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World Water Development Report 2016: WATER AND JOBS Regulating for Decent Work Conference 8 July 2015 06/04/2019

2 Outline Why Water and Jobs? Antecedents Main Messages
Regulatory frameworks Research carried out and needed

Are workers an asset or a liability? The visibility of work in the water community Mainstreaming decent work in the water agenda and vice versa Transcending paid employment “Recognize, Formalize, Organize” 06/04/2019

4 ILO-UN Women Joint Research
Unpaid work of women in water supply and sanitation (2014) Country studies: Panama, Philippines, Senegal Women use water for both reproductive and productive activities while men use water primarily for market-based work. Improved water infrastructure can reduce girls’ and women’s workloads and add time to earn income, education or other purposes But it is only one part of the solution.

5 ILO-SIWI Joint Research
% of households fetching water vary btw countries, up to 84% in Sierra Leone. Also within countries- Pakistan: 39% in Balochistan, 12% in Punjab. Multiple trips per day may be required Carrying water appears to impact health and ability to work. Effects are higher in low and middle income countries where more people are in physically demanding, informal or poorly regulated work environments

6 World Bank’s World Development Report 2013: JOBS
Antecedents World Bank’s World Development Report 2013: JOBS Open unemployment is only one of the challenges Jobs drive development , not just a by-product of economic growth It is not only the number of jobs that matters: Some do more for development than others The conventional wisdom is not always right ICLS Resolution 2013 Work is no longer limited to market-related activities 06/04/2019

7 UNDP’s Human Development Report 2015: RETHINKING WORK FOR HUMAN DEVT.
Antecedents UNDP’s Human Development Report 2015: RETHINKING WORK FOR HUMAN DEVT. (30 November 2015) Identify the positive intrinsic relationship between work and human development Do ICT and mobile devices enhance HD?  Recognize worth and impact of care work.  Incorporate the notion of sustainable work into the SDGs. 

8 WWDR 2016 Linked to World Water Day (Geneva, 22 March 2016)
Launched during World Water Day UN-Water decision of September 2014 ILO-led, published by WWAP, in collaboration with 30 other UN agencies and 27 partners Second Draft: 7 July 2015

9 WWDR 2016: MAIN MESSAGES Water is an essential component of economies, creates and sustains jobs in every sector 50% of the global workforce employed in 8 water- and natural resource-dependent sectors: agriculture, forestry, fisheries, energy, resource-intensive manufacturing, recycling, building and transport. sustainable water management and access to safe and reliable supply of water and appropriate sanitation services create enabling environment for employment opportunities and DW 06/04/2019

10 MAIN MESSAGES, cont. Great increase in demand will pressure economic devt., social peace, ecosystems WASH services at home & work strengthens workers’ health & productivity Basic water & sanitation svcs. in developing world have benefit-to-cost ratio up to 7:1 Inversely, those that have the least access to water and sanitation are less likely to have health care and stable jobs, feeding the cycle of poverty.

Sound governance/investment in water resources management, infrastructure and services generate/support employment across all sectors. Benefit of providing more efficient water technologies for around 100 million poor farmers worldwide: est. US$ billion Cost of inaction: health spending caused by pollution, unemployment of fishers & tourism operators, property insurance in waterfronts.

Water governance includes all political, social, economic and administrative systems to develop, manage and deliver water svcs. and resources, at different levels of society Examples of labour-based watershed management programmes around the world: the Loess Plateau in China, Gonaives Water and Soil Conservation (WSC), ILO-WB collaboration to develop training material on WSC for Ghana Social Opportunities Project

Appropriate employment policies can link growth and economic strategies to decent (and green) employment creation, the preservation and improvement of existing jobs and a just transition. International commitments on sustainability (e.g. SDGs) and the human rights to water, sanitation and decent employment, should guide their development

14 ILO-UN Women: conclusions
Policies and initiatives can maximize spillovers for livelihoods and secure access to decent jobs, for women and men. Legislative action to recognize community and indigenous rights to water, invest in communi-ty-based resource mgt. to build local capacity and particularly women’s capacity to design, implement and manage water resources. Implement commitments to promote decent work, support collective bargaining, expand social protection and invest in jobs and skills.

15 Future research Input‐Output analysis and Social Acctg. Matrices may identify how water is used as an input by sectors, and jobs created with increased or improved water supply. Identifying the level of ‘water-dependence’ of any given job may assist policy-makers. This would help develop a comprehensive mapping of the linkages between access to water and sanitation and decent jobs

16 Thank you! Further reading: Contact:
Tel: 06/04/2019


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