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Connecting Customer & Employee Survey Results to District-wide Engagement Plans Discussing Public Engagement Meeting|February 7, 2019 Kayla Dean, Market.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Customer & Employee Survey Results to District-wide Engagement Plans Discussing Public Engagement Meeting|February 7, 2019 Kayla Dean, Market."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Customer & Employee Survey Results to District-wide Engagement Plans Discussing Public Engagement Meeting|February 7, 2019 Kayla Dean, Market Research Coordinator Public Engagement & Constituent Services Office 4/6/2019

2 Customers’ Perceived Level of Engagement with MnDOT & Satisfaction with Level of Engagement (0-10 scale) The most common perceived engagement level among customers and partners is COLLABORATE (28%) This was based on their most recent substantive project/interaction with the District/Office from which they received the survey Engagement matters! Customers’ average satisfaction increases as the level of engagement increases on the IAP2 Spectrum. (7.7 to 9.2 We can’t say that our customers are not satisfied with being informed; but we can say they are more satisfied when they are in the collaborate and empower level of engagement. Overall, nearly half (46%) of MnDOT’s customers are completely satisfied with their current level of engagement with MnDOT (rating 9-10), and close to 80% are in the top-4 box of satisfaction (rating 7-10). 4/6/2019

3 Comparison: Customer and Employee Trust and Customer-Centered Measures
Customer Questions: How customer-centered would you say this MnDOT District is about a year ago, and then TODAY? How trustworthy would you say this MnDOT District/Office is? Employee Questions: How customer-centered would you say the MnDOT District/Office you work in was before WIG 2.0 efforts were underway, and then TODAY? To what degree do you trust your MnDOT District/Office to do what’s best to meet the various needs of the clients/customers/partners it serves, overall? (think of internal and external customer/partners) 4/6/2019

4 Comparison: Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Customer Employee NPS = 33 NPS = 15 --Overall measure based upon “likelihood to recommend” question --Question is asked using a 0 to 10 scale where 0= Not at all likely and 10= extremely likely --NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors (rating 0-6) from the percentage of promoters (rating 9-10). --NPS is expressed as a number ranging from -100 to 100, not as a percentage. --In general, a positive NPS is considered reasonable and the larger the number the better. --Extra considerations need to be taken into account when applying the NPS to the public sector. For example, the general public typically are not in situations where they would recommend a state agency to others – especially when alternative are not available. --However, partners and customers can rate their likelihood to recommend the agency as an organization to work with and employees can recommend the agency as a place to work. How likely would you be to recommend MnDOT (as an organization to work with as a partner/customer) to a colleague? How likely would you be to recommend MnDOT to a friend or relative for employment? 4/6/2019

5 Communication about Results
Not er/Newsline with links to agency-level reports were sent in November – December 2018 (posted on Market Research iHUB) District/Office-level reports were ed to District/Office leadership January 7-8, 2019 included: Customer and employee reports – specific to District/Office Spreadsheet of all open-ended responses (both surveys) Updated customer/partner contact list Reviewed agency-level results with SLT in November; reviewed next steps with Sue Mulvihill and Jody Martinson; Vid Con meeting Jan. 25; SLT Jan. 29

6 Next Steps PECS Market Research staff schedule follow- up meetings with District/Office leadership to review results and identify goals/strategies to implement Use results to inform goals/strategies in District Engagement Plans (due by end of FY19) Agency-level customer survey results –> KPIs for SOP Presented results at D7 DMT meeting last week; follow-up meeting with D7 leadership schl’d in Feb. and employee days in April Scheduled to present at D1 D&I Committee meeting Feb. 25 Will present to Metro DMT (district management team) in March Reach out to us if you have any standing management/employee meetings that you’d like us to attend PEOPLE – D3 Example of District Engagement Plan 4/6/2019

7 Thank You! 4/6/2019

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