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Category of Workers.

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1 Category of Workers

2 A. Three eras of Employment
1. Before 1850’s: farming jobs dominated 1850’s-1950s: factory or manufacturing jobs dominated 1950s – present: service jobs dominate (not an object/useful labor)

3 There are fewer jobs today in farming and manufacturing because…. (1)

4 Category of Workers Level of Education Pay Rate Availability of Perks
Level of Education Pay Rate Availability of Perks % of the Workforce 3 Examples Unskilled Worker Semiskilled Skilled Professional

5 B. Four CATEGORIES OF WORKERS 1. Unskilled
High school or no high school education Minimum wage benefits, paid vacation or retirement rare 19% Manual labor: field work, factory line, hotel cleaning

6 2.Semi-skilled High school education + specialized skills
A bit higher than minimum wage $12.00-$15.00+ benefits, paid vacation or retirement rare 17% Forklift driver, office clerk, check out clerk

7 3. Skilled 6-24 months of education/training
Hourly or monthly salary $20/hr. or $3,200/month + Benefits and paid vacation a possibility, Retirement maybe 35% Mechanic, certified nurses assistant, plumber, electrician, computer technician

8 4. Professional 4 years college or more Annual salary: $45,000/year or more Benefits, vacation and retirement normally guaranteed 29% Teacher, doctor, lawyer, computer engineer

9 What category of worker should all high school graduates try to attain


11 C. Contingent Worker: Part-Time Worker
1. Advantages for employee: a.flexible hours b.possible better pay 2. Advantages for employer: a. Flexible hours b. lack benefits or perks c. Easy discharge


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