Find 2 or 3 people who have the same or similar goal. Using the “Master the Skill of Goal Setting” w/s and your chosen goal, set it up like the example on the top of page #2. You must write it as a SMART goal Include all 4 steps. After completing a draft, get a large piece of paper (box by my desk and create a poster including all 4 steps. You may be as creative as you want. Day #2 I will pull out the colored pencils, markers, crayons, etc. Turn in your rough draft and your poster – don’t forget team members names

17 Wed, Oct. 14 Goal: Objective: SWBAT Definitions:
Media – the main means of mass communication (especially television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet) regarded collectively. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (R) ops: sees Class work: SMART GOAL (Team Assignment) Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Objective: SWBAT (In groups) Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates/explains a skill, using a SMART goal.

18 Directions for Group Project
Complete your journal. Pick one intermediate/long-term goal from your journal Find 2 or 3 people who have the same or similar goal. Using the “Master the Skill of Goal Setting” w/s and your chosen goal, set it up like the example on the top of page #2. You must write it as a SMART goal Include all 4 steps. After completing a draft, get a large piece of paper (box by my desk and create a poster including all 4 steps. You may be as creative as you want. Day #2 I will pull out the colored pencils, markers, crayons, etc. Turn in your rough draft and your poster – don’t forget team members names

19 Do/Due Now Quiz Get a quiz from your teacher
NO TALKING UNTIL ALL QUIZES ARE TURNED IN Take everything off of your table except what you are writing with and your index cards You may use YOUR cards ONLY – no one else’s cards and no planner pages Anyone talking gets an automatic zero (0) Anyone sharing anything or using a cell phone will receive a zero

20 Assignments Last day to do any makeups on your assignments is Friday, October 16, 2015 You may attend after school today and tomorrow. Get all of your planner pages in Make sure your definitions & P/R/S are up to date. Take responsibility for your work and your grade.

21 Thur, Oct. 15 Goal: Objective: SWBAT Definitions:
Consequence – a result Journal: NONE P/R/S: (P) multi- many Class work: SMART GOAL (Team Assignment) Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Objective: SWBAT (In groups) Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates/explains a skill, using a SMART goal.

22 Fri, Oct. 16 Goal: Objective: SWBAT Definitions:
Lifecycle: the stage of life Journal: NONE P/R/S: Infer (R) - below Class work: SSR SMART GOAL (Team Assignment) – LAST DAY – presenting Monday or a zero – all or nothing. Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Objective: SWBAT (In groups) Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates/explains a skill, using a SMART goal.

23 Assignments Last day to do any makeups on your assignments is Friday, October 16, 2015 You may attend after school today and tomorrow. Get all of your planner pages in Make sure your definitions & P/R/S are up to date. Take responsibility for your work and your grade. SMART Goals are due Monday, at the beginning of the hour

24 Mon, Oct. 19 Goal: Objective: SWBAT Definitions:
Benefits – the cons or advantages of a consequences. Journal: Homework Assignment #1 P/R/S: -ical (S) pertaining to Class work: Presentation of SMART GOAL If time allows, catch up Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Objective: SWBAT (In groups) Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates/explains a skill, using a SMART goal.

25 Do/Due Now Get the following from Mrs. W-K a numbered card from Mrs. W-K Get a handout

26 Objective: SWBAT Tues, Oct. 20 Goal:
Definitions: Environment – the living and nonliving things that surround an organism. Journal: Homework Asst. #1 List the two things you will turn in & when it will be turned in P/R/S: Meta- (P) beyond Class work: Annotate Research/HW Asst. #1 Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Research/HW Asst. #1 Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Objective: SWBAT Preview Research/ Homework Assignment

27 Wed, Oct. 21 Objective: SWBAT Goal: Definitions:
Hepatitis: an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by long-term alcohol abuse. Journal: None, complete agenda on back of page 19. P/R/S: (P) ex- (out, off, from, beyond) Class work: 13.2 Section Review –due today Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Research/HW Asst. #1 (10/28) Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Objective: SWBAT Name two reasons why some people drink Name four reasons not to drink Name at least three way you could refuse alcohol if a friend offers it to you.

28 Objective: SWBAT Thur, Oct. 22
Definitions: Effective Communication: a two way information sharing process which involves one party sending a message that is easily understood by the receiving party Journal: A Myriad of Influences p. 20 “Gifted Hands” see next slide p. 21 P/R/S: (S) -emia (blood, condition of) Class work: DVD “Gifted Hands” Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Research/HW Asst. #1 (10/28) Goal: Students will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health Objective: SWBAT Identify internal and external influences

29 A Myriad of Influences Internal External Personal belief system
Internet Cultural values Print Information Religious beliefs and convictions Media Emotions Family Personal History Friends Personal Values Data Desires Politics Fears Economics Law Rules Experts Government Policies Environment Spiritual or religious community

30 Ben Carson “Gift Hands”
Who? What? Where? When? So What? Internal influences – person/influences External influences – person/influences T-W

31 Objective: SWBAT Fri, Oct. 23 Goal: Definitions:
Alternative - choices. Journal: NONE – to be collected early next week P/R/S: (S) –oma (tumor) Class work: SSR Flint Michigan “In the News” Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Research/HW Asst. #1 due 10/28 Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: SWBAT Define lead poisoning, learn their causes and affects on the human body.

32 Objective: SWBAT Mon, Oct. 26 Goal:
Definitions: Interpersonal Communication: the ability to clearly express your needs, ideas, and opinions using appropriate and effective verbal and nonverbal strategies and receive the same from others. Journal: “Teenager Under the Gun” Notes or one paragraph P/R/S: (P) Micro- (tiny, small) Class work: Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Research/HW Asst. #1 due 10/28 Goal: Access valid health information and appropriate health promoting products and services. Objective: SWBAT Identify reasons for the numerous school shootings/ incidents

33 Do/Due Now- 15 minutes Separate your definitions from your P/R/S Alphabetize your definitions Alphabetize your P/R/S Count each stack Place a flag with the count and your name on each stack

34 Objective: SWBAT Tues, Oct. 27 Goal: Definitions:
Lifestyle: how we live. Journal: “Master the Skill of Decision Making” P/R/S: (P) Hyper (high) Class work: Annotate “Master the Skill of Decision Making” Case Study – team activity Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Research/HW Asst. #1 due 10/28 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Objective: SWBAT Given a case study, students will complete the decision making process

35 Do/Due Now Make sure your name is on your journal Remove loose papers and cards Turn in your journal Journals should be complete through page 23.

36 Objective: SWBAT Wed, Oct. 28 Goal:
Definitions: Life expectancy: the number of years a person can reasonably be expected to live. Journal: NONE - turn in P/R/S: (R) brachi (arm) Class work: Case Study – team activity Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Research/HW Asst. #2 (Causes) due 11/4 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Objective: SWBAT Given a case study, students will complete the decision making process

37 Objective: SWBAT Thur, Oct. 29 Goal:
Definitions: Intoxicated – being affected by alcohol. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Sedat (R) quieting Class work: Case Study – team activity Board – going on the card marking grade Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Research/HW Asst. #2 (Causes) due 11/4 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Objective: SWBAT Given a case study, students will complete the decision making process

38 Objective: SWBAT Fri, Oct. 30 Goal:
Definitions: Insomnia – temporary or continuing loss of sleep Journal: NONE P/R/S: (P) Proto (first) Class work: Case Study – team activity Board – due today Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Research/HW Asst. #2 (Causes) due 11/4 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Objective: SWBAT Given a case study, students will complete the decision making process

39 Happy Halloween

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