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Annual Progress Review: purpose and outcomes

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1 Annual Progress Review: purpose and outcomes
John Kirby Graduate School Faculty of Medical Sciences Newcastle University Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. I would like to describe a series of experiments performed by our group to determine how acute inflammation might contribute directly to the development of chronic renal allograft nephropathy.

2 How well are you doing? A thesis should be a piece of work which a capable, well qualified and diligent student who is properly supported and supervised can produce in n-years of full-time study No one has done your research before. How do you know if you are on track?

3 Common questions Why do we review your progress?
When are you reviewed? What form does review take? What are the possible outcomes of the review?

4 Progress Review Why? To help you work out what your project is about!
To encourage you to think of your research aims (and what you have achieved to date). To focus you on the timeline for completion of your work. To help you to decide if you are sufficiently diligent… To identify problems at an early stage and to suggest strategies to fix these.

5 When? Degree programme and period of registration 1st progress review
Intermediate Progress review(s) Final year Progress review PhD 3 years full-time (including short period 8 staff) 8 months 12 months after 1st assessment 7 months before the end of minimum candidature PhD 4 years full-time Every 12 months after 1st assessment until end of minimum candidature PhD 1 year full-time + 3 years part-time (including staff normal period) PhD 6 years part-time 12 months MD 2 years full-time Not required MD 1 year full-time + 2 years part time MD 4 years part-time MPhil 1 year full-time 6 months MPhil 2 year part-time

6 The reviews What is reviewed? The first report

7 The first report Often students have relatively few completed sets of data by 8 months The literature review is most important Often the focused reading you do for this “sets the scene” for your entire project and clarifies your aims. How much input can you expect from your supervisors? It is your progress that is being assessed (not your supervisor(s) knowledge)

8 First review – what else is needed?
Report forms completed by the: Student Supervisor(s) Lab books Record of PG skills training events you have attended. Take your review with you And know your way around it Quickly find the pages/results you are most pleased with!

9 Subsequent Review(s) What is needed?
Final assessment to include a detailed thesis plan (“table of contents”)

10 The interview You should arrange this and provide documents for review in good time Your panel may request printed reports There is no fixed duration for the interview The format of the interview is based on the formal oral exam you will have on completion of your PhD/MD thesis (or may have on completion of your MPhil thesis).

11 The reviewers will be hoping for a lively 2-way exchange of knowledge.
You may well find you know better than your reviewers the literature in your area. Be prepared to highlight achievements you are particularly proud of. Don’t be worried if the reviewers suggest additional work – you still have time for this. Make notes so any useful points you discuss are not forgotten



14 Very rare! I usually sign these forms on behalf of the Dean (unless you are my student!). Sometimes I might invite students and/or supervisors for a chat if I feel there is some way I can help

15 Phew – its all over But, you have just written a wonderful literature review Will it now simply collect dust? NO! The review (and its bibliography) will be useful when you write your thesis Maybe the literature review can be converted with little extra effort into a published review Talk to your supervisors about this. Attend the session on 22nd March!

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