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Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution

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2 Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution
Discussion: That NA Groups approve the '1981 Review and input Draft of the NA Basic Text (Grey Book)', and the 'NA Basic Text 3rd Edition revised with original Traditions (Baby Blue)' for use by the Fellowship. Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution

3 The Combination of Knowledge and Experience
Discussion: That NA Groups approve the '1981 Review and input Draft of the NA Basic Text (Grey Book)', and the 'NA Basic Text 3rd Edition revised with original Traditions (Baby Blue)' for use by the Fellowship.. God, Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the things that I Cannot Change, The Courage to Change the things I Can, and The Wisdom to Know the Difference Acceptance, Courage and Wisdom Are Spiritual Principals that We Live. If We Practice and Apply Acceptance, Courage and Wisdom, then Serenity is the Spiritual Outcome Wisdom: The Combination of Knowledge and Experience That will Cause Good Judgement The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between When it is time to Practice Acceptance, and When it is Time to Change Things

4 Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution - Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity
Today Hundreds of NA Groups are printing NA literature without the approval of NAWS. This number has been increasing. Hundreds of Thousands of books have been distributed. Most of these NA Groups ‘Collectively Print’ NA literature and books. However, each NA Group is responsible for their own printing. Many NA Groups and NA Service Bodies are not associated with, or have withdrawn support from, the World Service Conference. Many of the NA Members, referred to as the ‘Small but Persistent Minority’ are previous WSC participants with multiple decades of recovery. Many NA Groups and NA Service Bodies are also writing NA literature without the approval of NAWS. This has been going on for over 25 years and is not going to stop. The decision to use or distribute the Baby Blue Basic Text or the NA Basic Text Grey Book in our NA Meeting does not interfere with our Group’s decision to participate at the ASC or RSC. The decision not to recognize any authority of NAWS does not interfere with our Group’s decision to participate at the ASC or RSC. 

5 The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between
The Acceptance of the NA Basic Text Grey Book and the Baby Blue NA Basic Text are Basic Parts of a Discussion on Conflict Resolution, But is Only the Tip of the Iceberg The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between When it is time to Practice Acceptance, and When it is Time to Change Things

6 Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution - Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity
Why are NA Groups using the ‘Baby Blue Basic Text’ or the ‘Grey Book Basic Text’ We all have unique opinions and beliefs. Even those of us that actively support the Baby Blue And Grey Book NA Basic Text have a wide range of personal beliefs about our purpose and convictions: Some of us support it because it is the least expensive and most effective way to get a Basic Text into the hands of another Addict. Some of us support it because we believe that the 3rd Edition Revised, with the original 4th and 9th Traditions, is the best version of the Basic Text. Some of us support the Baby Blue and Grey Book because we believe that it has a message of recovery that is beneficial. Some of us support it because of our belief in the original understanding of the 4th and 9th Traditions ( … All Else is Not NA). Some of us support it because we believe that literature written by Addicts gets corrupted by paid professional writers or self willed trusted servants. Some of us are opposed to anything that is supported by the new NA World Service structure (NAWS). Some of us support a NA Group centered literature development process, and ‘Autonomous Service Conferences’ such as the ‘Alternate Service Informational Structure for NA’ (ASIS), as an alternative service model to the proposed Service System Proposal (SSP).

7 The Proposal that the World Service Conference the NA Basic Text Grey Book and the Baby Blue NA Basic Text is an intrigal Part of the Necessary Conflict Resolution, But is Only the Engine on a Long Train ISSUE of Conflict or Disagreement NAWS (World Board, WSO and WSC) Our Group Conscience Some REGIONS And AREAS (Not Using the Guide to Service or SSP) AUTONOMOUS SERVICE CONFERANCES Possible RESOLUTION or COMPROMISE TO BE DETERMINED Selection of an NA Basic Text 6th Edition NA Basic Text Only The NA Grey Book Basic Text and the NA Baby Blue Basic Text. Any Edition or Form of the NA Basic Text That an NA Group Chooses for Group Use Any Version of the NA Basic Text Prior to the 4th Edition Service Principals 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts 12 Traditions Only 12 Traditions Primarily. (The 12 Concepts are referenced but not used) Decision Making Delegated Authority Group Conscience Only Only the GSRs or Area Representatives Vote Service Guidelines Guide to Service Internal Policy Only Literature Development Professional Writers Assist Group Participation Varied Lit. Development written in Workshops Literature Approval NAWS Approved Only Group Approved Only Group Approved NA Meetings Approved on Meeting List Area and NJ Statewide lists (Refused by NAWS) Any NA Group or NA Meeting Some Refused, Some Have a Separate NA Meeting Directory Service Participation World Board and Only Regions Approved by NAWS Area, Region and Zonal only All Service Bodies Varied, but Excluding Participation With NAWS Authority Over Other Service Bodies According to the SSP, NAWS Will Determine the Size of the Service Bodies that Participate at NAWS The Group Only Participates in Service Bodies that are Only Accountable to the NA Groups Only the GSRs or Area Representatives Vote. Internal Policy is Only Determined Internally. Other NA Service Bodies Decisions are Not an Obligation The Groups Only Participate in Service Bodies that are Only Accountable to the NA Groups in Their Service Structure

8 The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between
Discussion: That NA Groups approve the '1981 Review and input Draft of the NA Basic Text (Grey Book)', and the 'NA Basic Text 3rd Edition revised with original Traditions (Baby Blue)' for use by the Fellowship. God Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the things that I Cannot Change, The Courage to Change the things I Can And The Wisdom to Know the Difference The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between When it is time to Practice Acceptance, and When it is Time to Change Things Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity An assessment of the current and proposed structures of NA Service

9 Has Not been Professionally Edited
The Baby Blue NA Basic Text is the only Edition of the Basic Text that : Has the Original 4th and 9th Traditions, Has the Trustee White book Changes, and Has Not been Professionally Edited Basic Text Edition Fellowship Review Original 4th and 9th Tradition 1986 Trustee White Book Changes 1987 Professional Editing 1988 World Service Editing Other Changes Grey Book YES NO Draft Only Approval No Stories 1st Edition Stories 2nd Edition Same as Approval Edition 3rd Edition 3rd Ed. Rev. 4th Edition 5th Edition 6th Edition Baby Blue Edition Same as 3rd Ed. Rev. and Approval Edition AND Trustee White Book Changes

10 The NA Basic Text Grey Book
Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution - Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity The NA Basic Text Grey Book The NA Basic Text Grey Book is the 1981 draft of our NA Basic Text. The material is roughly written, cut and pasted together, improperly worded and some of it is conflicting or incorrect. However, it is a raw, honest and powerful compilation of the collective recovery that existed in the early days of our fellowship. The diversity in the writing and viewpoints reflect the diversity of our recovery process through the 12 Steps of NA. The message of recovery in the NA Basic Text Grey Book speaks to the NA Addict that reads it with a very raw, honest and powerful message of recovery that gets lost in our new NA grammatical refinement. Our diversity is our strength and this book is the experience, strength and hope of our predecessors. The NA Basic Text Grey Book is not a replacement for our completed NA Basic Text. It is, however, a complementary accessory to it.

11 Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution -
Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity The NA Basic Text Grey Book 12 Traditions - Page 89 Why is this so? What is it about our meetings that's so special? Usually, about all we can say is that there is a feeling there, a feeling of strength and hope and love; an atmosphere of recovery. Our meetings are very special to most of us. They're a place where we feel safe; a place where we fit in. But what keeps it that way? One would think that any time people like us get together the results would be chaos. Groups of self centered, self- willed, isolated individuals just can't meet together peacefully and safely; but we do. The reason that we can is that we have Twelve Traditions that help to keep our groups "safe" and free. For most of us, understanding of these Traditions comes slowly over a period of time. We pick up a little information here and there as we talk to members and visit various groups. It usually isn't until we get involved with service that someone points out that "personal recovery depends on N.A. unity", and that unity depends on how well we follow our traditions. Because we hear about "suggested steps“ and "no musts" so often, some of us make a mistake and assume that this applies to our groups the way it applies to the individual.

12 4th and 9th Tradition Changes in the Approval Basic Text
4th and 9th Tradition (paragraphs) as approved in the 1981 Approval copy of the NA Basic Text that was distributed to the Entire Fellowship and Approved at the 1982 World Service Conf. : 4th Tradition of NA as Described in the NA Basic Text Approval Printing and 2nd Edition NA Basic Text. "Are we truly autonomous? What about our service committees, our offices, activities, hot-lines, and all the other things that go on in N.A.? The answer is that these things are not N.A. They are services we utilize to help us in our recovery and to further the primary purpose of our groups. Narcotics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women, addicts meeting in groups and using a given set of spiritual principles to find freedom from addiction and a new way to live. All else is not N.A. Those things we mentioned are the result of members caring enough to reach out and offer their help and experience so that our road might be easier. Whether we choose to utilize these services is up to the group." 9th Tradition of NA as Described in the NA Basic Text Approval Printing and 2nd Edition NA Basic Text. "The Ninth Tradition goes on .to define the nature of the things that we can do to help N.A. It says that we may create service boards or committees to serve the needs of the Fellowship. None of them has the power to rule, censor, decide, or dictate. They exist solely to serve the Fellowship, but they are not a part of Narcotics Anonymous. This is the nature of our service structure as it has evolved and been defined in the N.A. service manual."

13 The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between
The Proposal that the World Service Conference the NA Basic Text Grey Book and the Baby Blue NA Basic Text is an inetrigal Part of the Necessary Conflict Resolution, But is Only the Tip of the Iceburg The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between When it is time to Practice Acceptance, and When it is Time to Change Things

14 1987 WSC approval of the White Book Changes into the 3rd Edition Basic Text
Motion 41. To make the following changes in the Basic Text in order to bring it in line with the Newly Revised White Booklet. These changes will be made in the Fourth Edition (3rd Ed. Rev.) and remain in subsequent editions. In Chapter 6, the first paragraph after the White Booklet excerpt, (3rd ed. p. 56) delete the sentence which contains the phrase "Because we hear about suggested steps and no musts ..• " [Both of these references were taken out of the White Booklet) In Chapter 7, the first paragraph after the White Booklet excerpt, (3rd ed. p. 72) change "They forgot that it is really the first {fix, pill, drink, snort or toke)" to "the first drug" that starts the deadly cycle all over again." In Chapter 7, halfway through the chapter (3rd ed. p. 76,) paragraph begins, "We are grateful that we were made so welcome at meetings that we felt comfortable." In the last sentence, change [Just one fix, pill, drink, snort, or toke .•. ) to "Any use of drugs will interrupt the process of recovery." WSC Agenda Report--WSC Literature Committee Page 38 In Chapter 9, the tenth paragraph (3rd ed. p. 89) The first sentence reads "Three basic spiritual principles are honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness •.• " delete [to try!. In Chapter 9, the fourth paragraph from the end (3rd ed. bottom of p. 92) "If someone with a drug problem comes to us seeking recovery, [delete and is willing to try,) we gladly share with them. Io Chapter 36, Pothead! seventh paragraph (3rd ed. bottom of p. 228), "Theo it said they didn't care what drug I used and the only requirement for membership was the [delete honest) desire to stop using. Note- This is only a partial list of changes


16 The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between
Proposal: That the World Service Conference approve this '1981 Review and input Draft of the NA Basic Text (Grey Book)', and the 'NA Basic Text 3rd Edition revised with original Traditions (Baby Blue)' for use by the Fellowship. God Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the things that I Cannot Change, The Courage to Change the things I Can And The Wisdom to Know the Difference The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between When it is time to Practice Acceptance, and When it is Time to Change Things Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity An assessment of the current and proposed structures of NA Service

17 Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution - Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity
Where Does Group Autonomy End and Decisions about Matters that affect other Groups or NA as a Whole Begin? The 12 Traditions of NA, as they are written, are the only required and mandatory definition of the NA Group and the NA service structure. None of the 12 Traditions of NA may be modified, deleted, added to or ignored without ceasing to be Narcotics Anonymous. Group Autonomy applies to anything and everything that occurs within the NA Meeting of an NA Group provided it is within the boundaries of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of NA. Only actions that occur outside of the NA Meeting may be matters that affect other Groups or NA as a whole.

18 Expulsion of an NA Group from that particular service body only.
Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution - Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity The actions of an ASC, RSC or WSC / NAWS decision against an NA Group functioning within the 12 Traditions of NA is limited to: Removal of an NA Group from a meeting directory from that particular service body only. Expulsion of an NA Group from that particular service body only. Banning NA Members from that particular NA Group from serving at that particular service body only. Legal actions as determined by the court either within or outside of the current FIPT document.

19 Removing an NA Group from a meeting directory
Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution - Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity Removing an NA Group from a meeting directory Removing an NA Group from a meeting directory or expelling an NA Group from a service body has rarely caused that NA Group to fail or stop having NA Meetings. Many of the NA Groups have grown larger and more active after being expelled from a service body. Most of the NA Groups that have been removed from a meeting directory or expelled from a service body have formed Autonomous Service Conferences that have a limited relationship with the surrounding area or region. The real loss has been the loss of communication, cooperation and unified purpose in carrying a message of recovery to the suffering addict. Many of us have served together on NA service committees and shared recovery and meals together. We are all in recovery in NA. We all love NA and none of us are leaving NA.

20 Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution - Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity
The actions of an ASC, RSC or WSC decision against an NA Group functioning within the 12 Traditions of NA CAN NOT: 1. Stop an NA Group that is functioning within the 12 Traditions of NA from being an NA Group. 2. Stop an NA Group that is functioning within the 12 Traditions of NA from having an NA Meeting. 3. Stop an NA Group that is functioning within the 12 Traditions of NA from using any NA literature it chooses. 4. Make an NA Group follow a specific format, use a specific service manual, or provide any specific information about that NA Group other than requiring that the NA Group follow the 12 Traditions of NA. 5. Stop an NA Group that is functioning within the 12 Traditions of NA from providing NA H&I, PI or A&E Events, outside the NA Meeting, provided that these NA Events do not affect other Groups or NA as a whole.

21 The path of the SSP is leading in this direction.
Issues of Disagreement for Conflict Resolution - Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity What Is Next? If we decide to expel NA Groups because of the NA literature that they use inside their NA Meeting, Where Do We Stop? Can we also: Expel NA Groups for not donating enough funds? Expel NA Groups for not following the NAWS Service manuals or Guidelines ? ? Expel NA Groups for not following an ‘approved’ NA Meeting format or Group Business Meeting? Expel NA Groups for not submitting the proper group registration form? Expel NA Groups for not submitting the proper financial and Group records? If this sounds absurd or far reaching, please look around. Most other ‘Spiritual’ organizations and almost all other nonprofit organizations require these standards. The path of the SSP is leading in this direction.

22 Personal Recovery Depends on NA Unity
Service in NA is an Extension of Recovery

23 The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between
Discussion: That NA Groups approve the '1981 Review and input Draft of the NA Basic Text (Grey Book)', and the 'NA Basic Text 3rd Edition revised with original Traditions (Baby Blue)' for use by the Fellowship. God Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the things that I Cannot Change, The Courage to Change the things I Can And The Wisdom to Know the Difference The Wisdom to Know the Difference - Between When it is time to Practice Acceptance, and When it is Time to Change Things Finding Unity Through Acceptance of Our Diversity

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