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Cell Notes.

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1 Cell Notes

2 Cell Theory All living things are made of cells
Cells are the basic unit of life All cells came from pre-existing cells

3 Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
Cell Simple More complex Smaller Larger Organelles No Nucleus Nucleus No membrane bound organelles Membrane bound organelles Parts: DNA (nucleoid region) DNA (nucleus) Have ribosomes (70s) Have ribosomes (80s) Example: Bacteria Plants, animals, fungi, algae

4 Organelles in Eukaryotes
CELL MEMBRANE: determines what enters/exits NUCLEUS: control center, contains DNA MITOCHONDRIA: converts food to cellular energy (ATP) RIBOSOMES: make proteins (free floating or attached) SMOOTH ER: makes carbs and lipids ROUGH ER: studded with ribosomes, make proteins GOLGI APPARATUS: packages proteins LYSOSOMES: digest old/unwanted materials CENTRIOLES: pull chromosomes apart during division (cell replication)

5 Organelles in Eukaryotes
CHLOROPLAST: photosynthesis (converts CO2 to food using light) VACUOLE: storage CELL WALL: structure

6 Plant Animal Chloroplast None Cell Wall + Cell Membrane
Only Cell Membrane Large Vacuole Small Vacuole

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