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Customer Survey Results

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1 Customer Survey Results
1st Quarter FY17 Customer Survey Results Greg Dangremond Informational Brief February 23, 2017

2 1st Quarter ICE Survey High Level Summary
Response Rate Goal 16% RESPONSE RATES OCT NOV DEC 1st Qtr TOTALS Business Area Sent Resp RTD/LESO 451 94 482 106 485 81 1418 281 Transportation / Turn-in 306 42 432 26 86 21 824 89 Hazardous Waste (HW) 32 7 52 12 4 116 23 General Comment Cards 30 34 46 110 TOTALS: 789 143 966 144 603 2358 393 Overall Resp Rate 18% 15% Q1 17% SATISFACTION 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% Q1 94% Note: Our quarterly surveys solicit responses from three specific targeted Business Areas. General Comment cards are unsolicited random surveys therefor we do not include the unsolicited General Comment cards in our solicited / targeted survey response rate. If requested General Comment card data below; Q1 Response Rates with General Comment Cards = 20% (503 total responses vs. 393 divided by 2,468 vs 2,358) Q1 Satisfaction Rates with General Comment Cards = 91% Hazardous Waste Comment Cards yellow trends top three; Long wait times for turn-in or pick-up: example comment – “DLADS failed to process a removal request for a rolloff of hazardous waste which was allowed to exceed the 90-day regulatory time limit.” Not responsive: example comment – “Most of the employees in the Ft. Meade Environmental Office are good and try very hard to provided good customer service. The biggest let down is headquarters in Battle Creek.” Communication: example comment – “COR’s are not the generators of the waste, they should not be directing the installations/generator’s to change waste description.” General Comment Cards yellow trends top three; ETID: example comment – “ETID is down again, 3rd time this week.” Scheduler/Making appointments: example comment – “I selected 10:00 on the DLA website because it was open only to arrive the next day and be told I wasn’t on the list.” Limited turn-in times: example comment – “There needs to be a provision in the contract for weekend and holiday support.” Business Area OCT NOV DEC 1st Qtr R/Y/G RTD / LESO 94% 97% 96% Transportation / Turn-in 92% 100% 95% Hazardous Waste (HW) 57% 83% General Comment Cards 91% 85% 89% 88% Satisfaction Goal is 90%

3 Standard ICE Questions 1st Quarter Results
2.74-0 Rate scale of: Excellent (5.0)/Good (4.0)/Okay (3.0) /Poor (2.0)/Awful (1.0) REUT /LESO TRANS/TURN-IN HW Disp Question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Facility Appearance 4.46 4.59 4.50 Employee Staff/Attitude 4.61 4.73 4.35 Timeliness of Service 4.49 4.00 Hours of Service 4.44 Did the product or service meet your needs? 97% 96% 88% Overall Satisfied 95% 83% HW Disp yellow trends top three; (so few overall comments that these are the same as previous slide) Hazardous Waste Comment Cards yellow trends top three; Long wait times for turn-in or pick-up: example comment – “DLADS failed to process a removal request for a rolloff of hazardous waste which was allowed to exceed the 90-day regulatory time limit.” Not responsive: example comment – “Most of the employees in the Ft. Meade Environmental Office are good and try very hard to provided good customer service. The biggest let down is headquarters in Battle Creek.” Communication: example comment – “COR’s are not the generators of the waste, they should not be directing the installations/generator’s to change waste description.” 69%-0% 89%-70% 100-90%

4 Standard Question (All Business Areas) 1st Quarter Results
REUT /LESO TRANS/TURN-IN HW Disp Question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 G3: In your latest interaction with DLA Disp Svcs – did you feel valued as a customer? 93% 94% 82% G3a: If no, please select from the drop down where we can most improve Ease of doing Business 30% 0% 25% Competency in resolving problems 5% Responsiveness (timely in getting back to you) 3% 43% Consistency in stating procedures 20% 29% Nothing listed above (please provide details in comments) 75% 100-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% HW Disp yellow trends top three; (so few overall comments that these are the same as previous slide) Hazardous Waste Comment Cards yellow trends top three; Long wait times for turn-in or pick-up: example comment – “DLADS failed to process a removal request for a rolloff of hazardous waste which was allowed to exceed the 90-day regulatory time limit.” Not responsive: example comment – “Most of the employees in the Ft. Meade Environmental Office are good and try very hard to provided good customer service. The biggest let down is headquarters in Battle Creek.” Communication: example comment – “COR’s are not the generators of the waste, they should not be directing the installations/generator’s to change waste description.” All categories for (Nothing listed above) One comment: “GenComm does not accurately take a 1348 and transfer data to DLA’s system. Task Orders are always incorrect with multiple errors. Staff do not communicate in a timely manner and installation are not notified about pickups, changes to pickups, or possible scheduling conflicts.”

5 Reutilization/LESO Customers
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R1: Which type of Disposal Services customer are you? (258) - Reutilization (58) 22% - Transfer/Donation (Combined) (6) 2% - LESO (182) 71% - Firefighter, CFL, Other (Combined) (10) 4% R2: How would you rate your experience in using the Reutilization Transfer Donation (RTD) WEB (270) - Good (208) 77% - Fair (55) 20% - Poor (7) 3% R2 – Experience using RTD Web (Poor) “It is difficult to log in to and then the whole process of obtaining and shopping for items is difficult jumping from one login page to the other.”

6 Reutilization/LESO Customers
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% % of Customers who answered Yes ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R3: If you requested assistance during the screening/requisition process, did you get the help you needed? (234) 100% R4: Did we ship property to you or did you go to pick it up? (251) - It was shipped (112) 41% - Picked it up (154) 59% R4b: If you picked it up, was the property ready and available at your scheduled appointment? (177) 97% Green

7 Reutilization/LESO Customers
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% % of Customers who answered Yes ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R4a: If it was shipped – did the property meet your expectations? (119) 95% R4a1: If it did not meet your expectations – was it because of: (11) - Quantity was incorrect (0) 0% - Unit of issue was incorrect (1) 9% - Condition of property was incorrect (4) 36% - Stock number received was incorrect (0) - Part number received was incorrect (0) - Property was not delivered by the RDD (1) - Other (5) 45% Top three Other; No customer comments were provided for “Other.”

8 Transportation/Turn-in Customers
( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey T1. How would you rate your experience using EDOCS (Electronic Document System) for retrieving your DD1348-1s? (70) - Good (54) 77% - Fair (11) 16% - Poor (5) 7% T2. When was your turn-in receipt (signed ) available in the Electronic Documents (EDOCS) system? (46) - Less than or equal to ten (10) days (34) 74% - More than ten (10) days (12) 26% T3. How would you rate your experience when requesting property pick-up/transportation and/or turn-in services? (84) - Good (61) 73% - Fair (16) 19% - Poor (7) 8% T1 – Poor comments; No comments for T1 Poor category. T3 – Poor comments; “DRMO personnel in San Diego, CA are not providing signed A for equipment picked up from station.”

9 Transportation/Turn-in Customers % of Customers who answered Yes
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey T4. If you experienced an issue with your turn-in, was it due to … (19) - Problems with the Scheduler system (4) 15% - Improper or lack of paperwork (4) 11% - Problems with the Electronic Turn-in Document (ETID) system or ETID approvals (1) 25% - Limited hours of operation at site (2) - Insufficient/unsatisfactory support from Disp Svcs personnel (1) 10% - Issues with your Receipt in Place (RIP) property (0) 1% - Other (5) 26% T5. If you agreed to have Receipt in Place (RIP) Property, did we honor the agreed upon time for property removal from your location? (51) 95% T4 – Example “Other” comments; “I wish we can submit any turn-ins (serviceable or unserviceable) to one place and not have to ship it.”

10 Hazardous Waste Customers % of Customers who answered Yes
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey HW1. Are you satisfied with the disposition solutions for your unused Hazardous Material (HM)? (If no – please explain in the comments section) (11) 73% HW2. Are you satisfied with your Contracting Officer Representative (COR)’s management of your Hazardous Waste (HW) contract removals? (16) 81% Only 1 customer comment for HW1 & HW2; “GenComm does not accurately take a 1348 and transfer data to DLA's system. Task Orders are always incorrect with multiple errors (for example, of the 116 DTIDs, there were 20+ major errors of DTID information, like missing EPA waste codes, incorrect container information, wrong CLINs, wrong weights, containers being deleted or missing completely, and incorrect quantities). Staff do not communicate in a timely manner and installations are not notified about pickups, changes to pickups, or possible scheduling conflicts. DLA double-booked task order pickups for our location with no input from us. DLA booked an important contract meeting for our location with no input from the installation stakeholders, even though key players would not be present that day and gave no options for rescheduling. We also have many issues with DLA hazardous material shipments, but the inbound hazmats come from various depots and is something I cannot track from my position. Hazmats arrive with no SDS, improper paperwork, and expired. Global Harmonization compliance is almost impossible due to DLA. DLA Property has also made it almost impossible to turn in scrap metal or other items that are required for turn-in. The wait list is months long just for standard equipment turn-ins. Items they used to take without issue is now being turned away with no option for shops to legally turn in the property any other way.”

11 Overall Comments Synopsis
Positive Comments 218 Neutral Comments 19 Negative Comments 38 TOTAL Comments Received 275 79% of comments were positive 14% were negative 7% were neutral All positive and negative comments get forwarded to the supervisor/chief of the person or site mentioned in the comment. All customers who mark “response requested” get a response in the form of a CRM ticket and are tracked to resolution/closure. All 32 customers who marked “Response requested” have been answered. 32 CRM tickets generated as a result of 1st Qtr survey comments

12 Top Three Comment Trends
Positive By-name employee recognition Employees willingness to correct discrepancies on-the-spot vice refusing property Employees providing quality training Negative Request more photos, more accurate description of property Long wait for eDocs to update RTD-web not intuitive / user friendly ** On the “Not knowing the status of requisitions” … There is an RFC to fix this. The RFC is BOF-C This is the RFC sponsored by Mr. Cannon. Has moved into the working Que!

13 Outstanding Personnel (1 of 3)
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: EAST Ottey, Gregory Cheery Point Streath, Richard Cherry Point Baker, Darrell Eglin Major, Elaine Eglin Mohr, Elaine Eglin Williams, Jessica Eglin Craft, Carl Fort Dix Newlund, Chris Fort Dix Delong, Robert Fort Drum Hamilton, Thomas (3 times) Jacksonville Dixon, Jeff Lejeune Payton, Jessica Lejeune Huffines, Carolyn Meade Rivera, Frankie Meade Hendley, Tammy Norfolk Barnett, Carla Letterkenny Hoon, Christina Letterkenny James, Raymond Letterkenny Shuman, Todd Letterkenny Anderson, Cynthia (3 times) Susquehanna Heisey, Ron Susquehanna EAST CONTINUED Hoover, Roberta Susquehanna Riley, Natasha (3 Times) Susquehanna Rivera, Joseph Susquehanna - Listing of employees complimented in surveys by customers. Broken out by region/site.

14 Outstanding Personnel (2 of 3)
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: WEST Biacco, Steve Barstow Cooper, Daniel Barstow Camacho, Chris Barstow Alvarez, Francisco (2 times) Col. Springs Ensley, Mike (3 times) Col. Springs Martin, Edward Col. Springs Plott, Jared Col. Springs Sams, D.B Col. Springs Stevens Michael Col. Springs Thomas, Bernabe Col. Springs Washington, Jerry Col. Springs Wilcox, John Col. Springs Severson, Kevin Hill Dale, Terry Holloman Castaneda, Zina Lewis Deleon, Mark Lewis WEST CONTINUED Benintende, Chris (3 times) Pendleton Clark, Carrie Pendleton Escoto, Jorge (2 times) Pendleton Guerroero, Reynaldo Pendleton Quejado, Edel (4 times) Pendleton Zepeda, Jose (3 times) Pendleton Lopez, John San Diego Gillon, Jamaal Tucson Rehkoph, Don Vandenburg

15 Outstanding Personnel (3 of 3)
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: Mid America Badger, Joseph Anniston CDC Harris, Eric Anniston Downey, Joseph Campbell Jones, Anthony Campbell White, Debra Campbell Fenner, Carrie (2 times) Columbus Hudson, Ronald Crane Grant, Joseph Gordon Hines, Shannon Knox Robinson, Harold Little Rock Witthuhn, Richard Little Rock Campbell, Vernon Offutt Crawford, Kelli Red River Bailey, Matt Riley Willis, Wayne Sill Ringo, Loren Wright Patterson EUROPE/AFRICA Massimo, Marongiu(3 times) Aviano Nelson, Chris Aviano Vagelli, Giancarlo Aviano Lee, Ursulla Grafenwoehr Steinbrunne, Peter Grafenwoehr Sweeney, Clint Grafenwoehr Tschua, Steve Grafenwoehr Bohn, Richard Kaiserslautern Wagner, Linda Kaiserslautern PACIFIC Rivera, Julia Guam Mendiola, Joseph Pearl Harbor Shirai, John Pearl Harbor Yamasato, Kumeo Pearl Harbor CENTRAL Cameron, Tony Arifjan Hamton, Tremain Arifjan Webber, Kenneth Arifjan Williams, LaTanya (2 times) Arifjan HQ BC Wood, Michael LESO Aguero, Jose RTD Radig, Cassandra RTD

16 Outstanding Sites (1 of 2)
Sites complimented by name in survey comments: EAST Bragg Cherry Point (2 times) Eglin (4 times) Dix Jacksonville (3 times) Lejeune (2 times) Letterkenny (4 times) Meade Norfolk (4 times) Portsmouth/ Pease Susquehanna (3 times) MID AMERICA Anniston Columbus (3 times) Corpus Christi Crane Gordon Knox Polk Red River Riley (3 times) San Antonio Sill (2 times) Warner Robins (2 times Whiteman WEST Colorado Springs (2 times) Fairbanks Hill Lewis (4 times) San Diego San Joaquin Tucson HQ LESO (17 times) RTD (12 times) Listing of sites complimented in surveys (as a whole or whole staff).

17 Outstanding Sites (2 of 2)
Sites complimented by name in survey comments: EUROPE/AFRICA Aviano Grafenwoehr Kaiserslautern (2 times) Rota (2 times) PACIFIC Guam Iwakuni CENTRAL Arifjan (2 times) Listing of sites complimented in surveys (as a whole or whole staff).

18 Sample Comments Exceptional service was provided by the DLA Services personnel. The staff was informative and helpful when questions arose about process and forms. Thank you! The man who helped me is a little grumpy. Not upbeat at all. Did not get his name. The only recommendation I would offer is to have more pictures of the product that is listed with somewhat of a detailed description telling the condition and year of the product. Need more time for pickups. 14 days including weekends and holidays is not enough time. Getting a timely response from the staff would be helpful not 3 to 5 days later. Thank you very much for this program. Without these services this equipment wouldn't be affordable to our agency. I have been using the DLA sites very regularly for the past few months and have had outstanding customer service. The DLA web site indicated that a time for turn-in was open and when I arrived I was told it was Not. “THIS IS NOT TAKING CARE OF THE WARFIGHTER!” Example Voice Of the Customer (VOC) feedback. Significantly increased our combat effectiveness, supply stock level, and ease at which our soldiers were able to accomplish their mission.


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