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  Clergy Financial Literacy Pilot (ADOX Preview).

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Presentation on theme: "  Clergy Financial Literacy Pilot (ADOX Preview)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clergy Financial Literacy Pilot (ADOX Preview)

2 Seven Best Church Practices
Practice and Preach Biblical Stewardship Comprehensively Teach Biblical Stewardship Tithing as Prerequisite to Leadership Produce Faith Raising vs. Fund Raising Events Conduct a Transparent Process to Balance and Execute Budgets Establish a Stewardship Education Ministry Sponsor Community Economic Development

3 Visioning Exercise I want to be financially free so that I can live and serve in the following manner: In my faith home? In my family life? In my health and fitness? In my fellowship with friends? My financial goals are …

4 Financial Freedom Defined
Funds to support the faith Able to meet all obligations Cash for needs and wants No financial worry Working for Life’s Purpose vs. Working for a Living

5 “Three T’s” =

6 “Slow” Money Love God and People Obedience Practice Witness Kingdom
Standards Tips and Tithes Love God and People Obedience Practice Witness Kingdom

7 Next Generation Givers
The average credit card indebted young adult household now spends nearly 24 percent of its income on debt payments, four percentage points more, on average, than young adults did in (Source: "Generation Broke: Growth of Debt Among Young Americans")

8 The Word on Debt Proverbs 22:7 (RSV) “ The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.”

9 Debt Reduction and Elimination
Check Credit Report and FICO Score Contact All Creditors/Lower Rates Make a Payoff Ladder Budget and Sacrifice for Your Goal Make Structural Adjustments if Required Stay the Course Focus on Vision

10 Debt Ladder Step 1 Pray Step 2 Agree Step 3 Plan Step 4 Contact
Step 5 Prioritize Step 6 Pay Step 7 Celebrate

11 12 Keys to Abundant Living
Honor God by Giving Have a Vision Live below your means Operate with a plan/budget Avoid the bondage of debt Save Systematically/Faithfully Beware of get rich quick schemes Invest for the long term Leverage and develop talents Practice Sabbaths Operate in unity (Family) Live Gratefully

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