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Fight BAC! Sanitation and Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Fight BAC! Sanitation and Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fight BAC! Sanitation and Safety

2 Clean vs. Sanitary Clean free of visible dirt
Sanitary 99.9% free of all microorganisms

3 Personal Hygiene Wash your hands as many times as needed.
Dry them with a PAPER towel, not cloth. No chewing gum while preparing food. Hair up and wear an apron while in the kitchen. No fake nails that could break off, avoid chipping nail polish. No uncovered wounds. If wearing a bandaid put on plastic gloves. Do not sneeze or cough near food, do it away or into your elbow

4 Danger Zone Leaving food out too long in the danger zone can cause bacteria to grow. MAX OF 4 HOURS 2 HOURS FOR DAIRY AND MEATS

5 The 4 C’s in Food Safety Cook Clean Chill
Contain - Avoid Cross Contamination

6 4 C’s Cook to proper temperatures
Use a clean thermometer to check internal temp Cook eggs whites until firm Microwave-make sure no cold spots Sauces and soups to boil ground beef and poultry to 165F TCS cooked food discarded after 7 days

7 4 C’s Clean: Wash hands and surface often
Wash hands with hot soapy water. The water should be as hot as you can stand 20 Seconds Wash and sanitize cutting board with hot soapy water Use plastic or non porous cutting board Wash ALL produce!

8 4 C’s Chill-Refrigerate Properly Refrigerate with two hours
Never defrost at room temperature Thaw in refrigerator, microwave, cold running water Refrigerator is the best way to thaw Divide large quantities of food into shallow containers

9 4 C’s Contain - Don’t Cross contaminate
Cross contaminate is when raw food contaminate ready to eat food Always wash hands and cutting boards after use Never placed cooked food with raw food In the refrigerator, store meat below veggies and fruits

10 Spoilage the process in which food deteriorates to the point that it is not edible to humans. SIGNS smell look feel

11 Spoilage food spoils because of bacterial microorganisms as well as yeast and sugar breaking down. The refrigerator only SLOWS DOWN the spoiling process. Food left in the DANGER ZONE spoils much quicker and once it gets int he human body (at an average warm temperature of 98.6 F) it’s like bacteria Mardi Gras! The more moist a food, the quicker it will spoil. Bacteria loves moisture.


13 Food Borne Illness What is a Foodborne Illness? Flu like symptoms
Most bacteria are harmless to a healthy person 1 in 6 Americans contract foodborne bacteria 128,000 hospitalized 3000 die

14 What is the difference Between Microorganisms and Pathogens?
Microorganisms are small living organisms that can only be seen through a microscope Pathogens-microorganisms that can cause illness

15 Why do Food Service Establishments Care if People get Sick?
Loss of Customers Negative Media Exposure Lawsuits/Legal Fees Increased Insurance Premiums Loss of reputations Lowered Employee Morale

16 Who is at Risk? Elderly Infants/Children Pregnant women
People with weak immune systems

17 Biological Contamination
Viruses Bacteria Parasites Fungi - mold Toxins

Fish Poultry Meat Eggs Milk and Dairy Shellfish Sliced Melons and Tomatoes Baked Potatoes Sprouts Garlic and Oil Mixtures Tofu

19 Hepatitis A Virus Incubation-10-12 days
Symptoms Jaundice Muscle aches Headache Inflammation of the liver Source-person infected transfer from fecal matter to Food Water Fruits and Veggies Prevention Cook Food, wash hand, and food handler needs to stay home when sick

20 Parasite-Trichinosis
Symptoms Muscle pain Fever Swelling of the face Weakness or fatigue Sources-Wild Game and Pork Prevention Cook Meat and Wild Game to 145 Freezing may kill some

21 Staphylococcal Symptoms Sources- Food workers, cheese, milk Prevention
Nausea Vomiting Stomach cramps Diarrhea Sources- Food workers, cheese, milk Prevention Wash hands throughly Keep areas sanitary Store foods out of the danger zone

22 Incubation period for Pathogens
E Coli-2-9 days Salmonella-6-48 hours Staphylococcus-Rapid Listeria-Few Days-3 weeks Trichinosis-8hour-few days Botulism-18-36hr(most deadly)

23 Foodborne Illness Death Rate
Salmonella, nontyphoidal 378 Toxoplasma gondii 327 Listeria monocytogenes 255 Norovirus Campylobacter spp. 76

24 Foodborne Illness Group Work
In your groups you will be given the choice of 6 food borne illnesses to research. With your group you need to put together a quick presentation for tomorrow in class on this food borne illness. READ THE CRITERIA to make sure you cover everything I am looking for. Be creative!

25 Foodborne Illness Choices
Botulism E-coli Noro-Virus Salmonella Toxoplasmosis Campylobacteriosis Best resource is the CDC!

26 INFORMATION TO COVER Name of pathogen How do we get it? Symptoms it causes Treatment Prevention

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