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1 Q3,J5

2 Logical Fallacies…continued…
Ad hominem: latin for “to the man” or “to the person”. Attacking your opponent’s character in an attempt to weaken their argument. Eg. Political campaigns that drag up “dirt” that is unrelated to the issues at hand.

3 Personal incredulity Stating that because you find something difficult to believe, that it must be untrue. Eg. “So you’re saying that the Earth is actually a sphere that is constantly spinning around and around AND that this sphere is circling around the sun all the time AND that all the planets in the solar system are doing this but yet none of them ever bump in to each other?” That’s crazy.

4 Ambiguity Using vague answers or language to mislead the listener. Eg. Probably every politican ever.  “Do you believe that this man is guilty?” “Well, I believe this is a complicated case with lots of factors to consider?” “Do you believe he is guilty?” “The crime he has been charged with is certainly a terrible one.”

5 No True Scotsman… Eg. “No patriotic American would ever support Big Bird’s campaign for presidency.” “No intelligent person would ever enjoy watching The Simpsons.”

6 Black or White Suggesting that only two possibilities exist, when in truth there are a variety of options. Eg. “If I don’t go and see this movie tonight, I’ll NEVER get to see it!”

7 Anecdotal Stating that your own personal experience invalidates data or statistics. Eg. “This data says that 1/3 of Idaho’s kids don’t graduate from high school, but everyone in my family graduated so this statistic must be made up.”

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